Any 4Z's that are BSL?

Thanks again ladies for sharing your successes. All of you have such beautiful hair and it gives me hope that I can turn my hair around. Even if it my hair doesn't get to BSL ... at least it will be healthier!

I understand that patience is key and that my hair isn't going to transform overnight but I feel that my hair is starting to look better already.
rickysrose said:
Hi Everyone,

There are so many ladies here with such beautiful hair!!!! I just joined lhcf!! I've been wearing weaves for years and years and would love to finally take care of my hair and get it to BSL. My hair is shoulder length but damaged and thin and my edges are suffering miserably. I have about 5 inches of new growth, I'll be relaxing it once I get the shedding to stop.

I've got my moisturizers, oil sealer, deep conditioners, protein reconstructor, baggies and my phony pony ... poised and ready.

But I'm wondering if it is even possible for my hair, which I call 4Z, to even get to BSL? Are there any ladies with very tightly coiled hair, that relax and have grown their hair to BSL?

Thanks so much ladies for taking the time to answer a newbies questions!
Hi and welcome :)

I am a 4b/a...and like you it's more 4z..most times 6z. Anywho I have hair past my bra strap. Quick history... I had hair about 19" from front hairline back which I cut in 99 to go natural. I grew it to about 3" from my waist all natural then relaxed in 2004. While relaxed I grew it to my waist. Then June of this year (after much thought) I decided I'm going natural again. June of this year I started chopping it and in August it was above my bra strap but as of today it's back to the end of my brastrap (maybe about 1/2" past).
It's very possible to grow our type of hair all it needs is (in order of importance):

Good luck :)