Aluminum Foil for Flat Ironing

I tried it after reading the same post. I didn't do my whole head because it took me like 3 + passes to get my hair dry and straight, so I only did a section in the back. My curls in the section that I experimented on bounced back no problem. If you have the time, I think you could achieve great results, but I'm not patient enough to finish my whole head.

i'm glad this worked for you, and you didn't suffer any heat damage tking.
Hmmmm not sure why someone would want to do that but to each his her own.... Alll I can think of is how back in the day poptarts came in aluminum I put those bad boys in the microwave still wrapped....(I was young) can u say fire. It's easy to set aluminum on fire....can u imagine one little spark ummmm no thanks
thanks nonie.this makes a lot of the foil maks the flat iron hotter?okay! okay! i guess you could get just as silky hair using a higher temperature to flat iron.idk.

Yeah, but also you can sort of have an idea what temperature you're applying to your hair when you use the iron you bought and not your own contraption. Seems to me using a higher temp on the flat iron would be safer coz if anything you'd learn what temperature not to use next time if you fry your hair. Becoming an inventor and making up your own temperature that you have no clue what number that is seems to be like Russian Roulette and not likely to teach you anything about what your hair can take. Just risk without any gain.