AMAZING!!! I got 3 inches in 2 months!!!!

Okay first of all, allow me to introduce myself. I used to post on this board under MamaCita but it was soooo long since I logged on and I had so many things going on in my such as transitioning out of the military, a miscarraige and going to school I forgot my password, and most of my other info so I decided to make a new login.... So "Hello" again.... Anyway, I sewed in a weave inthe beginning of January and took it out in the middle of Feb. This is when I started taking Hairfinity vitamins.... I got a weave installed on March 10th and have been taking the vitamins DILIGENTLY and when I took my hair out on Monday, exactly 2 months, imagine my surprise to have gained and retained (obviously bc of no manipulation) 3,THREE inches!!!! My mom couldn't believe it.... I gave her a bottle when I started taking mine but she never took it, after she saw my growth she dug up the bottle and took them this morning....I have pictures of my hair a week before my weave install in March and a pic of it an Monday. I can't attach them from my iPhone, but I will try to send them to my email and attach them to here when I get to school tonight. I am full APL and if my hair continues like this I will be below BSL by my bday in Dec! I bought a half wig and braided my hair up underneath so it can be protected. I don't post a lot on here bc I don't feel like I can add anything to what you ladies have to say bc I don't feel as knowledgable on hair as I feel most on here are but I am always on here looking for tips. I am too excited and I will post the pics before the day is out. Thanks all!!!!!
You know it's funny that you started this post about the hairfinity because just last night I started thinking about them. When I first joined the site here in 08 I was taking them and I did see some accelerated growth. Now I am still on my Nioxin and Viviscal along with my flaxseed, MSM, biotin, Chlorella, and spirulina. I may have to revisit the hairfinity after I'm done with the Nioxin and the Viviscal.

I'm really not getting any faster growth with these at all. Just my normal rate. But I do believe you as far as the growth is concerned taking the Hairfinity!:yep:

I am happy for you about yr progress very much so! You grow girl!:grin:

But pls don't forget to post the pictures as promised. I would love to see the comparison:lick:

Unwritten LHCF rule is you must post pics at the same time as posting the thread!!! Great news about your progress though!
Ok so i am on the site and i am going to buy these next weekend but i have to know, are there any side effects?
I'd be interested to see the pictures as well. I tried the Hairfinity vitamins and they were nothing special for me. I've received more of a growth spurt using the Futurbiotics hair vitamins.
Congrats on your growth OP !!! Can't wait to see the pics !!!

ETA: Just checked the ingredients and they look very similar to the countrylife ones bar the gelatin which are cheaper.
Ladies, I am so sorry I didnt post pictures. I dont have internet at my house (im always in school and I use the computers there) and for some reason I cant upload the pictures on here from my iPhione, if someone knows how PLEASE let me know:help::help::help:. I did go to my apartment to get my laptop and brought it to my moms house to hook up to her internet, her computer is broken, but I have to wait for the pictures to get to my email from my phone so I can save them and post them on here. I feel awful for making you ladies wait but I dont know of any other way to post them. I live in an extremely rural ( farm like) area ( thats another story entirely) and sometimes it takes a while to send things from my phone but I am trying to get these pics posted. Also, along with the Hairfinity vitamins, I took niacin ( bc I like the flush) and vitamin E capsules, bc my doctor told me to take them to help speed up the healing process after my surgery. The only other thing I did differently was to keep my scaclp clean while it was weaved up and thats about it, i never greased or oiled my scalp and of course the fact that I wasnt maniplating my hair enabled me to retain all of the growth. Sorry again, thanks for your patience, I WILL figure out a way to post them before the day is out... again, i apologize:sad:
You know it's funny that you started this post about the hairfinity because just last night I started thinking about them. When I first joined the site here in 08 I was taking them and I did see some accelerated growth. Now I am still on my Nioxin and Viviscal along with my flaxseed, MSM, biotin, Chlorella, and spirulina. I may have to revisit the hairfinity after I'm done with the Nioxin and the Viviscal.

I'm really not getting any faster growth with these at all. Just my normal rate. But I do believe you as far as the growth is concerned taking the Hairfinity!:yep:

I am happy for you about yr progress very much so! You grow girl!:grin:

But pls don't forget to post the pictures as promised. I would love to see the comparison:lick:

Thats why i stopped taking so many vitamins bc I didnt see accelerated growth that was worth me taking so many vitamins a day and my urine being neon yellow. But I hope you go back to these vitamins. This is the only thing so far that I have actually seen a difference in my hair. And Thanks!
You can download the photobucket app, upload them to that from the phone, and then go to the photobucket site using the Safari browser and copy and paste the IMG links from there to here. That's what I do, now hop to it!:whip::lol:
Ok so i am on the site and i am going to buy these next weekend but i have to know, are there any side effects?

I have had no side affects, but thats me, I am not allergic to anything other than stinging insects and my body is not really sensitive to anything that I know of. But from what I can tell the hair on other places in my body seem to be growing at the same rate as usual. I dont really grow hair on my legs and very fine hair on my arms and it doesnt sem to have changed... HTH ;-)

I'd be interested to see the pictures as well. I tried the Hairfinity vitamins and they were nothing special for me. I've received more of a growth spurt using the Futurbiotics hair vitamins.

Its funny you say that bc I tried Futurbiotics and they didnt do anything for me. I think its just peoples body chemistry, what works for one may not work for all, like you said, Hairfinity didnt work for you and if you found something that works stick to it, :-)

Congrats on your growth OP !!! Can't wait to see the pics !!!
Thank you so much! Im glad I FINALLY have something to post about. Usually I am on here drooling over everyone elses growth... :lachen:

ETA: Just checked the ingredients and they look very similar to the countrylife ones bar the gelatin which are cheaper.

I am not familiar with the countrylife vitamins. Do you take them? If you do, how are they working for you?

Ha! I like your member name. Congrats on the growth.
Thank you so very much, it took me a while to figure one out then my mom reminded me that it says in the Bible that a womens hair is her crown and I wanted to claim healthy hair so, it was really my mom who came up with the name... lol

Congratualtions on your growth and retention.

Thank you soooo very much!!!!!! I finally feel like I can pat myself on the back but I dont want to get too ahead of myself because I want to grow my hair to my hips so thats why I bought 2 halfwigs and braided my hair right back up! lol
**anxiously awaiting those hair pics!** u HAVE to get them on here now since uve got us all waiting Miss Thang!!! :ohwell:
Waiting for pics...
