Am I being unrealistic??????????? HONEST OPINIONS


New Member
I cut my hair to sl in april and everybody is commenting on fast my hair is growing. HONESTLY I DON"T SEE IT. I would love to reach at least the top of my bra strap by the end of jan (cuz it will be my bday) but my hair feels like it is growing so slow. Also even though I know its growing it feels short? Does anyone feel this way? I'm starting to believe that I am hairorexic. Can you guys tell me how long you think it will take for me to reach at least the top of my bra strap? The pictures below I took today at work (lol) and I need and honest opinion. I will not trim only dust until the end of jan, also I am 7 weeks post in these pictures. I AM GONNA HAVE TO STEP UP MY JBCO....ugghhhhhhhh I WANT MY HAIR TO HURRY UP AND GROW..It took about 4 1/2 - 5 months to get from sl to here....Do i have to wait another 5-6 months just for bsl?

If that is your lenght now and you are 7 weeks post. I would say maybe by Jan.2010 you will be top of your bs. I said maybe it all depends on what you do to your hair in the meantime.
I cut my hair to sl in april and everybody is commenting on fast my hair is growing. HONESTLY I DON"T SEE IT. I would love to reach at least the top of my bra strap by the end of jan (cuz it will be my bday) but my hair feels like it is growing so slow. Also even though I know its growing it feels short? Does anyone feel this way? I'm starting to believe that I am hairorexic. Can you guys tell me how long you think it will take for me to reach at least the top of my bra strap? The pictures below I took today at work (lol) and I need and honest opinion. I will not trim only dust until the end of jan, also I am 7 weeks post in these pictures. I AM GONNA HAVE TO STEP UP MY JBCO....ugghhhhhhhh I WANT MY HAIR TO HURRY UP AND GROW..It took about 4 1/2 - 5 months to get from sl to here....Do i have to wait another 5-6 months just for bsl?

I would say jan /feb but honestly your hair looks very nice...when i was stressing over every 1/2 inch i stressed my self sad lol so don't do it...leave it alone follow your reggie and check back every 3 months you will be surprised....

If you keep looking at it every week you will have hairanorexia or whatever is called...your hair grew a lot from Sl....
I think you might be a little hair anorexic. You did a great job going from SL to a bit past APL in the time you did.

It appears that you have about 3 inches to get to BSL. If you have the normal growth rate of .5 inches a month, then it could take you at least 6 months to get there. But that's just what it looks like from the picture. You may want to measure or do a pic with a measuring tape to get a better idea of how many inches you have.

Either way, keep doing what you're doing. You may not get there by January but you should definitely get there before summer.
it may take a couple of more months. lots of people get a little more growth in the summer than in winter so the growth pattern may switch up. either way your hair looks really good and will be hot for the new year. keep doing what you've been doing. i've been straightening my hair lately and of course every day im staring at it like "it's not growing" which drives me nuts.
Well you look to be 4 inches away from your goal. That would mean growing 1 inch per month. You cut your hair to shoulder length in April it is now October and you are now what appears to 2.5 inches below SL. You look to have gained 6 inches. It looks like you are actually growing 1 inch a month. So it's possible.
Thanks ladies...I have become a little hair obsessed lately especially since I see such beautiful heads of hair here.

gissellr78: your hair so beautiful, your right I'm gonna try and check every three months instead of every two weeks because it frustrating me.

msa: your hair inspires me to go natural seriously

Highly Favored8: Im really gonna try and keep it simple so I can achieve my goals...hopefully without setbacks i can be be full bsl by april 2010 (thanx for the encouragement)
MissRissa: girl you just reminded me of how much i hate the winter...i feel like my growth def slows down (guess i'm really gonna have to buckle down)

CurlyMoo: i see you got measurements under control lol. u got me motivated to start pushing out the at least .75 inches a month now ( i'm really gonna stop looking at my hair)
The old people I knew used to tell me, a watched pot never boils. While that's not literally true, it sure feels like it. Your hair IS growing, but perhaps you stressing about it is slowing things down a bit. Stress goes to your hair 1st methinks.....when I read Indus Ladies, the ones who seem the most stressed are the ones complaining of the worst hair ordeals.

IOW, just relax and get on w/ things. One day you'll be surprised to have reached your goal w/o even noticing the process! ;)
jamaraa: ur absolutely right..

You got a great head of hyar you'll reach your goal in no time! Clearly you knew how to get to the point where you are, so what's to stop you from getting to the point you want to be and even points you never dreamed of?! :lick: Hair growth happens w/ or w/o your doing anything....just keep it looking and feeling nice, then you'll be set. :grin:
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I hoped nobody walked in while you were taking a picture. Maybe incorporating some exercise routines may counteract with slow winter growth patterns. That and protective styling. That's what I'm planning to do. I just want to say your hair is lovely.
I agree with others who have commented on your growth. be grateful for what you have & the length will follow. Whether or not you reach your growth goals depends on your unique hair growth pattern.