am i missing something??


New Member
the march edition if Black Hair had this question submitted by one reader

Q i lik some of he curly styles that are around at the moment. My hair is relaxed and i want to be able to wear it wavy smetimes but i dont kno how to go about archievin that. Is it easier to use rollers and if so what type and also what wud be better for my hair rollers or tongs????

and this is the reply radolph gray gave the letter

A relaxed hair is designed to be tonged coz the curls hold longer compared to those from rollers. Make sure u use a heat protectant to protect hair from stylin

what do he mean relaxed hair is designed to be tonged?? am i missin something??
He's saying realxed hair is "designed" to withstand and hold curls from curling iron heat (or crimping irons - pick your poison), implying that curling irons are the best way to wear the hair "wavy".

Rubbish. Just rubbish.
the march edition if Black Hair had this question submitted by one reader

Q i lik some of he curly styles that are around at the moment. My hair is relaxed and i want to be able to wear it wavy smetimes but i dont kno how to go about archievin that. Is it easier to use rollers and if so what type and also what wud be better for my hair rollers or tongs????

and this is the reply radolph gray gave the letter

A relaxed hair is designed to be tonged coz the curls hold longer compared to those from rollers. Make sure u use a heat protectant to protect hair from stylin

what do he mean relaxed hair is designed to be tonged?? am i missin something??

[/ QUOTE ]

Quick question...did you copy and paste or was it typed that way in the magazine?

At any rate, I've never heard of that expression before, but I looked it up on and it said this:

<font color="blue"> </font> To seize, hold, or manipulate with tongs.
It still doesn't make sense to me though. LOL!
Tracy, I'm glad that you explained the expression because I have never heard that one before. We should add it to the growing lexicon here.

Glad I was able to make it clear Jadekins...

Interestingly, if anyone's read Shamboosie, this is the same theory he espouses, only using different terminology. He likes the "blowdry and curl" method over rollersets, generally, and adviocates the use of curling irons to create curls. It's his preference over rollers. Curling "tongs" are just another way of saying "curling iron".
thanks for the explanation tracy but what i dont understand is how do the curls from curling iron lasts longer than the ones from roller sets?? coz i dont understand how this guy is goin to be givin out advice to ppl talkin bout 'tongin' is better than roller sets

they shud change his advice column to miseducation by radolph gray
I understand your confusion Ngaa, I feel the same way. I feel we are (most of us anyway) a testament to how much rollersetting can contribute to hair health.

But many stylists who "specialize" in African American hair believe that because the duration of the heat isn't as long while using a curling iron on the hair it's healthier than rollersets - because you must stay under the dryer (and the heat) for an hour, sometimes more, to get the hair dry and the curkl into the hair. The curls would naturally last a little longer than rollersets because they use products to retain curl - spritzes etc. that make the hair hard and freeze the style into place. The argument is that the curls last longer than a rollerset - and are achieved with "less" heat.

People also have this argument a lot about haircolor. I've heard people say that it's better to use a higher volume of peroxide (a much stronger formula) for a shorter time, than to use a regular haircolor and leave it on longer....

I guess it's all a matter of what philosophy you subscribe to. If you don't subscribe to Mr. What's His Face's - you're gonna be pretty confused...
thanks tracy for the explanation but the funny thing is that after goin on bout how tongs r better for hair compared to rollers then he goes on to explain bout protectin the hair from heat....if our relaxed hair really is designed to withstand heat lik he sez then y in the world do it need tobe protected?? really them professional dont seem to think bout these responces