another lurker out of the closet


New Member
Hello everyone,
I have to thank nappystorm for her invite, I have stalked you ladies hard for a year and have learne so much, between the castor oil, the joico and the aubrey hsr my neck length bob is looking thick and healthy so much so that my parents were fussing over which side of the family I got my hair from something they never did when I hade my broken dry head of hair since I was a pro at lurking I know that you guys want Pics I will as soon a I learn how but for now I want to thank you ladies for sharing your knowledge .
I'm new too.... lurked for ONE day and was so hooked I stayed up all night on Christmas Eve, how crazy is that?!? This hair journey is going to be the end of me (smile). But this too shall pass, yes it will, yes it will! My hair is SL with alternating good days and bad days. I went Natural 5 years ago, and been "out there" on my own which was not a good thing. I stopped going to the salon to avoid scissors happy stylist. Well, you guessed it, I would end up trimming more off 2" or more:wallbash:...very noticeable to everyone. Bottom line, this site shows promise and will help save me from myself! Good luck on your journey and be blessed!