Another Surge Question for Users


Stay at home Mommy
How do you use your surge? Do you only use on your edges, temples, in a problem area or allover your scalp? Also how many times do you apply it? I think the directions say twice a day...Do you only do it once? I know everyone uses it differently so I'm curious. Thanks!
Sascha I use Surge all over my hair and all over my scalp, then I put my oil mixture that I made (Olive oil, carrot oil, coconut oil, and Better Braids Herbal Growth Oil) in my hair so that my hair and scalp are moisturized. I spray Surge in my hair in the morning and before I go to sleep. I wash my hair every three days so that I don't get flaking or buildup.
Thanks Ginsana... Bumping for more answers, I want to see how alot of people are using it so I can figure out how to add it to my routine and to try not to have some of the adverse effects others have had
So far so good!

I use the Moisture Aide all over once a day and I still wash twice a week. I am saving the spray for future braids.