Am I the only 1 stuck in a hair growth rut?


Well-Known Member
My hair is to the point where i don't know if its just thickening up right now or just growing very slowly. I have never known it to grow slowly but thats what it feels like.

I put a sew-in to get myself over the hair hump and i believe i will do so until after the winter months because i feel like its at a stand still.

Has anyone ever experienced this? You felt like you hair came to a screeching halt even though you were doing everything the same, nothing changed? Does hair start to thicken up sometimes instead of gaining length?
I'm thinking I maybe going through the same thing. This year I have dealing w/ my hair w/o wearing weaves or braid extentions. In my eyes it looks like it's not growing but I believe it's b/c I am constantly seeing my hair it's like "a watched pot never boils" type of thing. I bet that when you remove the weave your hair would look longer.
I'm transitioning and now i know my hair grows slow. I have about 2 1/2 to 3 1/2 inches of new grow and i'm 8 months and almost 2 weeks post. I don't even know what to say. No wonder my hair's always been short. This is the first time i've actually monitored my growth so hopefully i get a spurt in the summer.
Don't Get Discouraged....Keep doing what you're doing....:yep:

Perhaps, you'll get that Celebrated Growth Spurt during the Warmer months, which will Showcase all the work you've been putting in....:grin:
after my Big Chop September 2008, i stuck w/quick weaves for 14mnths, bcuz in the past if i dnt i'll get tired and cut it again and be back at square 1. so i braided it down and glued it on so to speak.

at 1st i was excited. now at the 18th mnth, im watching it everyday it seems like its not growing now.

i take 3000mg biotin daily and Rogaine along the hairline bcuz it grows the slowest, and have a family history of receeding hairlines.

i joined the may-september 2010 hair growin challenge to keep track of my progress. Somethings gotta give.
after my Big Chop September 2008, i stuck w/quick weaves for 14mnths, bcuz in the past if i dnt i'll get tired and cut it again and be back at square 1. so i braided it down and glued it on so to speak.

at 1st i was excited. now at the 18th mnth, im watching it everyday it seems like its not growing now.

i take 3000mg biotin daily and Rogaine along the hairline bcuz it grows the slowest, and have a family history of receeding hairlines.

i joined the may-september 2010 hair growin challenge to keep track of my progress. Somethings gotta give.
I take 10,000 mcg of biotin a day but i have been slacking, im not gonna lie.
Maybe your hair is in between growth phases right now? Like maybe you just ended a growth phase and your hair is just chillin for a little while before it goes into the next phase...:look: lol
I know nothing about growth phases.. lol
I know nothing about growth phases.. lol

Yeah, it appears that most of the time the majority of your hairs are growing though so idk. But atleast you can learn about the phases!!
Anagen phase
Anagen is the active growth phase of hair follicles. The cells in the root of the hair are dividing rapidly, adding to the hair shaft. During this phase the hair grows about 1 cm every 28 days. Scalp hair stays in this active phase of growth for 2–7 years. The amount of time the hair follicle stays in the anagen phase is genetically determined. At the end of the anagen phase an unknown signal causes the follicle to go into the catagen phase.

Catagen phase
The catagen phase is a short transition stage that occurs at the end of the anagen phase. It signals the end of the active growth of a hair. This phase lasts for about 2–3 weeks while a club hair is formed.

Telogen phase
The telogen phase is the resting phase of the hair follicle.The club hair is the final product of a hair follicle in the telogen stage, and is a dead, fully keratinized hair. Fifty to one-hundred club hairs are shed daily from a normal scalp.

Hair growth cycle times
Scalp: The time these phases last varies from person to person. Different hair colour and follicle shape affects the timings of these phases.
-anagen phase, 2–3 years (occasionally much longer)
-catagen phase, 2–3 weeks
-telogen phase, around 3 months
Eyebrows etc:
-anagen phase, 4–7 months
-catagen phase, 3–4 weeks
-telogen phase, about 9 months

Make sure you are taking pictures, and not just of the back. My hair hasn't grown all that much lately in the back, but had a sudden growth spurt on the sides which I proudly show off in my siggy. Pictures save you from thinking your hair hasn't grown. Honestly, I would think my hair hadn't grown if I couldn't see it with a camera
I feel like that alot. However when I got my last relaxer, I was like "whoa where did all this hair come from." Like someone mention, once you take that weave out, you will see how much longer and thick it is. Just don't pay attention to it.
Make sure you are taking pictures, and not just of the back. My hair hasn't grown all that much lately in the back, but had a sudden growth spurt on the sides which I proudly show off in my siggy. Pictures save you from thinking your hair hasn't grown. Honestly, I would think my hair hadn't grown if I couldn't see it with a camera

I completely agree with LadyRaider. Pictures really help.
I just had my 1 year anniversary and i didn't think it had grown much until I was able to compare pictures.

I plan to use weaves and different braiding styles to keep me motivated and not bored with my hair. Don't worry, it's growing. Don't watch it too much.
nope i've been stuck between BSL and MBL for a long time now. this always seems to be my growth's stopping point.
You are not the only one who feels like that. I know for a fact my hair should be longer than it is right now. But I have to blame myself. Different from you, I got lazy with my hair, let it dry out...too much heat. Now, I keep it moisturized and braided under a half wig, and been using the Ovation Cell Therapy. I also wash once a week now, which I never did before. Now, I leave my hair alone and it is growing! Also, I've changed my diet to include more protein and veggies. Helps a lot.
This happens to me as well. In fact, I may be going through it now. My pattern seems to be: grow, grow, thicken, thicken, chill...grow, grow, thicken, thicken, chill...I may get a growth spurt in the least I hope so.

It's also kind of " polite" in sections as the longer sections wait for the others to catch up. I remember Chicoro ( I believe) mentioning something like this before. Pictures help, and as long as your diet and hair regimen are healthy, your hair should be too. It just may be " resting" now. Don't be discouraged. Best of luck to you.
You're not alone, I actually take better care of my hair than I did 2 years ago. Now I noticed my hair only grows around 1/4 inch per month. Despite this, everyone would always say, "Oh wow, your hair looks so long."/"Wow, your hair grows so fast!" Before it seemed to grow 1/2 inch per month but maybe that was because I took my vitamins more often and just not retaining the length. Also now I tend to not eat a lot and only eat specific foods so I'm probably missing out on essential vitamins and minerals from foods I'm not eating for hair growth and that might slow down the growth rate.

Don't worry though, people say they usually experience some sort of "growth spurt" in the spring and summer months and since your hair is going to be covered, in winter you should be pleasantly surprised. :yep:
I've been feeling the same way as of lately. I'm sure I know where things changed. So I need to get some more hair, nail and skin vitamins and some biotin. I ran out of biotin about a month or so ago and I haven't taken the hair, skin and nails for several months. I know it's growing, but not at the rate I'd like for it/or the rate is used to.
I've been feeling the same way as of lately. I'm sure I know where things changed. So I need to get some more hair, nail and skin vitamins and some biotin. I ran out of biotin about a month or so ago and I haven't taken the hair, skin and nails for several months. I know it's growing, but not at the rate I'd like for it/or the rate is used to.
I know right! I have been slacking too but i will return to it
I take 10,000 mcg of biotin a day but i have been slacking, im not gonna lie.

Biotin is for thickening not for growth.
I've been in this position before too. It'll kick back into gear soon.
Try some scalp massages and some wheat protein or some simple flintstones vitamins.
Biotin is for thickening not for growth.
I've been in this position before too. It'll kick back into gear soon.
Try some scalp massages and some wheat protein or some simple flintstones vitamins.

Thanks, I never knew about the bold, as I thought it was for growth. Good thing I didn't bother picking any up!! However, I did get my hair, nail and skin vitamin and some silica. Hopefully, this combination will yield some results.
Biotin is for thickening not for growth.
I've been in this position before too. It'll kick back into gear soon.
Try some scalp massages and some wheat protein or some simple flintstones vitamins.

I did not know that. Lol and i been taking it like crazy. I mean more thickness is always a plus so im not complaining and it didn't cost that much so im good. I did notice that my hair did get thicker though.

Thanks, I never knew about the bold, as I thought it was for growth. Good thing I didn't bother picking any up!! However, I did get my hair, nail and skin vitamin and some silica. Hopefully, this combination will yield some results.
I actually used the biotin for my nails too. Drink tons of water coupled with biotin = BEAUTIFUL skin and nails grow like chia pets!