
Human being
i was telling my sister how short i think my hair is by comparing it to some ladies at church (i know i should've been listening to the priest instead). i thought my hair was a little below ear length. she's like: "no you have a lot more hair than thaaaat!" i was shocked so i took a pic with my cell and shocked myself. I'M ALMOST SHOULDER!! i'm so excited. pic in my album
Wow, I am amazed at your progress. I'm looking at the June pic where the back of your hair was top of neck, and 2 months later it's bottom of neck. That's amazing! Your hair also looks so healthy!! That's the great thing about recording progress in pictures, you can really see the difference. I can't wait to see where you'll be by the end of the year!
Your hair has definitely grown and it looks very healthy too. Keep it up girl. Looking good!
redRiot said:
Wow, I am amazed at your progress. I'm looking at the June pic where the back of your hair was top of neck, and 2 months later it's bottom of neck. That's amazing! Your hair also looks so healthy!! That's the great thing about recording progress in pictures, you can really see the difference. I can't wait to see where you'll be by the end of the year!

I can't wait either! without pictures i'd have given up a long time ago.
Yay! :clap:

That's why it's so important to take progress shots, for those days when you have hair anorexia, then you can look at all your pics and compare how much progress your hair has made.

Congrats! :D