Another question for texturized ladies


Well-Known Member
I notice that some of you in your regimes say that you comb your hair when you apply the relaxer, and some of you don't. What I would like to know is:

1). !ho does OR doesn't comb their hair with the relaxer or texturizer in?
2). For how long do you leave it in if you do or don't comb it?
3). and how straight or curly does it come out if you don't or do comb it?

Haha... thanks ladies! :)
I don't comb my hair while relaxing, i think my hair would fall out if i did. I smooth the relaxer with my finger tips. I leave it on for about 20 min, and it takes 15 min to apply. My hair is wavy for the first few weeks and then turns curly. Is that weird?
I never combed or smoothed my roots when I did a texturizer touch up. My hair gets straight extremely fast so if I had, I would have ended up severly overprocessed. I think it depends on your hair texture and your reasons for texturizing. I texturized to reduce the volume in my hair, not alter the texture. I would rinse immediately after reaching the top of my hair, since that part was the least coarse. My hair would still be very curly but thinner and with reduced shrinkage when I wore a wash n go.
Eiano said:
I notice that some of you in your regimes say that you comb your hair when you apply the relaxer, and some of you don't. What I would like to know is:

1). !ho does OR doesn't comb their hair with the relaxer or texturizer in?
2). For how long do you leave it in if you do or don't comb it?
3). and how straight or curly does it come out if you don't or do comb it?

Haha... thanks ladies! :)

I texturize my hair to loosen the curl pattern, not to make it straight. I want to retain as much of the hair's tensile strength as possible while still having it combable.

I'm a 4a/b so my hair remains on the coily side when allowed to dry without being pulled straight yet is compliant enough to form a nice pony tail when required to do so.

I DO NOT comb the relaxer through my hair, I apply the relaxer in sections (8 sections) and time each individually. I allow the texture to release with virtually no manipulation to the hair whatsoever aside from testing the straightness every few minutes by simply separating a few strands of hair and monitoring their progress. I leave the relaxer on no section more than 8 minutes (using a mild formula) before rinsing and proceeding to the next section. My hair can still form a puff or fro if I so chose. I could take it straighter but with it comes the breakage by hair is known for. :nono: I texturize to about 70% straightness. There are photos of it in my photo gallery and the texturizer technique is described in detail in my journal.

Sengschic had beautifully texturized hair, I think her balance is perfect (for MY tastes). I hope to achieve that balance as my hair grows longer.
I comb and smooth through my hair when I texturize and it becomes very curly. I have not experience any breakage so far. To see the end results pics are in my album.
Wow... it's so funny how different people's regimes are and how different the hair comes out!

WesternEyes, I really like the way your hair came out, that'd probably be most managable for *ME* at this point in my life!!

thanks 4 the replies
Eiano said:
Wow... it's so funny how different people's regimes are and how different the hair comes out!

WesternEyes, I really like the way your hair came out, that'd probably be most managable for *ME* at this point in my life!!

thanks 4 the replies

One thing you might want to keep in mind is your starting hair texture. WesternEyes has beautiful hair, very true...she's also a 3 b/c...if you're not of similar hair type, your results will most likely not be the same even though you are using the same technique....

If you are....GO FOR IT you have a very good idea what your end result may be!
Nope - no combing for me - too much risk of straightening - sometimes I smooth lightly with my fingers, but not always.
I never comb the relaxer on the newgrowth, I just use the back of the comb to smooth it or my fingers. I leave mine in for 10 minutes instead of the recommended 25 minutes for my coarse hair. It loosens the kink in my hair.