Am I the only one who doesn't WANT waist length+ hair?

If you figure out how to deal with your hair - detangling, styles, etc. - you will enjoy having it long. Said it before and will say it again, shrinkage is beautiful.

LOL. I've had my hair long for about 75% of my life--I been around the block a few times. I know what to do, it's the amount of "doing" it takes once it gets past a certain length. One time, I just cut my hair from MBL because I didn't want to get to waist length and it was almost there (hence my comment about getting caught between me and the seat back).

Longer hair = longer drying time, more concentration on making sure moisturizing gets to the ends of the hair, bigger, heavier protective styling, longer time to braid/twist out/roll....sighhh...I just got tired. :lol:
I know what you mean. Imagine struggling at SL or APL length hair and then getting WL hair?

I think as time progresses you find out what works for your hair and also what your hair likes. This may make maintaining WL hair easier.

I want MBL and that's what I'll be happy to have and maintain.
The goal is MBL but I think deep deep down I really want WL, now if you were asking about HL then maybe that would be too much. But who knows at APL I feel that my hair is short now that I'm LHCF certified:grin:
Do I want waist length hair? Honestly?? Umm No I don't. Waist length hair is beautiful but for me it would be to much to maintain and if I couldn’t look after my hair properly hair problems would start surfacing then I would then have to start my hair journey again (Nooo Thank u) not after how far I have already travelled in regards to my hair. :nono: :ohwell:

I have a fixed goal for myself and that is to have strong, thick healthy hair and if that hair reaches mbl that would be an added bonus for me. So no I don’t think you are weird I just think you have your own goals/ objectives and opinions and those cant be right or wrong or weird lol.
Peace xx
LOL. I've had my hair long for about 75% of my life--I been around the block a few times. I know what to do, it's the amount of "doing" it takes once it gets past a certain length. One time, I just cut my hair from MBL because I didn't want to get to waist length and it was almost there (hence my comment about getting caught between me and the seat back).

Longer hair = longer drying time, more concentration on making sure moisturizing gets to the ends of the hair, bigger, heavier protective styling, longer time to braid/twist out/roll....sighhh...I just got tired. :lol:

I don't really know what side of the fence I'm on I have also had hair at drastically different lengths and styles and for me styling longer hair is easier but the maintenance is harder and for mid length it's the opposite and for me really short hair required to much of everything now that I'm natural I'm just going to see what I can handle when I get there
I cant relate, My hair shrinks something fierce and I love it in its natural state but hate that APL hair = NL natural styles.

At WL my hair will probably hang at APL :/ and I will be happy with that.
hahahahaha; yup -- it's just you :grin:

my mum's hair grows really fast and hardly shrinks (looks kinky straight naturally) so you can always see her full length. and it's insanely thick! but she HATES long hair like it's poison. hates the feel of hair on her neck, on her face etc. so she keeps it cut. i think in highschool she let it grow out but that's about it. i've never personally seen her w/ hair past shoulder length.

for the record; i think she's certifiable and should be locked up for that. i would kill for her low maintenance and fast growing hair. maybe not kill... but i would seriously maime for it.

but yeh, you're not alone.

but you're also insane (no offence :drunk:)

The first time I ever cut my hair above shoulder length in a asymetrical bob in like 2006 I had the hardest time letting my hair get any longer. I was so in love with the hair off the neck and shoulders feel. I hated hair on my neck. I kept the back shaved shaved shaved and then one day......I grew out of it. Now I want long hair. My back is coily where as my front is wavy so the back shrinks up and the front doesn't as much. Its a little weird. But given the thickness of my hair. There is no way I could manage waist length hair and I haven't even had it yet. I plan on stopping at MBL straightend which would probably be BSL natural hair for me.
I often wonder if, subconsciously, I truly don't want long hair. The reason I say this is because once I'm around MBL/BSL, within a couple inches of WL, I almost always end up cutting at least 2-3 inches. I did the same thing for years when I was below APL, grazing BSL. I honestly want and like the idea of having HL hair, but based on my actions, you wouldn't think that was true. But I'm obsessed with my ends looking as thick as possible along the way too :ohwell:
I think it is important that you get a length, which is suitable and comfortable for you and looking after, especially you have a routine, which is not difficult. I want waist length hair. I don't mine spending time deep conditioning, how ever I don't have a flat iron and or a blow dryer, because I find blow drying and flat ironing too difficult, for me, and I do admire seeing the results of flat ironing.
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I can't even begin to relate. I have never been past SL natural or relaxed. I am having a hard time just imagining APL :ohwell:

On my phone so no thanks button. But yep it will be mad weird just having apl for the first time for me.

As far as the question no I do not think I want waist length. Id be fine w apl or maybe even sl if I were relaxed or wore my hair straight all the time. I want my hair long enough for natual styles to still be a cute length on me, so I think mbl will be enough for that.

My hair is not thick so it won't be heavy nor is it that hard to manage. so if I did decide to go for wl I don't forsee it being that much of a hassle.

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I use to feel the same when I first BC'd and started growing my hair. This hair growing stuff gets addictive, though. I started out thinking I only wanted BSL hair, but once I reached that--it just didn't seem like as much hair as I'd thought it would be. Not to mention, it was that length that my hair became EASIER to style. Protective styles and low manip styles looked really good. Then I just became attached to it--not to mention the attention gets addictive as well. So here I am--headed towards WL, just to see if I can do it (I say), but I'm starting to wonder if I'll really have the balls to cut it back up to BSL after I reach WL like I'd initially planned.

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For me, the idea of WSL and beyond is just too much for me. I am in awe when i see it on other ppl though...
I don't want waist length hair and it's not about the maintenance. Waist length hair would not look flattering on me, I'd look like cousin it since I'm only 5'4". I will be happy with full BSL or maybe an inch or so beyond that. Besides full BSL on me almost looks MBL.
In the beginning I wanted WL hair. Now I'm content with BSL. It's not a big deal to me as much anymore because I know it can grow. In the beginning I was looking for a miracle and super growth. Now I'm just like *meh*
I am APL and my goal is MBL... but I will grow to whatever length makes my hair shrink to just past my shoulders. My shrinkage is about 50%
Yea I thought about waist length hair and im like "with my natural hair it will take foreverrrrrrrrrrrr to style and detangle it" and it will feel very dense....I'll just stick to my goal of MBL but im ok with BSL.
My hair shrinks a lot so I definitely want to make it to wl or beyond. I don't think it will be hard to manage because I will not straighten my hair as often. I wear my hear in twists during most of the winter anyway.

I think for me longer hair would be easier to style. When my hair was shorter I usually did wng's or puff everyday. Now that my hair is older I can do different styles. I also like the shape of my shrunken hair now that it has more length to it.

I actually had longer detangling sessions with shorter hair. Now that I am figuring out my hair detangling is much easier.
I'm quite tall so I think waist length hair on me would make me look a bit hobo-ish.
However, I'd be happy to get to BSL, but I'm aiming for waist length, well, I call it belly button length on me cos I think it would be cool to have hair down there. Then I'd probably cut it back to BSL.
BSL is all I want although now, at APL it doesn't seem as long as I thought. Even though I've been on this site for a while, I still consider BSL long. When I get there I may decide to go to MBL if I have hair anorexia, but I don't want more than that. I DO NOT enjoy detangling.:nono:
I guess I'm offiically shooting for MBL. I'm tall with a long torso, so WL is quite a bit of hair, almost 2 ft from my crown. That's just too much hair for me. I'm thinking with MBL, can get my natural hair to sit at my shoulders, which is fine for me.
as my siggy shows my hair is BSL stretched and SL with the assistance of a blow out. it would be several inches shorter w/o a blow out. because i don't use heat often BSL isn't enough for me. I thought i'd stop at MBL but i think to reach my ideal length in a braidout out i may need to go to waist length.

I think I may adopt a reggie like mwedzi after i reach mbl.
If its all one length I want BSL. If I do allow my hair to grow past that to MBL it will be to cut some banging layers in it.
I wouldn't want waist length either. I mean God Bless the people who do have it or want it but not me, lol! Everyone has their reasons but the ppl I know who want waist length hair want it because they have nothing else (no personality, character, self-esteem.....nothing) and those girls desperately want the world to know them and like them. :perplexed