Anniversary Party...


New Member
Do you all think that 10 years is too early to celebrate with an anniversary party?

I want to have a huge party for our 10th, but others (hating, single family members) think its too early.:rolleyes:

I'm planning to have a private vowel renewal ceremony in the morning and a formal reception that night. I'm not looking for gifts or anything- just a good time with family and friends.

What do y'all think?
Heck no, that's not too early!! A decade is something to celebrate!!

If they think it's too early, they can just send their regrets and not come to your ppaaarrrtttyy!!

And congrats!!
nope not too early at all. if i get remarried i'd renew my vows every few years and truly celebrate every anniversary.
Ok, so it isn' just me.... thanks.

We still have a few years to go before we hit that mark. So many of my friends are getting married and I've been getting excited about having an anniversary party. :yep: You know- entertainment, decor, invite lists...

I will continue to plan and look forward to our next milestone. YEAH!!!
Not at all. I will (shortly) be sending out "save the date" invites for next year's 10th anniversary.

Are the naysayers married?
I'm two years from my 25th wedding anniversary and I'm getting excited too about having a party! I love that you are happily married and are looking forward to your 10th anniversary, it's so refreshing and sweet. Why would anyone want to deny you that joy? Pay them no nevermind. I am like you, I don't want gifts either, just want to celebrate and have fun.
Nope my cousins celebrated their 5 year anniversary with friends and family at a restaurant. Casual and cool. 10 is a landmark. PARTTEEEE!