Anthronotists: Relaxing the last one inch of hair ends to combat ssks?


Well-Known Member
Hear me out!

So after four almost five years natural, I am still contemplating the problem of single strand knots. While I have lost many inches to scissor happy stylist and my own sometimes willful neglect, I have also lost a considerable number of inches to the ssk regime.

Thus, I over the past couple of months I have studied them in great detail...I have even become what some might call an anthronotists, if you will. What I have observed about the knots is that they tend to congregate at within the last inch of the hair shaft. Thinking back on my own experience and in conversations with other naturals, I noticed that many naturals that did longer transitions did not struggles with ssks as much when they still had relaxed ends. I then begin to think, might it be a good idea to relax just the last inch of my ends as a way to combat the ssk regime?

Over the past two years I have struggled (as many of my PM buddies know) with the decision to relax or texturize as a way to combat ssks. I have decided I really don't want to relax my entire head as I love the thickness and texture of my natural hair. That being said, I have also decided that gaining more length is important. While I have isolated other changes in my hair regimen that will help me to achieve my length goals, getting rid of the ssks is paramount.

So, what do we think? As far as technique I am assuming I would separate my hair into thin sections in a horizontal fashion and relax the last inch of hair. After washing it out I would then cornrow that section down and move on to the next section not letting the relaxer stay on for more than a minute.
Have you looked in to using heat instead? Blow drying versus using a perm? Do you wear your hair in wash and go's or do you do stretched styles?
just blowdry it... same effect, if your hair can handle it. plus if you relax it it won't will just look like you got too overzealous when straightening :lol: the general sentiment appears to be that this is not the best idea.

To respond to the the past I have used heat very infrequently...approximately once a year. However, I am open to using it more frequently if it will combat the ssk issue. Over the past year it has been in protective (wigs or full head weaves) or low manipulation (extension braids or twists) styles for most of the year. So far this year (2011) I have been continuing with the low manipulation (under a hat (I lived in upstate NY) for 28 our of 31 days a month). While this has helped to combat ssks...its not necessarily the most stylish option. Once or twice a month I might wear a braid out (for no longer than one day at a time) but I never wash n' go because it would literally be a call to arms for the ssks.
I'm transitioning to (a very textured) texlaxed, but I still have an inch (or two in some places) of bone-straight hair, and I still get ssk's. :ohwell:
I'm transitioning to (a very textured) texlaxed, but I still have an inch (or two in some places) of bone-straight hair, and I still get ssk's. :ohwell:

REALLY? I don't remember a single ssk when I was relaxed. Ugh...on to something else.
I have thought of this too:look:

lol at "Anthronotists"

so far heat usage has pretty much eliminated the knots but my hair is not knot prone to begin with. although upping the heat comes with its own issues:sad:
REALLY? I don't remember a single ssk when I was relaxed. Ugh...on to something else.
I know, right? I thought it was crazy too, so I spent a lot of time thinking about it... more time than I should have, to be honest. :giggle: My conclusion was that the knots at the ends are caused by tangly-ness or texture at the roots. I think the 'activity', lol, at the root kinda throws the rest of the strand into confusion. I cannot wait to get rid of these straight ends, my braidout today looked so anorexic. Don't do it to yourself, homegirl. :nono: :needhug:
