Am I being vain about my daughter's hair


New Member
my baby girl is 2 1/2 but she will tell you that she is three! Anyway I have started paying more attention to her hair. She has type 3b/4a and it is pass her shoulders. I wash it every week and she enjoys getting it wash and we do the basic styling after her deep condition and style her hair while it is wet and airdry overnight. The thing is I am spraying her hair with Surge every other day and always keeping it moisturize I hardly use grease on her hair. Her father has even mention buying her own silk scarf. also.Are we going overboard with her hair at such a young age? We just want her to appreciate her beautiful hair when she gets older amongst other things.
I say NO! You are absolutely not going overboard. You are being very smart by instilling good hair habits in her now while she's young. Hopefully she will be spared what most of us went through. Having nice hair as kids, then it being jacked up when we became teenagers and started taking care of it ourselves. Teach that baby NOW.
i dont either now is thge time to start...though i wouldnt use surge on her head but thats just me. its good that she likes to get her hair done at such a young age :)
Kudos to you! I wish more parents would take the time and spend it on their children's locks instead of on their own! The younger you start IMO, the better :) The only thing I'd pass on is the surge... my daughter's 4 and im scurred to use it on her YIKES - although i do use it on myself.

I would suggest in lieu of the surge, try Wild Growth Oil. You can use this every other day and since u wash her hair every week, you do not have to worry about oil build-up.
I'm in agreement with the other ladies. It's great that you are taking care of her hair now and that she is learning. However, I don't know if using Surge is going overboard. But that's just my opinion. If it's working and isn't causing her any irritation that keep on doing what your doing! :antlers:
I think teaching her by example that good haircare is important is fine but I'd ditch the Surge...seems like a bit much for a 2 1/2 year old child.
Wow you're lucky that she enjoys it all. I know my mom had a hard time with me just sitting still and making a fuss. :p
If the surge is doing any thing to her hair? but what age you have to use surge anyway? Anyway, probably mix Surge with Castor oil or wild growth oil. But what you are doing is good thing, she is learning from a very young age to love her own hair. Congratulations and Well Done!
What's wrong with using Surge if it's not irritating her? Can't Surge be used as a detangler? If that's what she's using it for, what's wrong with that? My mother used a detangler on me (God knows I needed it).
Co-signing...I'd ditch the Surge...or at least use it far less frequently, but otherwise, kudos to you and your hubby. Oh, and I'd DEFINITELY go for the scarf.
I don't think your going overboard. Shoot, Deja has her own album in my Fotki and she is into the hair thing as much as me. She is going to be 8 and she knows how important it is to take care of her hair and her body. I do a lot with her hair but I don't do the Surge. I think it is a bit much for souch a young child such as yours. Caramehonee made a great suggestiong with the wild growth. Her hair is still changing and you don't want to mess that up.
I think it's great that you are teaching your daughter to enjoy caring for her hair. I have a 3 y.o. daughter and trying to figure out how to to do her hair is how I first discovered, LHFC. I think Surging may be premature. I would also caution you to reconsider putting a scarf on her and instead suggest a satin pillowcase or sleeping cap.
thanks for all the respones. I had start using the Surge because her edges were thinning it doesnt seem to irrate her. They have grown back thicker now. I am going to ditch using the Surge 14 and use just a litte of Surge Ultra Max mix with WGO. I guess one day I will start an album for baby girl.
I don't think that ur going overboard at all :nono:

My babygirl just turned 3...her hair is slightly past her waist, ULTRA THICK, wavy & curly. Maintaining her hair is a part time job... it may seem like I'm going overboard to others, but when ur (young) daughter has a head full of hair, u can't help but put in a lot of time towards keeping it healthy... ( a lot of hair = a lot of work = a lot of time )

BTW, I purchased a silk bonnet, scarf (that I made to specially fit her head), & pillow case for my daughter. I see it like this.. If I properly maintain her tresses now, the fewer hair related problems I'll have to deal with later :cool:

edited to add: ... I wouldn't use Surge though :nono: ... just my 2 cents...
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I don't think you're being vain at all either. I'm all into growing my daughter's natural hair as well. It's healthy and growing longer, and I know for a fact that I have instilled healthy habits for maintaining her hair because she loves to get her hair washed, conditioned, and deep conditioned. Also every night she puts on her silk scarf, and reminds me to put my scarf on.

Just to let you know, I agree with the other ladies about Surge. I think you shouldn't use that on her may want to try Castor Oil and EVOO it works great!
Take care of that hair but, leave the surge alone until she's older. HAPPY HAIR GROWING!
I WISH my mother had the knowledge from here and took such good care of my hair. Believe me your daughter will thank you for it! I wish more women spent that kind of quality time with their daughters instead of throwing braids and weaves in their hair @ 2 and less *yes I've seen this mess!*