Am I the only one frustrated by passwords?

Mook's hair said:
It bugs me when the PW is not in the profile and the person does not have a guest book activated.

Some have a different fotki name than their forum name? Those are the hard ones.

No password for me! :) But I did disable my Guestbook because I couldnt keep up with responding to questions in my PM box (on here), Fokti comments/questions, and Guestbook comments/questions. I prefer to just respond to comments in two places. Im always behind anyway, but this just makes it easier for me in general.
bmoreflyygirl said:
If I really wanna see someone's fotki and it's pw protected I don't have a problem pming them.

c/s Pm'ing takes about a few secs if that so that's another reason I don't mind and I apprecate it when some shares their pw with me.

People do it for privacy reasons so I understand. Also, many people set up fotkis to track their personal progress and the fotki is set up for themself, not for other people. So I think that's another reason why some people want to keep their fotki restricted.
Naturellle said:
c/s Pm'ing takes about a few secs if that so that's another reason I don't mind and I apprecate it when some shares their pw with me.

People do it for privacy reasons so I understand. Also, many people set up fotkis to track their personal progress and the fotki is set up for themself, not for other people. So I think that's another reason why some people want to keep their fotki restricted.

I am one of these people. I know my hair, it's strengths and weaknesses, and what I need to do to get where I want to be. Of course I love talking about hair with my LHCF sisters (and a few select guests from other boards), but at the end of the day, I'm doing my hair alone. So if someone doesn't want the pw, no biggie.

My product album is always open and updated though.
la flaca said:
Same here, I am sharing my pics with this forum but not to the whole net. If you go to fotki your pixs could be in the front page if they are not pw protected. I am gonna remove my fotki account anyway, so I wll be one less:)

this isn't true.

you can change the following options in >Fotki>My Settings>Settings>:

Privacy Options [ Change ]

Fotki search engine

Other search engines

Include me in Fotki ratings

Show Me in the Random Photos

Visitors' IP logging

if you change these options, your albums will never be displayed as a random "fotki album of the day" ;)

of course, this is where one can also log all your visitor's ip info, in case you want to report bad behavior.

naturally, i'm not telling folks what to do or what not to do (that's your/their personal decision) - i just want to dispel 1 little misconception ;)
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LynnieB said:
this isn't true.

you can change the following options in >Fotki>My Settings>Settings>:

Privacy Options [ Change ]

Fotki search engine

Other search engines

Include me in Fotki ratings

Show Me in the Random Photos

Visitors' IP logging

if you change these options, your albums will never be displayed as a random "fotki album of the day" ;)

of course, this is where one can also log all your visitor's ip info, in case you want to report bad behavior.

naturally, i'm not telling folks what to do or what not to do (that's your/their personal decision) - i just want to dispel 1 little misconception ;)

My name used to show up in the "most updated list." I was like :huh: I don't think so!
Passwords don't bother me. I have them because:

I don't want just anyone looking at my fotki.

If someone leaves a nasty comment I know they came from here because they have to look in my profile in order to get it and some ladies have experienced some nasty comments.

I don't want anyone in my personal life to know anything about my fotki or my screen name on the boards. This is a personal hobby of mine and I want to keep it that way. Only one person(dh) knows my screen name.
Thanks LynnieB, I was afraid to post pictures on fotki b/c all the problems that others seem to have. Now, I've changed the settings and i'll post my progress.

:littleang :littleang

LynnieB said:
this isn't true.

you can change the following options in >Fotki>My Settings>Settings>:

Privacy Options [ Change ]

Fotki search engine

Other search engines

Include me in Fotki ratings

Show Me in the Random Photos

Visitors' IP logging

if you change these options, your albums will never be displayed as a random "fotki album of the day" ;)

of course, this is where one can also log all your visitor's ip info, in case you want to report bad behavior.

naturally, i'm not telling folks what to do or what not to do (that's your/their personal decision) - i just want to dispel 1 little misconception ;)
LynnieB said:
this isn't true.

you can change the following options in >Fotki>My Settings>Settings>:

Privacy Options [ Change ]

Fotki search engine

Other search engines

Include me in Fotki ratings

Show Me in the Random Photos

Visitors' IP logging

if you change these options, your albums will never be displayed as a random "fotki album of the day" ;)

of course, this is where one can also log all your visitor's ip info, in case you want to report bad behavior.

naturally, i'm not telling folks what to do or what not to do (that's your/their personal decision) - i just want to dispel 1 little misconception ;)

I didn't know that!!!!! Well, I did what you said and it's all good now. Thanks, I learned something new today:)
My album is open, but I haven't really added anything because I haven't done anything but cut my hair back a few inches here and there.

I guess I can understand why people hide their passwords. I personally do not PM for the password unless it's an album that I have visited in the past and that young lady has decided to hide it for whatever reason.

I will say this though, why do you ladies get worked up if someone leaves a negative comment? What does it matter? Are you really getting your feelings hurt? I hate when people "hate" on others like that, but if they dogged my out and I don't know them, I don't think I would care much. It would in fact, make me laugh. :lol:
i have a pw, but i put it in my profile. So if someone asks you for your password on fotki, its b/c they're NOT a member of LHCF right? That confuses me, b/c I had someone ask me for my PW on Fotki? I thought they must not have been from LHCF. I don't mind anyone here having it but random folks out on the

I took my boys pics down:perplexed i'm just leary of the net.
dlewis said:
Sometimes I'm frustated with them. but I either move on or pm that person if I want to view it bad enough.

Not to highjack this thread, but your hair is GORGEOUS!!! :D
Nah, I am not. I have only asked like one person for her password and I remember it FO LIFE:lol: , so it's cool.

Usually I dont bother, so I don't even allow it to frustrate me.

My fotki doesn't have a password, but it is also in my profile? Why? Because I don't want people who aren't hair related on my fotki. Those people just browsing fotkis just 'cause who aren't "in the hair game" say some of the dumbest comments I notice.

I don't mind members finding my fotki through other member's fotkis and the sort. Plus my face is covered in all pictures too. I also got it where you have to be a fotki member (logged in) to post comments. So I'm good.
I don't mind the passwords because if I really want to look I'll look..BUT.. I can't stand when sometimes someone will have a password and it doesn't work, then u got to go back thru all u just went
Okay, I dont mind the passwords. If I want to see it that bad, I will find the pw in the profile. PMing for a password, I just dont do that anymore. I have a few times in the past but there are too many unlocked fotki with a wealth of information.

Now, the only thing that makes me shrugs is when you have your FOLDER locked and the ALBUMS within that folder locked. I just figure once you get in the LOCKED folder, you shouldn't have to enter a pw for every album that is already locked away in the folder. I wont say this bothers me so much, I just wonder if the person understands the extra locks arent really needed.
Naturellle said:
Edited by Naturelle.

Girl you just taught me something new. See, someone can always learn from these......"I am soo pissed off at yall right now!" threads!!!

Thanks Naturelle
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Naturellle said:
The reason is that if you go to the 'about me' page, under the section of 'new and updated albums', one could still access the album from there even if the folder the album is placed in is locked. I noticed that one day on my fotki and I wasn't too fond of that so I locked the album as well. So if someone really wants the album locked to ensure complete privacy, locking the album is necessary.

Are you still logged on into Fotki when you do this?
Dion said:
Are you still logged on into Fotki when you do this?

yeah I am actually..

ETA: Okay, I just logged out and tried what I was talking about and the albums don't, disregard what I said.
Letitia said:
Girl you just taught me something new. See, someone can always learn from these......"I am soo pissed off at yall right now!" threads!!!

Thanks Naturelle

Sorry, girl I was actually wrong. It only shows the albums when you're logged into your fotki. If you log out and try to access the 'about me' page, it won't show the albums if your privacy settings are properly set as stated earlier in this bad.
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Naturellle said:
Sorry, girl I was actually wrong. It only shows the albums when you're logged into your fotki. If you log out and try to access the 'about me' page, it won't show the albums if your privacy settings are properly set as stated earlier in this bad.

Oh okay. Thanks for the update lady. :)
Letitia said:
Oh okay. Thanks for the update lady. :)

You're welcome. But thank you for the letting me (and I'm sure others) that I only need to lock my folder and not all the
Naturellle said:
You're welcome. But thank you for the letting me (and I'm sure others) that I only need to lock my folder and not all the

awwhhh, glad to help out then. :-) Now, you know I am going to nosey around in your fotki!!! :D