Another MSM Review


Well-Known Member
I just thought that I would share my thoughts/results on MSM. I started taking MSM in Dec (TriMedica powder). I started out taking a 1/4 tsp and now I take 1/2. I have been taking vitamins pretty consistant for 20 yrs, but never MSM. I took biotin, L-Cystein plus C, Silica just to name a few hair contributers. I still take these and other vitamins as well. I listed those just for FYI. My point is until I began taking MSM, my texture had NEVER changed. This stuff truly changes your hair and makes it softer. I'm 6wks post this Wed and I can't even tell it. My ng is like another head of hair. And my kitchen. The beady beads are gone. My husband even noticed that. I can now manage my ng and can definitely stretch without a problem. In the past, at 6wks it would have been relaxer time. My hair is also thicker, stronger, healthier and is definitely growing. Of course some credit goes to me taking better care of my hair, but I can clearly tell the difference since beginning the MSM. This is really a good thing, because in 2007 I plan to relax only 4 times. My next relaxer is scheduled for May 16th which will be 12 wks. I'm going to try to add 2 extra wks. So ladies this is definitely a keeper!
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I will co sign on this. I'm 11 weeks post (usually would never go beyond 6 weeks) and my hair is still manageable. Granted I'm not wearing any straight styles at this point (only braid outs), but my ng is softer than it has ever been. I've only been taking MSM (3,000 mg) for about two weeks (just got my fist headache today:( ), and I see the difference already. WOOHOO!!!!:D
Thank you for this review and info. I am going to buy MSM, but my whole issue was the brand and form. As of now, I truly want to purchase the powder form.

One more thing....does the hair revert back to the natural texture after you stop taking MSM? I don't mind a tex change, but I truly love my natural new growth, and dont want it too wavy... I love the curlies/coils. :-)
One more thing....does the hair revert back to the natural texture after you stop taking MSM? I don't mind a tex change, but I truly love my natural new growth, and dont want it too wavy... I love the curlies/coils. :-)Today 11:03 AM

I'm not sure about this. But honestly, the benefits of taking MSM go far beyond hair, so I think it will be a mainstay for me for a really long time. :)
I'm not sure if it reverts back or not. I'm just happy with the outcome now. As the other poster stated and I agree that the benefits are far more than hair. I just focused on the hair benefits since this is a hair forum. But to name a few other benefits: No monthly breakouts, smoother glowing skin, no more hip pain that I would get from jogging.
Another benie is mild to no pms symptoms. I have terrible pms. Usually, the week before, my body goes on a rampage (cramping, headaches, back aches, break outs, fatigue, mood swings, etc). This month, I actually thought I was going to skip a month because I had NO symptoms the week before. The day it started was a total surprise. I had very mild cramping. I didn't need any medication (Midol) at all this month. :eek: