Am I MBL because I'm going for full WL this Year!


Well-Known Member
Ok so I had a minor setback this year already, but I'm about to crack down and get my condition on because I want full wl this year. I also want to thicken up my hair. I really think it only looks thin and scraggly because I have been unsuccessfully trying the search and destroy method. I get so fed up that I end up cutting off a chunk. I will be getting my splitender soon. Can't wait.

To deal with the breakage that I had from my earlier post I did the Aphogee 2 step conditioner. Omg. That stuff really is great. It stopped all my breakage. The little crunchy part isn't crunchy anymore and it feels silky like the rest of my hair. I am still babying it. My hair looked way thicker to me after the two step:look:. The picture in the gray shirt is before Aphogee and the the other pictures are after. That's probably the step I've been skipping in my hair regime. I use to use protein and clear rinses weekly and my hair seemed thicker and healthier, but laziness made me fall off. How often can you use the Aphogee 2 Step?

So what do y'all think? Am I MBL? Can I make full WL this year? I'm also not gonna cut this year no matter what. I think the splitender will maintain my ends in pretty good shape.
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Girl if that's not MBL+ then shoot me lol. Now that I look at it again, you look like you're already grazing WL *shrug*

One of the most beautiful relaxed heads I've ever seen. Bella.
Girl if that's not MBL+ then shoot me lol. Now that I look at it again, you look like you're already grazing WL *shrug*

One of the most beautiful relaxed heads I've ever seen. Bella.

OMG this just made my whole month! Thank you so much. Thanks everyone! As for my reggie. I've been just dc with humectress, always moisturizing comditioner, or sexy hair color me bad treatment. My favorite shampoo is the PC control one. I towel dry and add leave ins: Sexy hair pumpkin leave in, Aphogee green tea spray, IC heat protectant serum, and Silk elements heat protectant spray.

After my hair airdry I flat iron and put some Ion silk drops on as a finisher. I put my hair on two big flexi rods at night to maintain straight hair. I use a dime size amount of moisturizer everyday.
Gorgeous hair! You'll be WL in no time and i look forward to seeing you reach it! I think i read somwhere that the Aphogee 2 step should be applied no more than every 6 weeks.
Girl my hair gives me the blues in pictures lol. I can never get a really good shot from behind and it always looks thin at the ends.
same thing with my hair. i dunno what to call my hair. The strands themselves are definitely not fine and it's pretty dense, but when it's straight, especially the first few days, it has this heavy yet light, thin but full look to it and the ends always look weird compared to real life. I could never explain it, but ur hair looks just like mine when I straighten it. It's deceiving.
Your hair looks amazing! From your previous posts I thought your hair would be in a different state. You're MBL for sure, maybe almost WL depending on where your waist is on your body.

I know usually people use Aphogee 2 step every 6-8 weeks depending on the condition of their hair. You can always use lighter proteins if your hair needs a less intensive treatment but make sure to modify your regimen accordingly to avoid protein overload. My favourite light protein is Motions CPR, it has collagen protein which provides elasticity. :yep:
Thanks Ladies for all the compliments! I'm full MBL scraping Wl ooo I'm gonna get full this year! I'm excited.
Your hair looks amazing! From your previous posts I thought your hair would be in a different state. You're MBL for sure, maybe almost WL depending on where your waist is on your body.

I know usually people use Aphogee 2 step every 6-8 weeks depending on the condition of their hair. You can always use lighter proteins if your hair needs a less intensive treatment but make sure to modify your regimen accordingly to avoid protein overload. My favourite light protein is Motions CPR, it has collagen protein which provides elasticity. :yep:

I have this!