Another hair update! How long do you think...


Well-Known Member will take me to get to BSL from my Oct. update? I'm sorry at the quality of the pic, but I'm traveling and only have my camera phone. When I get back home, I'll post my compare with my trusty shirt :)

For the WHOLE 15 month comparison (all post tranisition) check out this thread.

I did not have a trim this time around and pray to be closer to BSL by the end of the year. I've given up hopes of getting to BSL by Dec. 31st, but at least I'm closer now than I was in Jan. :) BTW, for me personally, I consider BSL when my hair is in the middle of my bra. I'm short, so it doesn't seem to take much ;)

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Hard to say without a measurement:scratchch, but looks like you don't need more than 2 inches to get there. Its possible that you could still make it by year's end barring any trims:up:
You should be there by december. You hair looks great girl. I remember when you were just shoulder was like yesterday.
Well, I can't say exactly how long, but I don't think it's gonna take a real long time because it looks like you take pretty good care of your hair. In other words, SOON. :yep:
You should be there by december. You hair looks great girl. I remember when you were just shoulder was like yesterday.[/quote]

OOOKKKAAAAYYY!!! Girl, it does seem like yesterday :) I must say it has gotten easier since I got past the shoulder length hurdle. I thought I'd NEVER get to APL from SL. Patience and encouragement makes a world of difference ;)
Thanks y'all!

Determined, I'm shooting for late January or even Feb. I'd be scheduled for my next texlax sometime in January, so I pray to finally realize that goal by then.

My goals were APL, then BSL, then FULL BSL (meaning front & back), then MBL, then a thick and lush MBL.

MBL right now is my long term goal and I hope to be there by this time next year with a couple of trims in there.
Whoa - I definitely think you will make it! I think at one point
*many MANY many months ago (before my setbacks) we established that we were hair twins - or I decided that and never told you- lol.
Keep up the great work I am sure u will make all of your goals!!!

Do you wear your hair in a bun or some sort of variation everyday???

Thanks y'all!

Determined, I'm shooting for late January or even Feb. I'd be scheduled for my next texlax sometime in January, so I pray to finally realize that goal by then.

My goals were APL, then BSL, then FULL BSL (meaning front & back), then MBL, then a thick and lush MBL.

MBL right now is my long term goal and I hope to be there by this time next year with a couple of trims in there.
Whoa - I definitely think you will make it! I think at one point
*many MANY many months ago (before my setbacks) we established that we were hair twins - or I decided that and never told you- lol.
Keep up the great work I am sure u will make all of your goals!!!

Do you wear your hair in a bun or some sort of variation everyday???

I thought the bolded was funny! LOL!

Girl, no, I no longer slave to a bun or any other specific hair style. I pretty much do my hair how I want it to look for that day now. Typically without direct heat though. I try to use heat only when I go to the beauty salon, but have caved in at home on occasion if I want to wear it down and straight and don't have an appointment. Either way, I don't use direct heat on my hair more than twice in one month. I go from roller sets, straight with wraps to pony tails and buns on occasion. Bunning is more rare these days and is pretty much reserved for my "bad hair days".

My hair was horrible when I bunned every day... I guess everyone has different results :)
Well, I can't say exactly how long, but I don't think it's gonna take a real long time because it looks like you take pretty good care of your hair. In other words, SOON. :yep:

I agree. Your hair looks really good. very healthy and thick. I can't wait to get to where you are. I love black hair. Do you use rinses or dyes or is it naturally that black?
I agree. Your hair looks really good. very healthy and thick. I can't wait to get to where you are. I love black hair. Do you use rinses or dyes or is it naturally that black?

Thanks! I haven't had a rinse in over 8 or 9 months. I do rinse it occasionally but lately I haven't had to :)
WOW. You have really come a long way with your hair. You've made such great progress. Whatever you're doing, keep it up. You'll reach your hair goals in no time.

Your hair is soooo healthy looking! :drunk::drunk::drunk:
first of all... your hair is beautiful...

I think you may get to your goal by the end of this year. If by any chance you have some setback along the way... you should be there no later than the end of Jan.
Your hair is so pretty. You are almost there...I would say you could reach our standard of BSL by the end of the year...but may Jan/Feb for your standard. Whichever one you reach first, I know it will be GAWJUS!!! HHG!!! will take me to get to BSL from my Oct. update? I'm sorry at the quality of the pic, but I'm traveling and only have my camera phone. When I get back home, I'll post my compare with my trusty shirt :)

For the WHOLE 15 month comparison (all post tranisition) check out this thread.

I did not have a trim this time around and pray to be closer to BSL by the end of the year. I've given up hopes of getting to BSL by Dec. 31st, but at least I'm closer now than I was in Jan. :) BTW, for me personally, I consider BSL when my hair is in the middle of my bra. I'm short, so it doesn't seem to take much ;)

Your hair is beautiful by the way!!
It looks like if you don't make it by the end of the year, you should be there by January/February with no problem.....

I was just thinking about the same thing from where my length is now, but I guess I'll wait to my next touch in November to get a better idea...
Hey FAMUDiva! Your hair looks great! I think december is very realistic..keep them ends moist, you will be past bra strap in a hot minute. Good to see your progress...I really need to add new pics for my photo album..