Am I the only that......


Well-Known Member
sits at your desk on a Friday afternoon thinking what cond or other things should I use on my hair tomorrow. Should I mix this oil in a certain conditioner. I have a pretty solid regimen using Aveda and Dom products. I guess I'm thinking out loud because I have this whale sperm cond that's been sitting for at least a month that I have not used. I'm stuck on the wheat germ Dom line and the other stuff is just sitting. O well.
You're not the only one. I do that on random days of the week, not just friday. I even right down my plans as to what I'm going to mix and what order I will be using my products =)
*Sorry totally OT* Ak46 you've made some great progres! I'm so jealous- *Tiptoes out of thread*
Nope, you're not alone at all! Been making notes and at the top of the list is an oil sheen spray and saran wrap!
Shoot--I be in the SALON under the dryer thinking about when I am going to wash my hair and what I want to do do it. (I only go to the salon once or twice a month--if that).

I luv washing and conditioning and taking care of my hair. It feels so good to see my work paying off.
Nah, girl! You're not the only one! I am planning tomorrow's wash. I got some Capilo Sole y Canela rinse calling my name...!
No, I just think about it more on Fridays because I will have more time to condition on Saturday (usually) & I'm trying to decide which pre-poo I want to use:look:
No you're not!! I find myself thinking about ways to tweak my prepoos and dc's and the products that I plan on using for my next wash. I like to plan for my washes days in advance.