An Update to my Update... same day but a whole new attitude *more pics*


New Member
Hello Ladies!

I've finished my 5th BKT and I feel much better now that I can see that the knots didn't do as much irreparable damage as I'd thought. Once they were removed it was much easier to get my hair smooth til the ends. I'm going to wait until tomorrow to go back and get any splits that I may have missed.

I thank you ladies so so so much for the words of encouragement. I'm actually feeling much better about my hair and can see that I've actually made some progress. I wish I had someone to take a pic for me from the back but alas... I will have a new picture taker by my next update :yep: :giggle:

After first trim and BKT. Still need to go through and grab lingering splits:


OMG!! Is that... swing?? I've NEVER had swing!!


I can't wait to see how much it swings when I fully recover from my minor set back. Oh BSL... We shall meet... soon, my friend. Soon :yep:
It looks gorgeous!!! And I love that swing and the shine :thud:!!
what did you use? the one we shall not name?
It looks gorgeous!!! And I love that swing and the shine :thud:!!

Thank you, Sis!!! I can't even believe it! The pics do not do it justice, it is soooo pretty in person. And feels like silk! I can't believe my hair can go from an utter disappointment to the hair I love again in a single day. All I needed was a trim and a plan. :drunk:

what did you use? the one we shall not name?

Sigh... yep, I'm telling you, Taf, that chick better get it together. I mean, I have no problem at all giving my money to OK brand or Rejuvenol but I do like my hair right now. This has been my best BKT yet
Well done, time for you to update your siggy, how were you able to shake your head with out moving the camera, my hands would have been shaking and the picture blurry lol.
Well done, time for you to update your siggy, how were you able to shake your head with out moving the camera, my hands would have been shaking and the picture blurry lol.

:giggle: I just started shaking and snapping pics! And then I picked the one that was the least blurry. :lol: Yeah, there are others... some are pics that I'm not even in! Just got the wall. :lachen:

Love that swang baby and God does hear and answer our prayers. : )

Amen, Sister... He is so good. Even the things that are only important to us, He answers. Amazing...

wow just from sept alone your hair has grown like crazy. nice.

Thank you! I was so worried that it hadn't grown. I just wanted to be able to say I was full APL, but I'm gettin pretty doggon close to BSL!
Super Sheba... looking good girl... Do you color or is your natural color that dark... Beautiful!!!
So you did *DH* on the whole head? Do you love it...
I was jus thinking of replacement DH's... and remember that I never tried the nanokeratin BKT... hmmmmmmmmm... that might be next if *DH* doesn't get their act together. I've got a stylist friend that can order it for me.
Super Sheba... looking good girl... Do you color or is your natural color that dark... Beautiful!!!

Thank you, Fab!! I've used the color showers black some time back; between that and my recent henna it leaves me with a very nice dark color with a hint of red. I like it!

So you did *DH* on the whole head? Do you love it...
I was jus thinking of replacement DH's... and remember that I never tried the nanokeratin BKT... hmmmmmmmmm... that might be next if *DH* doesn't get their act together. I've got a stylist friend that can order it for me.

I do, indeed love it. Even if DH doesn't work out, I'll never order another bottle of Global. I'll go the collagen route... collagen forever!

Oh, and I'm still on the morrocan sample, how crazy is that? I have over half left; even after doing my leave out hair and now my full head.
It looks great, sheba! I'm so happy (and relieved) for you. I haven't let a BKT wear off yet; addicted to the thrill, I guess. And kudos on the swang shot! That's what I love about digital cams--you can just erase the pics you don't want. Congrats, again.
go head girl! love that swang! imagine what it will look like when u finish the hyh challenge! alright now, since the boycott might be in full effect, i am waiting on the bkt gurus to make their final covert recommendations! :lol: :sekret:
Girl that's not swing that's swang!!!! Love it !

:giggle: Thank you!!!

Wow, guys, your words mean so much to me. I'm still a baby in this hair game but my hair is so impressive to me. You should see me swingin this hair at work! Y'awl, I ain't got no sense today :lachen:

Funny thing is, no one here has seen my hair straight since July. And the icing on the cake is that my manager made an out of place remark on Friday about me "doing something to my hair" cuz it's mostly in a bun, you know? Soooo out of place. I explained to her that I was protecting my hair to grow it out. And she asked me how long was it? I said it was growing but I wasn't sure :rolleyes:

Well this morning, trust and believe, it took her 3 hours to say a word to me! And when she did, she ain't say nothin about my hair. I kinda smiled to myself like, "yeah... didn't think so". :giggle: Is that mean? I don't mean to be but she was so out of place on Friday it was nice to see her with no words.... Couldn't even muster up a compliment. That is how on point my hair is today!
Your hair looks great... Is the BKT hard to do or does it take alot of time and patiences.

Hey there, Miz Complexity! It is not hard, at all, to do but it does take time and patience :yep:

The great thing is you don't have to be so careful or quick with application because you leave the product in for the blow dry and flat iron. I really enjoy it, it does a world of good for my hair... but again, I must stress, the benefit is for my hair. I've seen that some people have had trouble with BKT so I can only suggest that you read read read up on it.. and then read some more before deciding if you think it would be good for your hair. And even then, you might want to do a patch test.

As for me, I'm BKT'd for life. My hair has never been this luxurious! :drunk:

go head girl! love that swang! imagine what it will look like when u finish the hyh challenge! alright now, since the boycott might be in full effect, i am waiting on the bkt gurus to make their final covert recommendations! :lol: :sekret:

:giggle: I know right?! Well for me, if Anna doesn't get it together I'm going with either OK Keratin's (Cutenss rec) or Rejuvenol (Naturaltobe's rec). Either way I figure I can't lose cuz both of their hair is FLYYYYY!