Am I the only one who gets frustrated?

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There's so much that's debated concerning the Bible that cause me to be unsure of some things, ie tithing and tongues. Ofcourse there are subjects in the Bible that I don't care how well someone tries to convince me otherwise in, I am not bulging, ie Jesus's life, how Christians should live, etc. Whenever I study the Bible, I try to allow it to say what it means to say,literally, despite differing opinions from everyone else. I guess what I am trying to get across is I never think I am doing enough as far as reading the Word and really understanding it. When I believe I understand what's going on, something else is always pointed out that I missed, which causes me to want to give up-does that make sense? I just feel like I can never get ahead with reading and understanding the Bible. I don't know how many study guides I have used on studying the Bible as well as how many times I have started over to Genesis so that I can get a clear understanding of what's going on. There are so many questions I have in my head about the Word, but I just don't know where to begin. After all of these years of being a Christian, I am just now understanding why there's so much confusion concerning the Word- people and their interpretation. I have been so reliant on what others thought concerning the Word since they seemed to know more about it than I did, causing an injustice to my walk with God. I have decided to read the Word according to it's context and whatever I don't understand, seek God about it, study more, as well as have a balance when it comes to hearing other view points. Seems like I have it figured out, eh? But why do I feel that in these efforts, I will still miss something and still feel unsure about somethings? I apologize for any confusion, but what do you expect from a confused person?:lol::look::ohwell:
Bublnbrnsuga said:
There's so much that's debated concerning the Bible that cause me to be unsure of some things, ie tithing and tongues. Ofcourse there are subjects in the Bible that I don't care how well someone tries to convince me otherwise in, I am not bulging, ie Jesus's life, how Christians should live, etc. Whenever I study the Bible, I try to allow it to say what it means to say,literally, despite differing opinions from everyone else. I guess what I am trying to get across is I never think I am doing enough as far as reading the Word and really understanding it. When I believe I understand what's going on, something else is always pointed out that I missed, which causes me to want to give up-does that make sense? I just feel like I can never get ahead with reading and understanding the Bible. I don't know how many study guides I have used on studying the Bible as well as how many times I have started over to Genesis so that I can get a clear understanding of what's going on. There are so many questions I have in my head about the Word, but I just don't know where to begin. After all of these years of being a Christian, I am just now understanding why there's so much confusion concerning the Word- people and their interpretation. I have been so reliant on what others thought concerning the Word since they seemed to know more about it than I did, causing an injustice to my walk with God. I have decided to read the Word according to it's context and whatever I don't understand, seek God about it, study more, as well as have a balance when it comes to hearing other view points. Seems like I have it figured out, eh? But why do I feel that in these efforts, I will still miss something and still feel unsure about somethings? I apologize for any confusion, but what do you expect from a confused person?:lol::look::ohwell:

I think I understand what you feel and say I can't answer you as I would because my english is not good enough, But All I can say is Don't be to hard on you , God loves you and as you are seeking Him, and how to please Him and to understand His Word, He will provides gradually Knowledge to you. I was in the same boat years ago, I was asking Him why this and that in your Words, can I hope to please you one day thre's so much thinks to obey ,or why this and that happened to me, and it seems that NO ONe could answers my questions I praéyed and cried an lot, eeven the pastor and all my christians friends did not answered and God was silencious at this time ! But guess what, in the beginning of year 2003 I was feeling that a new season in my life was coming and that to enter in this season God will send me someone to help me understand Him better and to know Him deeper (I knew He could explain it Himself, but this time He has choosen to send one of his servant to me)!
I meet that servant in august 2003 and I recognize Him because God has told Him some of our(God and I) secrets, and through this man God reveals His self to me deeper than before (It felt like Job42:5 My ears had heard of you but now my eyes have seen you) and GOD answers all the questions I had before(for years)!
There's a time when all will be clearer to You and you will understand the Word better, it's a Lifejourney with a lot of spiritual seasons!!!!
i don't know if I have answered you but I just wanted to share a little of my humble and small experiences with Him!


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I understand what you mean. Whenever I have a doubt or lack of understanding, I pray for an answer. I speak to other Christians for their opinions. I surf online Christian sites for interpretations. I found study Bibles to be helpful but confusing at times. Sometimes more information just makes it clear like mud. When you ask God for help, it will come unexpectedly.

There was a point in my life when I had some many questions. One of my Christian friend's response to my questions was to have faith. That generic answer was like walking into a brick wall. Hopefully, those who speak to will be more forthcoming.
Bubln, what works for me is not to get caught up in the debate over the Word. I just know what I know and nothing anybody has to say contrary to that will sway me one way or the other. For anything that I dont understand, I seek out God for clarification. People have a habit of telling you what you can/have experienced in your walk with God, but no one can tell you about you walk with Him because its a personnal thang thats between you and Him. My walk may not be the same as yours and vice versa but its the same God that loves us for our efforts and in spite of ourselves. I've heard people say you cant be saved cause you do this , that or the other, but I reply to them that they werent there when I cried out to Him, they have no idea what I was going through and no idea where I was. I also remind them that according to the Word it states that a broken spirit and contrite heart He will in no ways cast out(paraphrasing)

I guess what I'm trying to say is that I will not allow anybody tell me about my relationship with God, or what God had done for me. I will not let anybody confuse me about my faith because I was there and I know where He brought me from.
Bublnbrnsuga said:
There's so much that's debated concerning the Bible that cause me to be unsure of some things, ie tithing and tongues. Ofcourse there are subjects in the Bible that I don't care how well someone tries to convince me otherwise in, I am not bulging, ie Jesus's life, how Christians should live, etc. Whenever I study the Bible, I try to allow it to say what it means to say,literally, despite differing opinions from everyone else. I guess what I am trying to get across is I never think I am doing enough as far as reading the Word and really understanding it. When I believe I understand what's going on, something else is always pointed out that I missed, which causes me to want to give up-does that make sense? I just feel like I can never get ahead with reading and understanding the Bible. I don't know how many study guides I have used on studying the Bible as well as how many times I have started over to Genesis so that I can get a clear understanding of what's going on. There are so many questions I have in my head about the Word, but I just don't know where to begin. After all of these years of being a Christian, I am just now understanding why there's so much confusion concerning the Word- people and their interpretation. I have been so reliant on what others thought concerning the Word since they seemed to know more about it than I did, causing an injustice to my walk with God. I have decided to read the Word according to it's context and whatever I don't understand, seek God about it, study more, as well as have a balance when it comes to hearing other view points. Seems like I have it figured out, eh? But why do I feel that in these efforts, I will still miss something and still feel unsure about somethings? I apologize for any confusion, but what do you expect from a confused person?:lol::look::ohwell:

WOW Bub!!!!! BE ENCOURAGED! I admire your heart for God and your desire to understand His Word. Jesus said "Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened." This is a promise! If you're seeking to understand God's Word, He will give you an understanding of it. Reading the Word for yourself and seeking God for understanding is exactly what everyone should be doing! You're in the right place. Don't ever feel insecure about knowing evvverything. Think about it--you're studing GOD! Do you have any idea how deep that well goes?!?!! :lol: You should never feel ashamed if you don't have a complete understanding of something. We won't have a full understanding of everything until we make it to Heaven. So be encouraged and continue to study. Your heart and your desires are in the right place. ;) Your desire for understanding inspires me!
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There *is* a lot of confusion. I recommend studying under a pastor that teaches with the greek and hebrew meanings and can give you a cultural/historical background. A lot of things are related to the time they lived in. I've heard preachers tell people to go into their clothes closets and pray because of the scripture that says to go into your closet and pray. The word translated "closet" was actually a bed chamber. So the bible tells you to go into your bedroom and pray and folx are going into their closets instead. A lot of words in king james old english arent used the same way they are today and a lot of words in the old greek and hebrew dont have exact translations. will send free bible tapes or cds with mp3s. Just all and ask for them. The pastor goes into a lot of background. They are basically recordings of the bible studies held at the church during the 60s and later.

As far as knowledge, when you get to a new level, you get more perspective and can see deeper meanings into a passage. Every time I read I get something different out of passages I've read before. You will never be "done". As you grow and your mind changes this will happen often. Also not everyone is at the same level spiritually. You will get out of a passage what you are ready for. There are some areas I'm well versed in but others I still cant grasp. It takes time but you will get from milk to meat when you're ready for it. :)
ladydee36330 said:
Bubln, what works for me is not to get caught up in the debate over the Word. I just know what I know and nothing anybody has to say contrary to that will sway me one way or the other. For anything that I dont understand, I seek out God for clarification. People have a habit of telling you what you can/have experienced in your walk with God, but no one can tell you about you walk with Him because its a personnal thang thats between you and Him. My walk may not be the same as yours and vice versa but its the same God that loves us for our efforts and in spite of ourselves. I've heard people say you cant be saved cause you do this , that or the other, but I reply to them that they werent there when I cried out to Him, they have no idea what I was going through and no idea where I was. I also remind them that according to the Word it states that a broken spirit and contrite heart He will in no ways cast out(paraphrasing)

I guess what I'm trying to say is that I will not allow anybody tell me about my relationship with God, or what God had done for me. I will not let anybody confuse me about my faith because I was there and I know where He brought me from.

I agree, and this is much of the reason I consider myself spiritual and not religous. I realized about 4 years ago that my confusion and inability to grow closer to God was stemming from religion. Bubln, you're exactly right...the dividing lines are PEOPLE and INTERPRETATION and like the above poster said, you've got to get to a point where you interpret the Word according to what God is laying on your heart and then stand by that, regardless of what anybody has to say. Once I decided to walk with God, and not my religion, so many things became clear, and I was able to gain peace in my spiritual walk. It's really all about the relationship and less about religous dogma and details, IMHO.:look:
I remember feeling this way a lot as a teenager because I had not strengthened my relationship with God. You can always talk directly to Him and ask Him to clarify His word to you. Bible study is an excellent place to learn, study and even debate :look: the Word and what is unclear to you.