Any capilong updates?


New Member
I must admit that after that scissor happy stylist cut my hair I got discouraged about my growth and haven't been using capilong faithfully. I've been using it just 3-4 times a week instead of every night. Today when I was doing my hair I noticed that my hair has grown since the cut five weeks ago so that gave me some encouragement.

Here is my capilong journey:
I started using it in mid to end of october. At the time my hair was uneven. Half of the back was mid neck length and the other half was at the nape of my neck. When I got my relaxer in december half of the back was mid neck and the other half was at the bottom of my neck. At this point I decided to cut my hair evenly and all of it ended up being right at the nape of my neck. I stretched my relaxer to 11 weeks and used capilong faithfully. With my last retouch in march I had a ton of newgrowths. My hair was at the bottom of my neck and that was with all the curly newgrowths so I know it would've been longer than that after my retouch. However that woman cut my hair back to mid neck length (still can't get over it). Now my hair is at the bottom of my neck again and it's only been five weeks since my retouch. Just from eyeballing I think I'm only an inch or two from shoulderlength. I'm getting back on the ball with the capilong and maybe by my next retouch I'll be shoulder length.

Is anyone else still using capilong and seeing progress?
I used capilong for 2 and a half months starting around the same time you did (I think the end of October?) I saw NO additional growth. In fact I was using that and surge and my hair was growing slower. I don't think I will buy anything else that promises hair growth no matter how good the reviews becasue apparently my hair does not respond to topical remedies.
I used it for five months with no additional growth. I sprayed with surge and then sta-fro-sof in the morning and at night the capilong. I now think the two together cancel each other out. I don't know why it took six months for me to get that in my thick skull. I just started this week with step one again and have put the surge away. I am happy to report that for the FIRST time in ages, I do not have flakes. MsPortugal even commented on it when she thoroughly trimmed, then cornrowed my hair AND updated my album (thanks cuz :notworthy).

She put me on a six-month no heat challenge, so I will update at that time. I have exactly that many bottles of capilong, so this is right on time for me. Can't wait to flat-iron and post pics of my bra-strap (if I'm darn lucky) length hair!!
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