Am I using the right castor oil? Label question...


New Member
Ladies I have a quick question for you....

After some serious searching tonight I was able to track down some castor oil, however, on the label it said that it was a laxative. I remember when I was younger my mother made my brother and I take a tablespoon of this when we weren't "regular" but should I be mixing this stuff w/ my conditioners or applying it to my hairline? Do I need to take it back? Will I have any adverse side effects?

I'm trying to avoid purchasing product online for now, so if I do have to take this particular castor oil back, can any of you ladies reccommend where I can purchase castor oil?


Yep you're using the right stuff, I use the stuff from the health food store though. It's super thick and sticky so I would recommend mixing it with a light oil like coconut or else your hair will be very greasy and stick together. HTHS.