
Well-Known Member
Hi ladies...for those of you who attempted the rollerset with castor oil that i posted last week i tried something new this morning. Maybe this well work for you if the other way didn't. I rollerset my hair while it was damp in a banana clip....

I didn't have time to dry it before work (washed my hair the night before) so i figured I'd just throw them in and see what happened...here are the results..BTW i still used castor oil, but i didn't brush it or comb it at all

it took me about twenty minutes or less...



This is sooooooooooooo beautiful. I am so loving this. *drools*

Honey BOO! I know you ain't drooling over nobody...I had to really hide the scissors from myself after seeing your natural pics yesterday. Your hair is the bomb.com....I wish I was still natural...sometimes!!!
I forgot to add that the night before I DC'ed with a coffee rinse and silk elements moisturizing treatment....this is definitly going to be apart of my regimen from now on...
How pretty and what a great idea! It only took you 20 mins to dry in your rollerset?

yup honestly i don't even think it took that long because I was in a rush....I only used about six rollers...let sit for a lil while and took them out. when I took them out my hair wasn't all the way dry though....which can be a problem if you are trying to attempt this in a humid area...

science lesson just because I'm bored:

Humid air = water in air

Water has cohesive properties = water wants to bond to other water molecules

water from air bonding to water in hair = hot frizzy mess

*** I think I only got away with this because I'm in west texas and it is extremely dry here****