Am I alone in my fear of long hair?


New Member
I wouldn't really call it fear. I guess you could say I'm getting a little apprehensive about my natural hair growing longer. :sad:

I'm 3c/4a I think. Anywho, my problem lately is, that since my hair has gotten longer, I am getting nervous about whether or not I will be able to tend to it and keep it healthy. I am also worried about the tangling and matting that sometime seems to occur as natural hair gets longer. The extra care you have to take with natural hair as far as washing, combing/brushing, detangling, and the list goes on. :dazed:

I haven't experienced alot of this yet. Just a few tangles, but I can't help worrying about it. I have read alot about all of these things, and you would think it would calm my "fears" but it hasn't :nono:

I know I have to deal with it when the time comes, and stop being a puss puss about it, but its really had me biting my nails alot more lately. :wallbash:

So I was wondering, am I alone in this? Or are there other members (any length) that is getting a little nervous about their hair getting longer?
I'm a little nervous about detangling and dealing with this mess on my head too. We'll get through it when the time comes!

What makes me even more scared is the amount of money I'll be spending on products. It takes me about 3 weeks to run through a bottle of deep conditioner. Imagine how much it'll need when it's twice as long.

Maybe it's just that I'm cheap :lol:
I know what you mean. I'm turning into a serous PJ. I'm trying to get myself under control, but its so hard. :wallbash:

I don't even want to think about how I will be the longer my hair gets.
I have stopped buying poo's tho. I guess thats progress.:lachen:
Come one ladies, don't be atraid to tell if your scared, or jsut nervous.
Any words of wisdom to help us out is greatly appreciated also.:perplexed
The only things I'm really nervous about are the inevitable knots and tangles. Oh, and the fact that I'm already pretty lazy about my hair so I don't know what I'll do when it'll require more energy and time to deal with. But other than that I'm super excited!
well, not really. i just figured if detangling got to be too much from wearing my hair "out" i'd just keep it braided up. :look: same with products, i use less that way.

Neith, you have thick hair like me right? do you apply your DC in sections or do you just slather it on your whole head? i find applying products in sections means using less. yeah it's tedious and a bit annoying, but you don't go thru product as quickly. :yep:
I think that a person has to decide what their hair goals are. No matter what the person decides to do you there is going to be some work involved. Maintaining or retainaing you have decide which you want to do. I also believe that only the individual can draw the line when it comes to buy excess products.
I wouldn't really call it fear. I guess you could say I'm getting a little apprehensive about my natural hair growing longer. :sad:

I'm 3c/4a I think. Anywho, my problem lately is, that since my hair has gotten longer, I am getting nervous about whether or not I will be able to tend to it and keep it healthy. I am also worried about the tangling and matting that sometime seems to occur as natural hair gets longer. The extra care you have to take with natural hair as far as washing, combing/brushing, detangling, and the list goes on. :dazed:

I haven't experienced alot of this yet. Just a few tangles, but I can't help worrying about it. I have read alot about all of these things, and you would think it would calm my "fears" but it hasn't :nono:

I know I have to deal with it when the time comes, and stop being a puss puss about it, but its really had me biting my nails alot more lately. :wallbash:

So I was wondering, am I alone in this? Or are there other members (any length) that is getting a little nervous about their hair getting longer?

I think there are two side to every coin, what I mean is with shorter hair you might have to do more to it to keep it freshly styled dally, while longer hair might be more work in one shot, but then you can put it in styles where you can kinda leave it alone more
I'm a little nervous about detangling and dealing with this mess on my head too. We'll get through it when the time comes!

What makes me even more scared is the amount of money I'll be spending on products. It takes me about 3 weeks to run through a bottle of deep conditioner. Imagine how much it'll need when it's twice as long.

Maybe it's just that I'm cheap :lol:

oh yeah you will be using whole jars of stuff like its nothing! Definitely more costly!
No, you're not :grin: I think that while I am looking forward to what length will bring, I am nervous about it also. But I think that with sites like this I am able to see what challenges others are encountering, and I'm able to anticipate some of the issues I might have. At least now I feel like I'm not going into it completely blind!
well, not really. i just figured if detangling got to be too much from wearing my hair "out" i'd just keep it braided up. :look: same with products, i use less that way.

Neith, you have thick hair like me right? do you apply your DC in sections or do you just slather it on your whole head? i find applying products in sections means using less. yeah it's tedious and a bit annoying, but you don't go thru product as quickly. :yep:

I have thirsty hair. It sucks anything water based DOWN :guiness:

I do section when I put it in, but I still use about 1/4 to 1/3 a bottle of conditioner at a time. Like a half of a handful in each of 4 sections.

Maybe I could get away with using less. I know I'm on the heavy hand side with conditioner :yep:
I'm not really scared. I haven't had the tangling and knotting issues that others have had. I know my hair isn't long yet, but it is super thick, and it's been fine so far.

I guess if it happens, it happens. I'll just use my Denman and keep it moving.:yep:
I'm not too scared-- I think because hair only grows so fast anyway, you gradually get used to dealing with it at its longer lengths. I just recently realized that some of my techniques changed and I didn;t even think about it or consciously do it- I guess I just sort of adapted to what was giving me better results.

As far as products, I probably spend less now than I did when I first started out because I;m not trying everything out.
I know what you mean. I'm turning into a serous PJ. I'm trying to get myself under control, but its so hard. :wallbash:

I don't even want to think about how I will be the longer my hair gets.
I have stopped buying poo's tho. I guess thats progress.:lachen:
join the buy nothing challenge; cured me in 2 weeks.

if you are ready to say "i'm a PJ" you're ready to work on it...


ETA: this doesnt apply to me and my curly fro but i have heard a LOT of people say they are growing their hair but at the same time they are paranoid to let it down and it's gonna all dry out and break off if they wear it down for even a day. i dont get it but to each her own. i just know the point of me growing APL or BSL hair is so i can wear it down or have a long ponytail that is actually all mine but whatevs.
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ive been so weary now a days my hair reached mbl but its a complete disaster i wear braidouts and protective styles all the time now cause of the horrible texture of my relaxed hair im thankful i finally found products that work on my hair to keep it soft and moisturized but i feel i cant enjoy my hair the way i want to cause its forever tangled and dont let me get started on products lol i go through those like water i think i spend more on hair products then anything else lol so ummmmm yea its back to thr drawing board for me cause imma have to fix this problem all i ever dream of is the soft silky shiny rollersets that all the other beautiful ladies are wearing and if i dont do something now when i reach waistlength ill be dammed if i have to chop my hair off.......
as my hair gets longer, i'm finding that the pros outweigh the cons. yes, there are way more "cons" than there were when i had a twa in terms of handling my hair. however, all of that insecurity about having short hair isn't a problem any more. longer hair affords me more styling options and i think it suits me much better.
OP - when my napps started growing, i definitely had some fear that i would not be able to handle it. The big head you see now is the same big head i had to handle when i was a teenager :perplexed. No internet to find help and support, no best buddies that knew how to braid and cornrow, nothing. It was during my teen years that i had my first relaxer experience and it was because of my lack of patience, lack of knowledge and of course i wanted to have sleek, straight hair without having to deal with the hot combing sessions. I was sooooooo misinformed.

I didn't take time to think that i'd just be trading one hassle in for another one, know what i mean?

But you know what? As long as you're able to get good haircare information, have some patience and a Yes I Can (sorry obama) attitude, you'll overcome that fear.

You'll learn to adjust what you're doing as your hair grows out, you'll learn to stick to a basic routine and style and you can always put your hair in a protective style for a week or 2 when you get really annoyed with it.

Longer hair does bring you a few more styling options and this really makes up for any additional time or effort you might have to put into it. :grin:

And if it really, REALLY gets on your nerves, you can always get it cut back to a more manageable length.

It'll be ok, really. I got over that fear and so will you.

Just grow your huuurrrr girl!!
No, you're not :grin: I think that while I am looking forward to what length will bring, I am nervous about it also. But I think that with sites like this I am able to see what challenges others are encountering, and I'm able to anticipate some of the issues I might have. At least now I feel like I'm not going into it completely blind!
I ditto this comment, I feel the same way too. I think I've seen where a few around my length(4") are already having problems with knots and tangles, and I'm sitting here wondering why come I'm not having that problem too. Not that I'm wanting it, but one would usually think it comes with the territory of being natural yanno. So that's the one major thing I'm worried about, but like others have said, I'll cross that bridge when it comes up, for I know I'll have you ladies to help out.
OP - when my napps started growing, i definitely had some fear that i would not be able to handle it. The big head you see now is the same big head i had to handle when i was a teenager :perplexed. No internet to find help and support, no best buddies that knew how to braid and cornrow, nothing. It was during my teen years that i had my first relaxer experience and it was because of my lack of patience, lack of knowledge and of course i wanted to have sleek, straight hair without having to deal with the hot combing sessions. I was sooooooo misinformed.

I didn't take time to think that i'd just be trading one hassle in for another one, know what i mean?

But you know what? As long as you're able to get good haircare information, have some patience and a Yes I Can (sorry obama) attitude, you'll overcome that fear.

You'll learn to adjust what you're doing as your hair grows out, you'll learn to stick to a basic routine and style and you can always put your hair in a protective style for a week or 2 when you get really annoyed with it.

Longer hair does bring you a few more styling options and this really makes up for any additional time or effort you might have to put into it. :grin:

And if it really, REALLY gets on your nerves, you can always get it cut back to a more manageable length.

It'll be ok, really. I got over that fear and so will you.

Just grow your huuurrrr girl!!
Love this post!!! Thanks so much for your wisdom LynnieB!!:clap: I'm going to remember this one!
OP - when my napps started growing, i definitely had some fear that i would not be able to handle it. The big head you see now is the same big head i had to handle when i was a teenager :perplexed. No internet to find help and support, no best buddies that knew how to braid and cornrow, nothing. It was during my teen years that i had my first relaxer experience and it was because of my lack of patience, lack of knowledge and of course i wanted to have sleek, straight hair without having to deal with the hot combing sessions. I was sooooooo misinformed.

I didn't take time to think that i'd just be trading one hassle in for another one, know what i mean?

But you know what? As long as you're able to get good haircare information, have some patience and a Yes I Can (sorry obama) attitude, you'll overcome that fear.

You'll learn to adjust what you're doing as your hair grows out, you'll learn to stick to a basic routine and style and you can always put your hair in a protective style for a week or 2 when you get really annoyed with it.

Longer hair does bring you a few more styling options and this really makes up for any additional time or effort you might have to put into it. :grin:

And if it really, REALLY gets on your nerves, you can always get it cut back to a more manageable length.

It'll be ok, really. I got over that fear and so will you.

Just grow your huuurrrr girl!!
I really like the way you put things!!! Thank you so much!!!

Thanks so much everyone for your comments, and words of encourgment. It has helped alot.:yep:

I really am super excited about growing my hair long, and for all I know I may not experience any problems that I talked about when I posted.

Its just some times I tend to look ahead and anticipate the worst in things. Its somthing I am work ing on by the way.:grin:

I love the time I spend doing my hair. Cause I like playing in it so much. I guess at times it all can just seem overwhelming (if I let it). I never had to do much to my hair when I was relaxed to keep it healthy and growing.

I would n't call myself a PJ per say, I am spending more cause I am trying to find the right produsts that work for my hair, and get my regimen on point. I'm getting there tho. Luckly, I work at a health care facility where I can take the products I don't use and use them on my residents hair. The only hair products they have is Suave. So none of its going to waste.:yep:

I plan on using all natural products and making my own recipes. I also want to start infusing oils and herbs. I takes alot to get everything built up, and natural stuff in my natural store costs. I do order online when I can find it cheaper. I am getting it a little at a time.

I have found that my hair loves natural products. Also, I am doing as little manipulation as possible. My hair tends to thrive this way.
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I have thirsty hair. It sucks anything water based DOWN :guiness:

I do section when I put it in, but I still use about 1/4 to 1/3 a bottle of conditioner at a time. Like a half of a handful in each of 4 sections.

Maybe I could get away with using less. I know I'm on the heavy hand side with conditioner :yep:

I realized that when I DC, I use about 10 oz of 'whatever' mix I make. :nono: My hair is THIRSTY though, and having it supersoaked in conditioner makes the detangling process SO much easier.
I'm slightly nervous about how much con I'll use as my hair gets longer - but not concerned enough to even consider slowing down. ;)

I'm not too scared-- I think because hair only grows so fast anyway, you gradually get used to dealing with it at its longer lengths. I just recently realized that some of my techniques changed and I didn;t even think about it or consciously do it- I guess I just sort of adapted to what was giving me better results.

As far as products, I probably spend less now than I did when I first started out because I;m not trying everything out.

Exactly! That's one thing that's really cool about keeping a hair journal - I can read back, and see how I gradually adapted what I do to suit my hair. I mean, if you think about it, the change of an inch a month is a pretty slow one - it gives you time to get used to it! It's one of the main reasons that I wouldn't WANT hair that grew too much faster than 1.5 inch a month - I don't think I could keep up with the needed changes then.

So overall - I'm not apprehensively nervous about my hair getting longer, because I figure I'm a smart girl, I've got a HUGE amount of resources, and I'll be certain to learn and grow along with my hair. And if it really ever does get to be just too too much - the scissors are always around.