Am I The Only One?

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Active Member
Wondering why the description of this forum says "(male-female relationships only)? I'm straight, but I find this a bit offensive for those people who might not be straight. Is there going to be another forum created for those people who aren't? Cuz to me, this smacks of descrimination. :confused: :sad:
You will be told that if you don't like it, leave. Point blank. Someone else asked the same and that is what the owner of the site alluded to.

So you decide....
**sangin' pop drop and LOCK, pop drop and LOCK, pop drop and LOCK**:lol:

This thread is about to get a pretty little silver lock on it :)
Admin (Jan 2007 Photo) Join Date: Oct 2002
Location: In the Salon
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Re: Clarification please.



Only male and female relationships can be discussed on that particular forum, just like the description indicates. Every establishement has guidelines and rules, and I don't understand why that continues to be a hard concept to understand around here. Whether it be your job ( you have to show up on time, follow the dress code, friendships (respectfulness, consideration), your marriage (monogmy) and this forum, (which the rules have already been posted). As in life, when the rules and guidelines are not followed, there are consequences for those actions.

Also, as someone else stated earlier, this is MY website, and I make the rules here. Jlove and Cameilla if you are lesbian, and would like to talk about lesbian related issues, I totally understand if you do not agree with my choice, but and there are other sites that you can frequent that will cater to your needs. I have not ever been a person who aims to please everyone, as it is an impossible task to undertake.

It didnt offend me, but I wondered that as well.

Beverly's explanation is good enough for me :lol:
First time I ever heard about it, that's why I asked. I don't really frequent more than the OT Entertainment and Hair boards, but with all the new changes, I noticed all the relationshipy stuff had been given it's own section, and the description jumped out at me. My bad. I ain't mean to start nothing up - we've had enough drama around here lately with that whole Shim a thing, so I'm not going there. Juss a question. And it's now been answered.
First time I ever heard about it, that's why I asked. I don't really frequent more than the OT Entertainment and Hair boards, but with all the new changes, I noticed all the relationshipy stuff had been given it's own section, and the description jumped out at me. My bad. I ain't mean to start nothing up -
we've had enough drama around here lately with that whole Shim a thing,
so I'm not going there. Juss a question. And it's now been answered.
:lol: Hey! Was there a post/drama about me? I just noticed the 'Shim' in your post and of course my name is Shimmie...:rolleyes: . What I do? I'm totally innocent. :look: I was home with the kids the whole time. :yep:

What was the Shim a thing about? Just curious. :lol:

Okay, I confess....I'm being nosey....:D
No you're not the only one.

I am hopefully assuming that, as with the Christianity board, if you want to discuss a relationship involving same sex issues, then it can be posted on the Off Topic board.

Right now, as I understand the new board rule (hint to mods and/or Bev to come clear this up...) the Relationship board is strictly for posts about male-female relationships just as the Christianity board is for Christian questions/posts.

If I have something to discuss about my Buddhist Lesbian neighbors, that goes to the Off Topic board.

I think...again, hopeful assumptions and nudges to mods/Bev for clarity.
Dang, I'm juss apologizing all over the place today. Sorry, Shimmie! I was hoping that by typing Shim a, if people were Googling that chick, my post wouldn't come up, and she wouldn't get more interest in her hair "system". Honestly, I don't even think I've ever seen you on the board before. Then again, I tend to not really see people's names - juss what they post - unless I have to ask a specific poster something. Most of the threads I read are so long, I try to get away with juss reading responses.
Dang, I'm juss apologizing all over the place today. Sorry, Shimmie! I was hoping that by typing Shim a, if people were Googling that chick, my post wouldn't come up, and she wouldn't get more interest in her hair "system". Honestly, I don't even think I've ever seen you on the board before. Then again, I tend to not really see people's names - juss what they post - unless I have to ask a specific poster something. Most of the threads I read are so long, I try to get away with juss reading responses.
((( Hugs ))) ;). No apology necessary, precious one. I was just teasing. I 'knew' it wasn't me. :D My twin maybe...:look: But not me... :lol:

Actually, I haven't been online as much so I've missed quite a lot. I love the new site changes. Especially the 'mood' status button. I'm going to have a lot of fun changing my moods every other minute. :lol:

You take care...;)
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