Am I The Only One Who Mixes Multiple Conditioners Every Wash?


Well-Known Member
:look: I find it beneficial in two ways. 1) My hair is getting and maintaining a balance between moisture, protein, & scalp health 2.) Because of my PJism, I find myself accumulating a LOT of different products. Mixing conditioners helps use up some of the stuff I already have, much more that I can buy new stuff :grin:

I usually mix protein+moisturizing+slippery conditioners. Joico K-Pak reconstructor, Joico Moisture recovery, and Treseme Curl Moisturizing Conditioners (sealed with a little honey and EVOO) are my staples for now ( I may add Folicure moisturizing conditoner every other wash because I like the way it makes my scalp feel).

What are you fav conditioner cocktails.
I prepoo with ORS hair mayo (protein), rinse with pantene relaxed and natural anti-dandruff moisturizing shampoo, and condition with the pantene relaxed and natural intensifying moisturizer.
I haven't done it personally, but I'm going to start. Three years ago when I started my haircare journey, my stylist mixed Affirm 5-in-1 Reconstructor with Humecto every week and that really helped improve the health and condition of my hair.

I loved the way my hair felt then, and I don't remember seeing any broken pieces anywhere.
I mix my conditioners, but I washed today and I think I had a little protein overload because when I rinsed my conditioner out my hair felt kinda rough, so I might have to find a moisturizing conditioner and just mix two moisturizing conditioners.
I'm too lazy for all that!:lachen: I know it's not alot but I do my cowashes in the middle of my shower regimen, which is .. relatively long:look: so I just have to try to make it before the hot water runs out.:lachen: My hairs pretty protein sensitive, suprisingly, so the coconut oil I use to seal everyday pretty much takes care of my protein needs. (I think someone told me it had its own natural protein.)

However, before I started cowashing, I did my mix my ORS Packs with my Motions CPR. It made a mild protein conditoner, with moisturizing qualites.
I am convinced no one conditioner has everything my hair needs. So...I dc with a mix of DPR-11, Garnier Melting Con (or whatever moisturizing condish I have on hand), ORS Rep Pak, and my oil mix (olive, coconut, peppermint) 2x per week. My hair is like butta baby :lick:.

I've used each of the products alone and there is no comparison to the condition of my hair when I doctor them up.
Yep, I'm a mixer! I mix either frizz-ease conditioner for curly hair or Patein Hydratiing curl with Master Cuts Vitamin C conditioner. MC's con. smells sooooo good.
I have mixed many before but I never get buttah results like my good ole ORS replenishing conditioner mixed with rouxx porosity control I LUVS IT!
I plan to start pre-pooing with protein and following up with a moisture DC, that's considered mixing....
I mix Miss Keys 10 en 1 and La Bamba Avocado deep condish everytime I buy them. I put them into a new big jar. I never thought about mixing reconstrutors though...
Lol you probably not the only one. I don't mix everytime but I do mix pretty often when I think about it. My Fav to mix is Silk Elements MegaSilk Deep Condish w/ Sunsilk Hyrda tlc or Biotera Reconstructing Condish. Mixing does work if you find gr8t combos.
I dont mix them, but I DO use multiple ones while doing a CoWashing session

but I will leave them in for long periods before the next one most of the time
I do this all the time I use Wen Fig conditioner first then i add another conditioner like Dove Intense moisturizer.
I never thought of this. I think I will mix my L'anza moisture treatment with the L'anza reconstructor and see what happens. Do you ladies use heat with the protein? I usually follow the directions and while I'm in the shower leave the reconstructor on for about 5 minutes with a plastic cap, I never DC with it.
Yep all the time. I usually DC with Mizani Hydrafuse ad Kerafuse mixed. I also like to do my 1st cowash w/ VO5 Strawberries and cream then with Keracare Humecto in the bottle. I need to mix the 2 into one bottle and cut my shower time down.
I been mixing conditioners for a while now. I'm to lazy it any other way. Current conditioner mix mane and tail, porosity control, duotex(or any reconstructor) olive oil
I mix Proclaim Aloe & shea butter w/ ORS Pak or with hair mayo. I discovered a couple of yrs ago that I get better results this way too. I also mix liquid hair mayo with shea butter and tea tree leave in!