Another Silk Elements testimony


New Member
Hi guys I just wanted to share that I am no longer a phyto pusher, I am now on the SE bandwagon. This is a good relaxer, I purchased it last night. Sally's has it for 3.99(for the 15 o.z.Lye, Mild ). I also got the Luxury Moisturizing Conditioner. I didn't get the neutralizer because I have plenty of Affirm shampoo left. I relaxed, left it in about 15 min and rinsed, shampooed and then deep cond. for about 45 min. That conditioner is the truth. My hair was so soft . I rinsed, blowdried(added a little WGO) and flat ironed. My hair is so soft and silky. I am so shocked because me and lye relaxers usually don't mix but this one is a keeper. Just wanted to share:)
Now, you know a lot of ladies loved it in the beginning and then 3 weeks in they said it reverted on them and it was like they never had a relaxer. I'll be relaxing for the second time with SE on Thursday. First time the regular was too strong and overprocessed my crown and underprocessed the rest because I had to wash out too soon. Using mild this time. It did make my hair feel very smooth and silky though.
No, I don't have pics. I don't have a camera. The main reason I switched from Phyto was because of the cost and my hair seemed to start drying out with continued use.
Cayenne0622 said:
Now, you know a lot of ladies loved it in the beginning and then 3 weeks in they said it reverted on them and it was like they never had a relaxer. I'll be relaxing for the second time with SE on Thursday. First time the regular was too strong and overprocessed my crown and underprocessed the rest because I had to wash out too soon. Using mild this time. It did make my hair feel very smooth and silky though.

I love it too. I dont understand the revert thing. Once the chemicals have altered the hair it's done. But anywho, I love this stuff.

*I am six weeks post.*
We're always happy to welcome a new SE member:) I am 8 wks post and the naps did not return! My hair still feels silky. I use SE regular and got 4 lbs for $9.99. I never knew a relaxer could feel so good:lachen: :lachen: :lachen:
I love this relaxer! l0l..I'm on my 11th week, I'm waiting until next friday to do my relaxer.. I can't wait, I've got to pick up that conditioner. Glad to see you like it

Thanks for sharing your relaxer experience.

Do you thin this would be good for textlaxing?

If so what stregnth and how long shouldone process the hair?

Thank you for your time.

Posts like this convince me that I need to get the silk elements relaxer. I am relaxing on Saturday but I can't choose between the silk elements or the ORS relaxer :scratchch
Dandy112 said:
Posts like this convince me that I need to get the silk elements relaxer. I am relaxing on Saturday but I can't choose between the silk elements or the ORS relaxer :scratchch

What was your last relaxer? If it was a no lye try ORS, if it was Lye, try SE. JMO:)
growingbrown said:
What was your last relaxer? If it was a no lye try ORS, if it was Lye, try SE. JMO:)

My last relaxer was a Mizani relaxer and I think that is lye, I am not to sure :confused: ...but I like idea you presented to choose between the 2 relaxers!

Thanks! :)
Plenty said:

Thanks for sharing your relaxer experience.

Do you thin this would be good for textlaxing?

If so what stregnth and how long shouldone process the hair?

Thank you for your time.


I think it would be a good texlaxer. Try the mild formula or if you usually use super, try the regular formula.
Adrian said:
I think it would be a good texlaxer. Try the mild formula or if you usually use super, try the regular formula.

I plan on using the mild for the first time to texlax with next week.
This is a great relaxer. I moved to this to Self Relax and this is the easiest relaxer stretch I have ever done. I am now 11 weeks post shooting for 14 weeks. I was formerly using Mizani and getting relaxers from my stylist.
tenderheaded said:
We're always happy to welcome a new SE member:) I am 8 wks post and the naps did not return! My hair still feels silky. I use SE regular and got 4 lbs for $9.99. I never knew a relaxer could feel so good:lachen: :lachen: :lachen:

Perhaps I should give the regular a try. I had a reversion issue but it was because I underprocessed purposly (I used mild and left it on for like 8 minutes), but I was a little more under processed than I expected. I can say this for the SE relaxer. I did not damage my hair one bit and I was fresh out of braids for years and my head was toe up!!! My hair should have jumped out onto the floor by all accounts because I relaxed it so soon.

In conclusion, I prefer to have a litlte reversion problem and some hair on my head than two straight strands :lachen: :lachen: :lachen:
Dandy112 said:
Posts like this convince me that I need to get the silk elements relaxer. I am relaxing on Saturday but I can't choose between the silk elements or the ORS relaxer :scratchch

Me either, not sure which one to choose.
No Lye vs Lye

kitkat3ny said:
Me either, not sure which one to choose.

The difference is that SE is Lye, and ORS is No Lye. So I guess it depends on what your hair likes best Lye or No Lye.

KitKat, I was asking on the Profectiv thread what type of relaxer did you use before you used the Profectiv? It's a no Lye so perhaps our hair doesn't like it when we switch between the two. Profectiv has very simular ingrediants in the relaxer as ORS, execpt ORS includes the replenishing pack to be used directly after the relaxer, which is mega conditioning.
Adrian said:
Hi guys I just wanted to share that I am no longer a phyto pusher, I am now on the SE bandwagon. This is a good relaxer, I purchased it last night. Sally's has it for 3.99(for the 15 o.z.Lye, Mild ). I also got the Luxury Moisturizing Conditioner. I didn't get the neutralizer because I have plenty of Affirm shampoo left. I relaxed, left it in about 15 min and rinsed, shampooed and then deep cond. for about 45 min. That conditioner is the truth. My hair was so soft . I rinsed, blowdried(added a little WGO) and flat ironed. My hair is so soft and silky. I am so shocked because me and lye relaxers usually don't mix but this one is a keeper. Just wanted to share:)

I picked up two tubs at Sally's for the same price the other day. I've never used it before, and have been DYING to try it. I also got the "Silk Elements Mega Cholesterol Treatment" which smells AMAZING!!!

Anyway, this is like the seventh testimonial I've come across in the past few weeks. I'm trying not to relax my hair until mid December '06-January '07, but testimonials like this are making excited!:creatures