an interesting story from the emergency room this evening


New Member
I've been getting weezing since last week and I was using my pump and it was helping a little, so I took today off to do little things I had to do, whilst outside my chest started tightening up so I said forget it I drove myself to the hospital, my hair was in 2 braids with a cap over, long story short I went to emergency room where I had 3 treatments and my steroid shot which was painful, so I was very constraint and uncomfortable, so they undid my bra, and my hair in the braid was very tight so I undid it, well my hair fell in a crazy wild out fro with waves everywhere no products just 4a, 4b hair, all the nurses kept asking me if this was all my hair blah blah balh meanwhile I have on my oxygen mass, I'm feeling alittle better at this point so of course I told them about lhcf, I wish I had a camera they were feeling my hair telling me it felt so soft and all kind of stuff, they told me they were going to register and start doing better things to there hair, they had no idea there was such a site I felt like I was on display, it was crazy, and meanwhile I'm looking like scary spice lol so if the nurses who helped me today I don't want to use your real names from brooklyn already registered, welcome to the forum you would learn a lot of great things here and meet wonderful and inspiring ladies and thankyou for helping me today, I'm stocked up on my albuterol and some prescription claritin they also gave me some predisone I think that's the steroid and some other thing so I hope I don't have to make another trip to the emergency room, (sorry if too long)
guesswho said:
I've been getting weezing since last week and I was using my pump and it was helping a little, so I took today off to do little things I had to do, whilst outside my chest started tightening up so I said forget it I drove myself to the hospital, my hair was in 2 braids with a cap over, long story short I went to emergency room where I had 3 treatments and my steroid shot which was painful, so I was very constraint and uncomfortable, so they undid my bra, and my hair in the braid was very tight so I undid it, well my hair fell in a crazy wild out fro with waves everywhere no products just 4a, 4b hair, all the nurses kept asking me if this was all my hair blah blah balh meanwhile I have on my oxygen mass, I'm feeling alittle better at this point so of course I told them about lhcf, I wish I had a camera they were feeling my hair telling me it felt so soft and all kind of stuff, they told me they were going to register and start doing better things to there hair, they had no idea there was such a site I felt like I was on display, it was crazy, and meanwhile I'm looking like scary spice lol so if the nurses who helped me today I don't want to use your real names from brooklyn already registered, welcome to the forum you would learn a lot of great things here and meet wonderful and inspiring ladies and thankyou for helping me today, I'm stocked up on my albuterol and some prescription claritin they also gave me some predisone I think that's the steroid and some other thing so I hope I don't have to make another trip to the emergency room, (sorry if too long)

Thats a cute story. Glad you are okay. You never know when you can inspire someone. Welcome Nurses
NappyParadise said:
I am so glad you are Better! That is a very cute story, do you have asthma?

I got asthma from a child I think 8 or so and it comes and goes the last time I got it was last year around this same time, the doctor said the pollen is high and my lungs was inflamed its never this bad, but the treatment helped the only thing is I have the shakes the doc say its normal but it feels like I'm having the tremors lol, my husband is watching me funny he can't believe I'm online and I'm not well lol anyways goodnight ladies let me go rest:)
locabouthair said:
hey glad ur feeling better. im from brooklyn too! which hospital did you go to? (if you dont mind me asking)

Its ok I went to kings county on clarkson ave and they did over the hospital pretty nice btw, its recently renovated, ok this it I'm gone goodnight for the second time lol
Sorry about your asthma troubles. I can totally relate because I have it too and I've definitely had my share of visits to the ER for treatments when I couldn't get the wheezing under control.

BTW - Your hair is da bomb. :up:
Sorry to hear about your asthma girl and I'm glad you're better. I'm from BK too and my ex-boyfriend's mother is one of the head nurses in ER at Kings County........Interesting story.
guesswho said:
I got asthma from a child I think 8 or so and it comes and goes the last time I got it was last year around this same time, the doctor said the pollen is high and my lungs was inflamed its never this bad, but the treatment helped the only thing is I have the shakes the doc say its normal but it feels like I'm having the tremors lol, my husband is watching me funny he can't believe I'm online and I'm not well lol anyways goodnight ladies let me go rest:)

Yeah! my Daughter gets like that and she has had it since she was 7yrs. Old, And when the weather changes and has all that pollen she flares up, so I have plenty of medicine for her at school and at home Plus we have a Breathing machine for her to take her Albuterol, I hope she grows out of it, because right now she is going through some major health issues and she is only 11.

But Hope you feel better!!:)
awww Man! I'm glad you are feeling better! Cute story, too :)

I've had asthma since I was 6 or 7, its no fun. Kind of weird, sometimes I can go for a few years and not be bothered...then out of nowhere...well y'all know!
Well, I'm really glad that you have the asthma under control and you are feeling better.

I grew up in brooklyn (bedsty) as a child until around 11 years old, then we moved to Canarsie. Still love brooklyn. Have some stories about the "old" kings county hospital though!