Am I the only one who doesn't WANT waist length+ hair?

I will be fine at full waistlength. My hair is very thick and dense and I couldn't imagine having the time to care for anything longer. If it happens to get longer than that I'm ok, but I will not have a problem with trimming my ends so It will be a nice even MBL.
I agree, I think waist length hair would be too overwhelming but if God allows for it to happen, then I won't complain. My ultimate goal is mid back length.
I always get a kick out of these kinds of threads, especially when people mention only wanting shoulder/APL length curly/natural hair, which for many of us means hair well beyond waist-length stretched/straightened, due to shrinkage. :)

@yamilee21 -- I see why now. I'm actually shocked to know this! I really was not aware of how shrinkage really works in terms of WL to APL, etc... This is really making me think of revisiting the whole length thing! A HL/WL natural would be a helluva project for me to take on. Dannnnngggg!

ETAI also had to remember that when my hair was HL as a child, it would shrink to about MBL, but it was usually still somewhat stretched when I wore it out... mm mm mm...guess I'll have to do a SL natural, then?
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I'm torn at this point. WL is my goal, but I'm almost bsl now, and itching to cut to sl.

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I would truly be happy at full BSL. If I have any desire to grow it longer, I would reduce my efforts to actually grow past MBL (if it gets past that length, oh well). I know my signature says otherwise, but I'll be totally excited if I make full BSL (I guess because it's taking me TOO long to get there).
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LOL. I've had my hair long for about 75% of my life--I been around the block a few times. I know what to do, it's the amount of "doing" it takes once it gets past a certain length. One time, I just cut my hair from MBL because I didn't want to get to waist length and it was almost there (hence my comment about getting caught between me and the seat back).

Longer hair = longer drying time, more concentration on making sure moisturizing gets to the ends of the hair, bigger, heavier protective styling, longer time to braid/twist out/roll....sighhh...I just got tired. :lol:

I second you with this, also being tender headed makes it 10x worse :nono: makes it hurt and the pain seems to be a forever thing. :(
I am going for Whip Length I am short and thinks it looks pretty nice.

I have pretty much had long hair most of my life other than when I cut it off a few times. I enjoy the different lengths and even though I am growing it longer than WL my favorite length was APL :yep:
I teeter on and off with the idea. Depends on what I'm feeling at the time with my hair in the now. But to keep it 100, I want my hair as long as it can get. I'm growing out a twa now and I'm in the awkward stage a little bit. My hair looks better out than it does confined in twists. I love wearing twists and when my hair was SL I loved my twists and wore them proudly, even though they shrank up to above my neck. I can only imagine how much I'll love them when they are much longer. IMO, longer hair seems to be more versatile and I love long hair so...I want it!lol

Right now my short term goal is to make it to BSL stretched but I don't forsee myself stopping my hair from retaining length at all after I reach that point, which will hopefully be within the next 2 years.

I can't imagine dealing with it will be any more difficult. There are times when my TWA can overwhelm me. Everyday isn't going to be a picnic. If anything though, I'd imagine it would be easier to have long hair for me because protective styles I really prefer and like to wear, such as twists, I can do much more with them when they are longer. Detangling isn't that difficult and it's not like I do it everyday anyways, 2-4 times a month max. It'll probably get expensive product wise but I'll just have to be less generous with product application. I already overdo sometimes with products it on my short hair. Shrinkage won't be an issue because I like it anyways and when my hair is longer it'll look even better.

But I don't think anyone who doesn't want waist length hair is weird. It's your head and your hair.
There are times when my TWA can overwhelm me..
Don't destroy my transitioning fantasies of having problem-free natural hair!!! :lachen:

On another note (but related to the above post) it is interesting to see the different definitions of long. I consider APL and beyond "long." I know a lot of people consider any length below SL "long." Then I've seen where there is a perception "out there" that this board only considers anything below BSL "long." Given the shrinkage factor, I see where this gets hairy (no pun intended). I know, however, that relaxed, I would not go longer than BSL--maybe MBL so that I could be BSL with curls (rollerset or curling iron). I'm so curious to see what will happen with the natural hair. I wish I could fast-forward, oh, 3 years!
No you're not. I started this just wanting to attain APL, not there yet but I'm thinking now I may want to get to BSL but I really can't imagine going beyond that.

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I teeter on and off with the idea. Depends on what I'm feeling at the time with my hair in the now. But to keep it 100, I want my hair as long as it can get.

This is how I feel. Sometimes I feel like cutting it off just because, some days I'm fine with the length I'm at, and other times I just want to keep going. APL was my first goal (that was the longest my hair had ever been) and once I got close to that I made full BSL my new goal to stop and maintain at. Now I'm going for MBL, lol. I really think BSL is ideal for me but I'm curious on how long my hair can get but I'd probably stop trying after WL and just chop to BSL or MBL for a while. Then I'm going to transition and grow out natural just to see how it goes. I think at this point I'm more into the chase. :lol:
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I can't wait to see what kind of massive bun I can create with MBL/WL hair :love:

And a ponytail that just hangs :thud:

The styles I dream of having require a lot of hair to pull of the finished look. I would never wear WL hair in a style that truly shows all the length.
I always get a kick out of these kinds of threads, especially when people mention only wanting shoulder/APL length curly/natural hair, which for many of us means hair well beyond waist-length stretched/straightened, due to shrinkage. :)

Since I was the one that posted that yamilee21 , we all know shrinkage isn't the same for everyone ( I realize you stated "many of us" in your post). Shoulder length curly on me is just grazing BSL straightened.
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My hair is a bit longer than BSL at the moment and its hard to manage! I did want waist length hair but I'm starting to question that decision!

If my hair was straight then I think it would be easier to manage, but I refuse to relax ;)
I just want to get to waist length for proof to myself but I don think it will be there long and I believe it would be too much work for me. I am all about being lazy and I dont think I can effectively be lazy at that length. I want to keep my hair at midback length:)
I could careless how long it looks curly, APL straightened is as long as I care to go. Until I figure out how to handle my spit end issue I can't see handling it at a longer length than that. I guess I'll find out in the next 18 months or so since I imagine it will take at least that long for me to get there since I have had to cut 4 inches per year for the last 2 yrs to keep my ends decent.
I could careless how long it looks curly, APL straightened is as long as I care to go. Until I figure out how to handle my spit end issue I can't see handling it at a longer length than that. I guess I'll find out in the next 18 months or so since I imagine it will take at least that long for me to get there since I have had to cut 4 inches per year for the last 2 yrs to keep my ends decent.


4 inches? :perplexed what on earth are you doing to your ends? chewing on them? what's your regimen look like?
If my hair was relaxed, I would take it. No, as a natural. My arms hurt just thinking about the detangling I'd have to do.:nono::lol:
I'm midback natural and I just want a healthier crown. It's a little weak due to thyroid disease. My twists done on wet hair now are almost past my shoulder when it's shrinks. I blow dried my hair for a long twist out hair style and it did nothing for me. Long straight hair isn't a look that looks that great on me.
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I could careless how long it looks curly, APL straightened is as long as I care to go. Until I figure out how to handle my spit end issue I can't see handling it at a longer length than that. I guess I'll find out in the next 18 months or so since I imagine it will take at least that long for me to get there since I have had to cut 4 inches per year for the last 2 yrs to keep my ends decent.

Are you sure all 4 inches were split/damaged? I cut away inches because I thought they were bad. I started being even more careful and watched my ends closely and a few months later, I was about to cut them again. :| Then I read that my ends may not have been damaged but just needed some extra attention. I had to baggy them a couple of times and then I could see that I only needed a very small trim. A weekly DC was enough for the rest of my hair but my ends needed a little more. I only needed to trim a small amount when it was all said and done.

But yeah, share your regimen. There are a number of things that can make your ends misbehave and you may not need to cut that much off. :)
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4 inches? :perplexed what on earth are you doing to your ends? chewing on them? what's your regimen look like?

Nothing!!!!!!!! All I do is co-wash and wash n go. I rarely straighten and low manipulation my thing. I had the same problem when I was relaxed. My hair grows fine, but the splits drive me crazy. I had 2-3 inches trimmed in Jan and I refuse to trim again until the end of 2011. I want to see if my ends are really bad or is it all in my head.
Yep! I feel the same!

I'd be so so sooo happy with BSL or MBL (it's only about 2 inches in between BSL and MBL for me!), so my ultimate goal is BSL, and if i'm feeling a smidge greedy, some MBL. Hopefully the latter by May 2013!!!