Another Scissor Happy Stylist..Im Pssed!


Well-Known Member
Ladies, I'm no longer shoulder length. I'm back to neck length. I can't believe it! All of my work for the year is gone! What is about asking for the ends just to be dusted that these idiots don't understand! Here is the story. At the recommendation of a friend, since my hair had grown back I was looking for a rod set for company's party tonight. I call the salon describe what I wanted, explaining that in the past when I got a rod it was done on the orange perm rods. She said that they did not use the perm rods for that set but used the flexi instead. Ok sounds good that should work. Got to the salon yesterday, she looked at my hair and I explain some more what I was looking for. She said that normally hair is about 12 inches before they do flexirod sets and indicated that she could do it on very small magnetic rollers is I wanted the curly look that would drop in a few days. She showed me a couple of the small rollers but I just didn't think that would give me the look that I was looking for and was a little hesistate. So she then suggested that we just do there signature look which is flowing, bouncy straight hair that moves, you know the swing. Well, that's really my style anyway so I felt that I'd just better stick with what I know since it had been years since I had a rod and I didn't what the tight headed grandma look for tonight. Just to give some back ground on this shop, they use all Aveda products and other natural products. There main thing is healthy hair. They do only roller sets. I think she even told me that they didn't use curling irons. She explained that she would set my hair on the magnetic rollers. I told her that I used purple and red and home. She said not problem, she would set the hair, take it down us the blow dryer and roller brush for their signature style. Whoa...mind now I just told her earlier that I had not used a blow dryer for over a year and did the curling iron only around 6 weeks on post relaxer. But I figured just one time blow drying with good products wouldn't hurt since I've been taking good care of my hair and she is using top notch products. She even put some Aveda Damage Remedy on my hair and put me under the dryer without me requesting this. That impressed me because stylist will not give you deep cond unless you request. After she rinsed out the cond she proceeded to trim my ends. I told her that I had not had them trimmed since June purposely because I was letting it grow out and most stylist would take too much off so I was just dusting them myself. She was real convining that I would not lose my lenth that she would just nip. Of course my back is turned from the mirror. She part my hair down the middle in the front and then she part across, almost as if you're getting touch up. She then part across the nape and snip, she parts the next piece up and snip. I'm thinking if I'm just getting a nip, why does this seem so defined. This continues until she's done. She set my hair and while setting one of the rollers fall out. It's green. So I'm thinking why is a little green roller first of all in my hair when I use red and purple and then it will not stay. I knew then my length was gone. Once my hair is dried the main stylist that does the finishing product proceeds to remove the rollers. He takes a hair brush and brushes me out. That's a no no to me. He then tells me how healthy my hair looks and now he begins their signature. Part the hair and blow each piece with a round brush. I'm cringing because this to me is using direct heat. I'm convincing myself that once in a year and half will not hurt. He does spray my hair with nice smelling Aveda product. He used some Brilliant serum as well. When he's done he turns me to the mirror and my hair is gorgeous, shiny, bouncy and the works. But much Shorter! I couldn't belief the length that was gone. He did a nice job and we chatted about it. She then walks in a saids OH that looks so good, which it did but in the same breath the length must have shocked her once it was dry because said that I cut more than I planned to because it was broken in the back. Liar! Now have this blunt even all around cut. My nape is really cut short. She actually cut a style not a nip. I then my total bill was $66. She had the nerve to ask if I wanted to schedule another appt. I'm thinking Hell TA DA NA! First she will never come near my head again with scissors and I'm not about to get a blow dry and round brush style that frequent. My thinking is you're focusing on healthy hair but how could your signature be a hot as blow dryer with brush me healthy. Aveda and that good to combat. When I got home my husband looked at me and just shook his and said there goes your arm pit length my next year this time. I couldn't sleep last night over this. I guess I will just start over for the new year with fresh cut. I would go there again but NEVER will another stylist bring scissors near me head again. I'm even thinking about ordering some MTG now and that scares me. I'll just od on vitamins. I plan to have my husband take a pic to post. At least you will see my starting point for the New Year. Bunning for sure now.
Rule #1 - never let the stylist turn you away from the mirror w/scissors in hand....

Did you say anything to her like "why the hellz did you cut all of my hair off when I asked for a trim/dusting?"
I will always rember rule number one from now on. Once she made the comment that she cut more than she had planned because some of the back was broken I just looked at her and nicely said that's okay. Really it was not okay but I just did not want to disrespect her in from of other clients. This is a mother son businesss and her son is a great stylist and over all visit was good. But good Lawd I don't know why she did that! I do plan to call her this morning and ask why did she cut so much off when we discussed it great detail. I just need to let her know that I'm NOT happy with the length and maybe once I get that off my chest I can move forward with this. Honestly, it so nice and bouncy and shiny this morning after me wrapping it last night. It was hard to wrap last night and kept falling down, but I finally got it up. I'm not putting some magnetic rollers in it just to see what I'm dealing with. So far I'm able to put the red ones in, but I know at the nape the red ones will not work. What is this cut called where most of the length is on the top and goes w down even to the neck. Maybe some one can define it for me. I sooo hard to get the hair at the nape to grow so I know this will be a challenge for me to get to Arm pit in one year.
janeemat said:
I will always rember rule number one from now on. Once she made the comment that she cut more than she had planned because some of the back was broken I just looked at her and nicely said that's okay. Really it was not okay but I just did not want to disrespect her in from of other clients. This is a mother son businesss and her son is a great stylist and over all visit was good. But good Lawd I don't know why she did that! I do plan to call her this morning and ask why did she cut so much off when we discussed it great detail. I just need to let her know that I'm NOT happy with the length and maybe once I get that off my chest I can move forward with this. Honestly, it so nice and bouncy and shiny this morning after me wrapping it last night. It was hard to wrap last night and kept falling down, but I finally got it up. I'm not putting some magnetic rollers in it just to see what I'm dealing with. So far I'm able to put the red ones in, but I know at the nape the red ones will not work. What is this cut called where most of the length is on the top and goes w down even to the neck. Maybe some one can define it for me. I sooo hard to get the hair at the nape to grow so I know this will be a challenge for me to get to Arm pit in one year.

I guess I get quick with my tounge - you wouldn't have been disrespecting her and if she felt that you were oh well. She disrespected your wishes by cutting more than you asked for.

Well, at least it feels healthy and you like the look - minus a few inches:mad:
Girl, I'm trying not to stress about this too much. I'm off today and have company function to attend. I had to take a tranquilizer to go to sleep last night. If I were not a part of this board, this may not have been such a big deal. But since our motive is grow long hair this makes it twice as bad. I will spread the word that's she is scissor happy DO NOT let her near your head. I plan to go there again probably in about six months with no trim again and I'm going to sit in her chair take total control of my own hair. She'll find out soon enough that I mean business. Have u ever used MTG?

This is sad I just had to put beige rollers at the nape of my hair. The green ones are falling out. Before going to her I used red rollers at the nape. I'm sounding off and call her right now!
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janeemat said:
Girl, I'm trying not to stress about this too much. I'm off today and have company function to attend. I had to take a tranquilizer to go to sleep last night. If I were not a part of this board, this may not have been such a big deal. But since our motive is grow long hair this makes it twice as bad. I will spread the word that's she is scissor happy DO NOT let her near your head. I plan to go there again probably in about six months with no trim again and I'm going to sit in her chair take total control of my own hair. She'll find out soon enough that I mean business. Have u ever used MTG?

nope, never used MTG
a good reminder of why I don't go to stylists at all anymore.

I'm sorry this happened to you. It happened to me once also, back in the day. Once bitten, twice shy. I have thoughts of going to the salon when I get past waist length for a trim. But stories like this make me rethink that idea. I guess we need to be very assertive in the salon. We can't be afraid to speak up for ourselves before, during or after, no matter how uncomfortable it might be.

Again, sorry this happened to you.
Im sorry this happened to you. I know how frustrating it is to see all your hard work go down the drain.:perplexed From now on, start doing your own trims, my dear, or get a loved one to help you with it. The only time I go to stylists are when Im getting relaxed, and I make sure I tell them no trims. Dont worry, you'll get your length back.:)
Sorry this happened to you. But your hair sounds beautiful. One thing I always do is tell stylist I trimmed my hair 2-3 weeks ago, even if it isn't true. That way they are less inclined to cut or argue with me about it.
Girl, I am so sorry this happened to you. The next time you go to a stylist (if ever), you are going to have to tell them not to trim, dust, cut, etc. Just make it clear that you want NO scissors at all. I used to go to some scissor happy stylists where they were just like, "Oh...I'm just gonna trim a little. Less than 1/4 an inch." That "little" always turned out to be about an inch or an inch and a half and I'm thinking..."Um...what was the point of me having new growth?" And I would get my relaxers done about every six weeks in high school and ALWAYS, the beautician would want to give me a "trim" after every touchup. Well, the last time I went this new girl wanted to cut (although she swore she was only going to trim about 1/4 an inch) and I don't know how many times I had to say no! One time should've been enough but every time I turned around she or my cousins (or even one of the stylists' friends who came in) were trying to get me to let those scissors near my head and it was still an adamant NO. Funny how she lied because one of my cousins called me AFTER I got home and tried to persuade me to go back and get my ends cut and she said in her voicemail that the beautician told her she was "only going to cut about an inch or two." Funny how 1/4 an inch equates to one or two, right? I used to think the same thing you did about not wanting to disrespect them but now I've learned it's not about disrespecting the stylists, it's about RESPECTING my hair and not letting her chop off my progress.
Dang ! I am sorry this happened, even though your style sounds really pretty. I had the same incident happen to me in November 2004. After she finished my supposed dusting trim she was like--"Oh I cut more than I had planned to." She was supposed to be giving me a trim / dusting and ended up giving me an inverted bobb cut !!!! The style / cut was nice but she ended up doing what she wanted to do to my hair instead of what I asked her for !!!! I found hairboards like 2 to 3 weeks later !!!!
Cichelle said:
a good reminder of why I don't go to stylists at all anymore.

I'm sorry this happened to you. It happened to me once also, back in the day. Once bitten, twice shy. I have thoughts of going to the salon when I get past waist length for a trim. But stories like this make me rethink that idea. I guess we need to be very assertive in the salon. We can't be afraid to speak up for ourselves before, during or after, no matter how uncomfortable it might be.

Again, sorry this happened to you.

Me too. the OP just brings back BAAAAAD flashbacks of when this happened to me. I've heard that you have to physically show a stylist what length your talking about on your body and with your hands marking a specific point on you hair, then make them show you on your hair too, don't just say long, or shoulder length that changes form person to person. Stylist long is not LHCF long.
Stylist shoulder length=neck length to me

I feel your pain so sorry I know it is not want you wanted that happen to me last in October when got my touch up after four month stretch.
I thought the stylist was clipping my ends dam dam another layered haircut. My hair look great though only comfort will take JLove74 advice always from now on growing out nicely now.
Thanks ladies for your support. I called the salon this morning but got the voicemail. I don't think I'm going to even bother about asking her why she did not do as I requested. At this point it does not matter. My plan is to go back with another 6 months worth of no trim ends and that's when I will set her straight. I'm pretty good at doing my own hair and the only time I go to the salon is to my stylist for my touch up every 8-9 wks. I just wanted something a little different for tonight. I guess I got it too. I'm going to start fresh after Christmas slightly revamp my regimen. I will share that with you all later once I think it through some. I Must GAIN and RETAIN 6 inches in 2007! WARNING: DO NOT LET A STYLIST NEAR YOUR HAIR WITH SCISSORS! This is serious business.
I'm sorry that happened to you, I have had that exprience before. I haven't been to the salon for almost a year now, and I'm too scared to go again:look: Your hair will grow back in no time, hang in there.
scoobygirl said:
Sorry this happened to you. But your hair sounds beautiful. One thing I always do is tell stylist I trimmed my hair 2-3 weeks ago, even if it isn't true. That way they are less inclined to cut or argue with me about it.
Yep, this is me all day!!:lol:
janeemat said:
Thanks ladies for your support. I called the salon this morning but got the voicemail. I don't think I'm going to even bother about asking her why she did not do as I requested. At this point it does not matter. My plan is to go back with another 6 months worth of no trim ends and that's when I will set her straight. I'm pretty good at doing my own hair and the only time I go to the salon is to my stylist for my touch up every 8-9 wks. I just wanted something a little different for tonight. I guess I got it too. I'm going to start fresh after Christmas slightly revamp my regimen. I will share that with you all later once I think it through some. I Must GAIN and RETAIN 6 inches in 2007! WARNING: DO NOT LET A STYLIST NEAR YOUR HAIR WITH SCISSORS! This is serious business.

Don't even bother going back to her, she'll just cut you hair off and say see you should come to me, more often so you won't have so much splits/damaged hair, if you can learn how do do your hair yourself, you won't take that chance that she or someone else will disrepect your wishes and do what they want in your hair. Maybe you can find someone just for touch ups, no trimms/cuts ever-do that yourself. Just lie like the ladies stated i just got a trimm.
I was thinking about getting a real trimm soon, but your story has just reminded me how evil some people can be.
A while ago I half straightened my hair then got it trimmed at supercuts type place they did what I asked then I went to a stylist to flat iron my hair, this old lady w/ her grandkids were like oh you hairs so pretty, then she came behind me with the scissors while I was checking the mirror, If I hadn't gotten up, she would have hacked it off I'm sure, I was like I didn't ask you for a cut, she's like um you didn't? (real slick right) then I'm like I just got a trimm. I've never gone back even though they do a swinging flat iron. Alot fo the longer haired ladies here don't go to stylists and they have got thick, long ,healthy hair. Watch your back.
Just foloow Supergirls tip: STay away from scissor happy stylists.
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Thanks Lucia. I already have a stylist that does my relaxers and does a wonderful job. He is not scissor happy and only cut at my request. He's very pricey so I don't generally let him trim. He takes a little more off than I want but NEVER this drastic. As far as Ms. Lady that has bobbied me; her reasoning is there were split ends and more than she noticed until she began to cut. She then commented that it will nicely grow back now in 5 to 6 months. I wanted to say Hang I know that already. I nicely told her that I did not appreciate her getting so scissor happy without discussing more with me. However, I was sure to ask her the 3 things she used on my hair prior to setting it so that I can run out and make the purchase. (Aveda Elixir) which I have already. (Aveda Styling Currence) have to purchase and something called Dry Set or something like that. I think it's by Quene Helene. She told me where to purchase it. It just would have been nice to have this bouncy shiny swing with the length I had before going to her.
I AM SO SORRY. I read your story and I wanted to cry for you. That would piss me off. That's why I stopped going. Thank God my mom is a hairdresser (and a nurse), but she get scissor happy too. I have to stay away from her too when she does my hair.
angie10 said:
I'm sorry that happened to you, I have had that exprience before. I haven't been to the salon for almost a year now, and I'm too scared to go again:look: Your hair will grow back in no time, hang in there.

I agree with Angie. I have been there before and i know first hand your anger. So sorry this happened to you. You will have some lovely locks when they grow back. :)
This is just heartbreaking!! Only very experienced stylists can trim/dust hair wet. Everyone else just takes off too much.

Take solace in the fact that your ends are clean. If you keep bunning throughout 07, you'll easily keep your growth.

Good luck!!
:cry3: :cry3: :cry3: :cry3: She needs a good :spank:
Im so, so,so,so,so,so, sorry.
I know this mess all too well.
It will soon be just a bad memory. Try mixing MN and castor oil to speed up the growth.

All my best
I think when I visit a salon in the future I will simply state:

I want my hair trimmed 'this' much, no more or I will not patronize any more.
I wouldn't worry about it. You can start off fresh and anew with freshly cut ends.

And don't be mad about it... you let her do your hair. Plus you agreed that it looked nice. If you were really mad, you would have told her about it and not pay for the whole price or not pay anything at all. Avoid excessive manipulation and you will be straight.

And don't stress yourself about reaching a certain length by a certain date... that's gonna drive you crazy. Relax, be patient, and enjoy your hair.
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tsiporah said:
I think when I visit a salon in the future I will simply state:

I want my hair trimmed 'this' much, no more or I will not patronize any more.

This is a good Ideal let them know from the door that you will not come back again.
Janeemat, I am so, so sorry to hear about what happen to you. Personally I don't think I would have been so calm. It takes a lot to get this hair on our heads and for someone to carelessly cut it off and then tell you after the fact, oh yeah you had some splits or some damage. Which they could have told you beforehand and let you make the choice of whether you wanted it cut or not, shows a serious lack of respect for you the client. I would not go back ever plus, you should let her know exactly how you feel and the shop owner, most importantly the shop owner. I personally would call around and go to a stylist that catered to long hair. My girlfriend has below bra strap hair she only goes to salons that work with long hair. I remember her making the phone calls years ago and just recently I asked her about it and she said because they love to cut your hair off. huh not this head they aren't. I do not go to the shop and haven't since I had my big chop in April. I was thinking about going for a trim but not sure who I can trust just yet. I might not get a trim. I might just wait, because if someone cuts my hair shorter then I want theres going to be trouble, trouble:mad:
I know what I might do, to "show them" just walk passed that salon where the stylist tried to cut my hair, make sure they see me swinging my now even longer hair, and watch their mouths drop open. If they ask me who does my hair, I'll say I do and remind them how shady their stylist was by trying to cut my hair without my permission.
So she disrespected you (OP) and you are going to REWARD her with more of your $$? Yeah, that'll send the message.:(