There's so much that's debated concerning the Bible that cause me to be unsure of some things, ie tithing and tongues. Ofcourse there are subjects in the Bible that I don't care how well someone tries to convince me otherwise in, I am not bulging, ie Jesus's life, how Christians should live, etc. Whenever I study the Bible, I try to allow it to say what it means to say,literally, despite differing opinions from everyone else. I guess what I am trying to get across is I never think I am doing enough as far as reading the Word and really understanding it. When I believe I understand what's going on, something else is always pointed out that I missed, which causes me to want to give up-does that make sense? I just feel like I can never get ahead with reading and understanding the Bible. I don't know how many study guides I have used on studying the Bible as well as how many times I have started over to Genesis so that I can get a clear understanding of what's going on. There are so many questions I have in my head about the Word, but I just don't know where to begin. After all of these years of being a Christian, I am just now understanding why there's so much confusion concerning the Word- people and their interpretation. I have been so reliant on what others thought concerning the Word since they seemed to know more about it than I did, causing an injustice to my walk with God. I have decided to read the Word according to it's context and whatever I don't understand, seek God about it, study more, as well as have a balance when it comes to hearing other view points. Seems like I have it figured out, eh? But why do I feel that in these efforts, I will still miss something and still feel unsure about somethings? I apologize for any confusion, but what do you expect from a confused person?