Am I alone?


New Member
So I'm feeling a bit "needy" right now. I've been natural for a year and 5 months. I've always been the type to switch up my hair because of boredom. So keeping my hair in it's natural state for that amount of time has been very surprising. Yesterday I went out to a club and saw so many women with these wonderful short short hair cuts! I have had this love for extremely short cuts with long flirtatious bangs forever. I have had my hair short before, and LOVED it.... I honestly can't recall why I ever grew my hair back out. But the point of this post is... I'm feeling such an urge to do a short cut again. I am posting this here on LHCF because I know that I won't be judged for being natural and wanting to possibly revisit relaxers for the love of a short do. They are chic, simple, elegant, and fun. I love that they can be styled edgy 1 day, and glamourous the next. I also love that it was so quick styling my hair when it was short.

Here is my hair now:

Day before I colored:

This is one of my previous hair cuts when I was 19 maybe?


If I do cut my hair again, I want bangs!
I'd want something more like this:





I love the bottom/back of this one.

I know this site is ideally about LONG hair, but if I do go back to relaxing I would possibly have to learn my hair all over again. I don't know much about relaxed hair care anymore. I'm just feeling so lost right now.

Am I the only one that likes/loves/is curious about short hair cuts?

I personally feel like it's hair and if I want it back, I can grow it back. If I do decide to cut it, it will be in July (I want my bangs to grow out more).

Thanks for any support!
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im natural and im also bored of my hair. thats why i texlaxed-texlaxing. i say go for it if you feel that look is really what you want.

eta: i had to really sit down and think about my choice. and now im 100% going for it.
im natural and im also bored of my hair. thats why i texlaxed-texlaxing. i say go for it if you feel that look is really what you want.

eta: i had to really sit down and think about my choice. and now im 100% going for it.

Thanks:grin: for the advice! I wonder if my hair was as long as yours would I even dare think t cut it! But I like that attitude: just go for it. I think the fact that I'm waiting until the month of July will give me plenty of time to think about it at least, and if I'm still wanting it then I will go for the BC/relaxer style! lol
i think you should do whatever the HELL YOU WANT. its your hair and no one elses. If your leery about realxing you can try a 27 piece or a full weave cut into a short hair cut or be a natural with their hair always straight and have it shaped the way you like while being natural. those are just some idea but like india arie said Does the way I wear my hair make me a better person?
(Whoa, whoa, whoa)
Does the way I wear my hair make me a better friend? Oooh
(Whoa, whoa, whoa)
Does the way I wear my hair determine my integrity?
(Whoa, whoa, whoa)
I am expressing MY creativity..
(Whoa, whoa, whoa)

p.s. i LOVE short hairstyles too but my head was too big to rock em but trust and believe if it wasnt id b rockin them too!!
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Thanks:grin: for the advice! I wonder if my hair was as long as yours would I even dare think t cut it! But I like that attitude: just go for it. I think the fact that I'm waiting until the month of July will give me plenty of time to think about it at least, and if I'm still wanting it then I will go for the BC/relaxer style! lol

Your welcome,

i cant wait to make a thread with pics of my new hair Wednesday or Thursday this week.

i know how you feel. i was so bored of my natural hair!! i kept dreaming and thinking about texlaxed hair with a nice curl set. And i bet you just keep thinking about that nice short hair cut right, lol.

for me, its time to switch it up!!!
i think you should do whatever the HELL YOU WANT. its your hair and no one elses. If your leery about realxing you can try a 27 piece or a full weave cut into a short hair cut or be a natural with their hair always straight and have it shaped the way you like while being natural. those are just some idea but like india arie said Does the way I wear my hair make me a better person?
(Whoa, whoa, whoa)
Does the way I wear my hair make me a better friend? Oooh
(Whoa, whoa, whoa)
Does the way I wear my hair determine my integrity?
(Whoa, whoa, whoa)
I am expressing MY creativity..
(Whoa, whoa, whoa)

p.s. i LOVE short hairstyles too but my head was too big to rock em but trust and believe if it wasnt id b rockin them too!!

You hit the nail on the head with this post! I'm feeling more and more motivated. I was afraid that people would be like, "I thought you said you wouldn't relax anymore..blah blah" Sidenote: I bet your head isn't big! lol
Your welcome,

i cant wait to make a thread with pics of my new hair Wednesday or Thursday this week.

i know how you feel. i was so bored of my natural hair!! i kept dreaming and thinking about texlaxed hair with a nice curl set. And i bet you just keep thinking about that nice short hair cut right, lol.

for me, its time to switch it up!!!

lol! yes i keep loookin at that first picture and something about it's chicness and simplicity is intriguing me! I can't wait to see your pictures too!
I say go for it if that's what you want. It is your hair. Besides it should be more about healthy hair than length. A person can have beautiful, healthy, short hair and be happy. I know I was. I cut my hair from MBL to BSL. Got tired of that and cut it to just past SL. Got tired of that and cut it to CL. Then I said why did I waste my money on all these haircuts when I really want a pixie style. I kept listening to stylist and having them talk me out of cutting my hair so short. So I finally stopped listening to them and I just did it. I rocked my little cut for 2 years, texlaxed my hair and was loving it. I never regretted a minute of it. I'm growing back out now, but I do miss my super short hair when I see a fly cut hair cut.
Thanks for the feedback! a_shoe_6307 - I like that thought process. I always drool over short cuts, lol. As if it's destine to be.

winnettag - those are some nice styles. But my problem is, I don't like wearing wigs or weave. I've worn before, so I'm not knocking them at all! I guess I'm just tired of my hair. It's the thickest coiliest hair on earth. Not to mention, I just have a complete awe struck moment every time I see a short cut.

I will most def keep you updated! Knowing me, if I'm feelin spontaneous I'll do it sooner! lol
Do what you don't need anyone's permission but your own.
I'm not gonna be like, oh it's just hair. But it does have a cute habit of growing back, so even if you don't like it, you can always re-transition.

For the record, I love the second cut.
If I had a face or a head for short hair (I don' head is huge and my face is long), I'd get that one, minus the color.

Good luck with whatever you do. :yep:
I'm not natural anymore but I was thinking of a short bob-but I am getting a weave sort of like Nichi. That way I can transition and switch my style up.
I LOVE short cuts. I say go for it. I use to be the type to switch up my hair at a moment's notice--cut or color. I always prided myself on not being a "slave" to my hair, i.e. always worried about length like so many other women I know. Now that I'm natural--I've noticed that I've become what I use to pride myself on not being! haha I've been debating getting highlights for a while now--when the old me would have just done it. I'm a little disappointed in myself. haha
I have always loved a great short cut! I felt so beautiful with short, choppy, shiny hair. Go for it. Do whatever makes you happy!
I love short hair cuts. In some ways I think they're maintenance then long hair, because if you have a bad hair day with short hair, you can't put it in a ponytail or anything.

My solution? Wigs. Love me some wigs. You can wear your short style without cutter's remorse. This is the one I have on back order. .
OP, you look cute with short hair! Just think, if you cut it, it won't take long to transition back :) I think the power of hair is understanding it and knowing how to take care of it whether you want to grow it long or rock it short.

Keep us posted.
I LOVE short cuts. I say go for it. I use to be the type to switch up my hair at a moment's notice--cut or color. I always prided myself on not being a "slave" to my hair, i.e. always worried about length like so many other women I know. Now that I'm natural--I've noticed that I've become what I use to pride myself on not being! haha I've been debating getting highlights for a while now--when the old me would have just done it. I'm a little disappointed in myself. haha

lol @ disappointed in yourself. If anything I say think about it a little longer, and then do it! :-) Live in the moment. Your hair looks great either way!
OP, you look cute with short hair! Just think, if you cut it, it won't take long to transition back :) I think the power of hair is understanding it and knowing how to take care of it whether you want to grow it long or rock it short.

Keep us posted.

Thank you! the more encouragement I get, the more I want to just go and do it!
I LOVE my natural hair, but I too have an obsession with the short,sassy cut! I've been dreamin about it for a while now, but I'm not gonna do it cause I've put so much effort into my hair. I'm just ITCHING to see how long it'll get. BUT when I had my short rhianna cut, u couldn't tell me NUTHIN! LOL everybody loved it and so did i ! *sigh* I guess ill have to get a short weave and get over it. I AM however tryna figure out if I would be better suited with a BKT or texlax. My hair is just SO thick and coily kinky its crazy! ......... descisions descisions. : (
I feel you but I cut my hair out of boredom (I always take boredom out on my hair) and I regret it. Next time I will buy some clothes or something. You seem like you really want it short...if by July you syill want a short cut then go for it. It will grow back:)
Your hair is fierce with that short cut :yep: I say go for it. If you could stomach the weave, I'd say do that while you think about it. The 2nd and the 4th cut that you want can be done very easily with a sew in.

All I know is, if you decide to relax and cut, your hair is going to be soooooo healthy looking! Bling city!
I LOVE my natural hair, but I too have an obsession with the short,sassy cut! I've been dreamin about it for a while now, but I'm not gonna do it cause I've put so much effort into my hair. I'm just ITCHING to see how long it'll get. BUT when I had my short rhianna cut, u couldn't tell me NUTHIN! LOL everybody loved it and so did i ! *sigh* I guess ill have to get a short weave and get over it. I AM however tryna figure out if I would be better suited with a BKT or texlax. My hair is just SO thick and coily kinky its crazy! ......... descisions descisions. : (

My hair is like yours! It's bananas how thick it is! And I totally feel you on wanting to see how long it will get... but I've always been the type to pull my hair back up out of my face - so i feel like maybe short hair is my destiny lol.

I feel you but I cut my hair out of boredom (I always take boredom out on my hair) and I regret it. Next time I will buy some clothes or something. You seem like you really want it short...if by July you syill want a short cut then go for it. It will grow back:)

How long was your hair prior to the cut?

Your hair is fierce with that short cut :yep: I say go for it. If you could stomach the weave, I'd say do that while you think about it. The 2nd and the 4th cut that you want can be done very easily with a sew in.

All I know is, if you decide to relax and cut, your hair is going to be soooooo healthy looking! Bling city!

Aww, thank you! If I knew how to relax hair, I'd do it all on my own. But I don't have a clue. i'm researching right now... my mom knows how, but I want her to do some of the steps Ive seen provided here such as neutralizing.

Sidenote: If my mom had known about LHCF before I went natural, I wonder if I would have ever went natural in the first place. LHCF has SO many beautiful haired women - relaxed and natural.
Short hair like the pics you posted are super hot! I love Rihanna's many styles too. I say go for it if you love that style..

you can always grow it out if and when you get tired of it.
I have always loved the severe bob cut. unfortunately my bangs were never long enought to pull the look off :(
but now they are and sometimes I think
ooohhh I could get that cut now

However, LHCF has my curiousity up I need to know how long I can grow my hair if I stick to a healthy hair plan.
Girl! I just pm'd you earlier, I love your hair natural, and I am sure it will look just as good with a relaxer, Everytime I went natural I said I would never relax again and end up relaxing and then going back natural, I always get support no matter what I choose. I say go for it! and I been here since 2003(had to re-register in 2005)
So I'm feeling a bit "needy" right now. I've been natural for a year and 5 months. I've always been the type to switch up my hair because of boredom. So keeping my hair in it's natural state for that amount of time has been very surprising. Yesterday I went out to a club and saw so many women with these wonderful short short hair cuts! I have had this love for extremely short cuts with long flirtatious bangs forever. I have had my hair short before, and LOVED it.... I honestly can't recall why I ever grew my hair back out. But the point of this post is... I'm feeling such an urge to do a short cut again. I am posting this here on LHCF because I know that I won't be judged for being natural and wanting to possibly revisit relaxers for the love of a short do. They are chic, simple, elegant, and fun. I love that they can be styled edgy 1 day, and glamourous the next. I also love that it was so quick styling my hair when it was short.

Here is my hair now:

This is one of my previous hair cuts when I was 19 maybe?


If I do cut my hair again, I want bangs!
I'd want something more like this:





I love the bottom/back of this one.

I know this site is ideally about LONG hair, but if I do go back to relaxing I would possibly have to learn my hair all over again. I don't know much about relaxed hair care anymore. I'm just feeling so lost right now.

Am I the only one that likes/loves/is curious about short hair cuts?

I personally feel like it's hair and if I want it back, I can grow it back. If I do decide to cut it, it will be in July (I want my bangs to grow out more).

Thanks for any support!

I also get Bored really easily...That's why I fell in love with wigs (I change up so much, some of my friends are like, "Which "HAT" are u wearing tonight") I think all of the styles that u've shown are cute.. Why don't you cornroll ur hair and try a Short wig? That way you can have the best of BOTH worlds. If u decide to cut it, that would be OK too b/c its ur hair and you have to live with it and love it. It doesn't matter what ppl think (in ref from going from natural to relaxed)... It's ur head, and a girl should be free to change her mind :yep: Welp, that's just my 2 cents from one Barbie to another.....
I love short hair too, when i was relaxed i spend like 7 years wearinf very short hair and i love it, im thinking about it too (have them again) but as i know my hair will damage with the awful relaxers they sold in here, i will o for a sew or a wig

well, anything you do i hope we´ll see pics