Am I imagining things...Am I *GULP* APL?!


Well-Known Member
I admit, I am a chronic hair cutter. I'm one of those who for the longest confused dry ends to split ends. Now, I'm committed to not cutting my hair, and for the past month, I've been baggying my ends. I haven't cut my hair in about 4-5 month. Dont' plan on trimming again until the new year.

Anyway, I was playing around with my hair (I've been brushing SL forever) and I came to quite a surprise. Am I APL? Or close to it? Please tell me my eyes aren't deceiving me :perplexed
1) Unstretched
2) Stretched
3) Back View (please excuse the pankake booty, and back fat :lachen:)

Oh wow, such great news to hear ladies..thank you! :woot:

It's funny...I guess due to all the shrinkage..but my hair doesn't feel 'long' to me!
I've been that length for a while now, but It still doesn't feel like APL to me, so I know the feeling OP. Anyway, congrats!
Can't really tell from the pic taken from the back but based on the other pics, it surely does seem that way. Congrats!
Congrats! APL is no easy win!!!!

Thanks for the encouragement ladies. It's crazy, like I said I felt like I'd been brushing SL forever..then one day a couple weeks ago it was like collar bone this week it APL. AMAZING!

My LTG used to be I think I want to join the ranks of those pushing day, I'll get there!