ALTER EGO CREN...doesn't work for me


New Member
Well, after the 3rd application, I've found that Altera Ego Cren does not work for me. I am going to make an appt with a dermatologist tomorrow. I'm still losing long thick strands of shedded hair at every wash.:confused:

I'm so sad about this. I just don't understand why this shedding started in May and continues. Every now and then it slacks off and seems to be over and then one wash will send me right back to square one. Its completely insane. I don't know anyone else in my family or friends who experience this. They experience breakage sometimes but no one else deals with months of shedding. It sounds crazy to them!
Cayenne0622 said:
Well, after the 3rd application, I've found that Altera Ego Cren does not work for me. I am going to make an appt with a dermatologist tomorrow. I'm still losing long thick strands of shedded hair at every wash.:confused:

I'm so sad about this. I just don't understand why this shedding started in May and continues. Every now and then it slacks off and seems to be over and then one wash will send me right back to square one. Its completely insane. I don't know anyone else in my family or friends who experience this. They experience breakage sometimes but no one else deals with months of shedding. It sounds crazy to them!

:( Cayenne ... I am so sorry you are having this shedding issue. Trust me I know how stressful this hair struggle can be.

I've been using Alter Ego Lozione Rivitalizzante (In the burgundy box). This is my 4th week. I don't see much of a difference but the stylist told me today that it's helping after making a sad attempt at asking in spanish ...why won't my hair grow? She said it's helping and be patient. So the saga continues. Anyway, maybe you can give that one a try I was told it's great for hair loss and to prevent hair from falling out.
Oh my...I am sorry to hear that:kiss: I ordered some last week and hope for better results. May I ask how you're using it?
Thanks so much ladies.

I shampoo my hair and deep condition. I then apply the Cren to my scalp and softly massage. I then let it sit for 2 mins and then move on to applying my leave in moisturizers - NTM and Elasta QP H2. After that I air-dry.
Cayenne0622 said:
Well, after the 3rd application, I've found that Altera Ego Cren does not work for me. I am going to make an appt with a dermatologist tomorrow. I'm still losing long thick strands of shedded hair at every wash.:confused:

I'm so sad about this. I just don't understand why this shedding started in May and continues. Every now and then it slacks off and seems to be over and then one wash will send me right back to square one. Its completely insane. I don't know anyone else in my family or friends who experience this. They experience breakage sometimes but no one else deals with months of shedding. It sounds crazy to them!

Could it be something you're using on wash day? I hope you're dermatologist can find out what's happening.
Please don't tell me it's not working. I've been wanting to order some for pp shedding (sigh). Have you tried Queene Helene's Garlic Shampoo? I've been looking all over for it even though it's gotten mixed reviews on lhcf...

Keep us posted.
well its working for me in reducing my shedding.. but sometimes shedding can come from other sources, stress, nerves, medications not mxing well with natural products.. i hope you can resolve your situation soon.. i'm transitioning to natural so its been a great help for me with less shedding while combing out this mane..
Have you tried Essations Hair Mender. Giiiirrrrl I just tried this today and I haven't washed in about a week and I lost half the amount of hair that I usually lose-about 35 hairs, no lie!

Try it, it is well worth it!
I hope the derm can help too.

I tried the Queen Helene Conditioner (Garlic) as well as a hot oil garlic treatment I made for myself. When those only temporarily helped I decided to try the alter ego. That's not helping either. I've done protein treatments, etc. Nothing seems to have a permanent solution. I'm not on any medications and I only take a prenatal mult-vitamin. It has biotin and some other things in it.

A friend of mine ordered Essations and said it did help her so I'll talk to her tomorrow and find out if its continued to work. If so, that's my next purchase. I don't care how much I have to spend, I have to stop this. My hair seems so healthy and much stronger now but I'm losing it!! :(

I'll keep you guys posted. Thanks so much for the encouragement and suggestions.
I'm sorry for what you're going through.

I know how you feel I'm going through the same thing. I've gone to the doctor 3 times already, trying to find a solution to stop it. In my case, it's due to stopping birth control pills.

It seems like I'm losing all my hair. My doctor prescribed biotin and Rogain. He also told me that it's hormonal and it would have to just run it's course. I get so sad some days I just want to cut it off and go natural.:perplexed

I've tried protein treatments (at the salon), Essations Mender, DRC 28, Alter Ego garlic hot oil treatment, nutrine garlic conditioner, etc. Nothing has stopped it. When I go to the salon it my hair stops shedding for about 4 to 5 days, but starts up again.

I want to order the Cren, but I feel it won't work either. My doc says to just be very gentle with the hair.

I hope you find help. Keep us posted.

Cayenne0622 said:
I hope the derm can help too.

I tried the Queen Helene Conditioner (Garlic) as well as a hot oil garlic treatment I made for myself. When those only temporarily helped I decided to try the alter ego. That's not helping either. I've done protein treatments, etc. Nothing seems to have a permanent solution. I'm not on any medications and I only take a prenatal mult-vitamin. It has biotin and some other things in it.

A friend of mine ordered Essations and said it did help her so I'll talk to her tomorrow and find out if its continued to work. If so, that's my next purchase. I don't care how much I have to spend, I have to stop this. My hair seems so healthy and much stronger now but I'm losing it!! :(

I'll keep you guys posted. Thanks so much for the encouragement and suggestions.
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MrsHouston said:
I'm sorry for what you're going through.

I know how you feel I'm going through the same thing. I've gone to the doctor 3 times already, trying to find a solution to stop it. In my case, it's due to stopping birth control pills.

It seems like I'm losing all my hair. My doctor presribed biotin and Rogain. He also told me that it's hormonal and it would have to just run it's course. I get so sad some days I just want to cut it off and go natural.:perplexed

I've tried protein treatments (at the salon), Essations Mender, DRC 28, Alter Ego gralic hot oil treamtent, nutrine garlic conditioner, etc. Nothing has stopped it. When I go to the salon it my hair stops shedding for about 4 to 5 days, but starts up again.

I want to order the Cren, but I feel it won't work either. My doc says to just be very gentle with the hair.

I hope you find help. Keep us posted.

Thanks MrsHouston. I'm sorry I have another shedding buddy. I'd rather hear that everyone's is stopping at this point. If your's stopped after a salon appt, I wonder if you are dealing with hard water at home and they may have a softener at the salon?? Hmmmm...
Good luck, lady. I hope something works for you too.
Cayenne0622 said:
Well, after the 3rd application, I've found that Altera Ego Cren does not work for me. I am going to make an appt with a dermatologist tomorrow. I'm still losing long thick strands of shedded hair at every wash.:confused:

I'm so sad about this. I just don't understand why this shedding started in May and continues. Every now and then it slacks off and seems to be over and then one wash will send me right back to square one. Its completely insane. I don't know anyone else in my family or friends who experience this. They experience breakage sometimes but no one else deals with months of shedding. It sounds crazy to them!

this is a quick reply, I haven't read the rest of the responses but... Please check with your OB / GYN also ... It may be a hormone issue... I don't know your age but I am over 40 and that may be a factor.... or have you had a child with in the last 12 months? I lost a head full of hair after my son's 5 month's birthday!!!

Go to the doc with as much info as you can. What meds are you taking, what supplements are you taking, do you have any other health issues going on right now... etc... Please take all this info to your doctor and share.
Cren or anything we do with our hair is going to take a year to show the benefits. Find one thing, do it for one year, it takes that long for anyone to grow a head of hair.

In the mean time find a cheap protective wig and take care of your head and your hair on it like it's your face.... read the threads...find out what your hair type is and then find out how you should take care of your hair. If you have a health problem...take care of that, corretion "come back for encouragement, and to keep us posted" Hormones will cause your hair to fall out quicker than anything. I hope it's just a bad shampoo problem.... much love :love:
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Cayenne0622 said:
Thanks MrsHouston. I'm sorry I have another shedding buddy. I'd rather hear that everyone's is stopping at this point. If your's stopped after a salon appt, I wonder if you are dealing with hard water at home and they may have a softener at the salon?? Hmmmm...
Good luck, lady. I hope something works for you too.

I was wondering the same thing, but I allowed her to shampoo back to back also.

I have well water, it's not too bad. The hubby is suppose to buy me a water softner next year.:D

So far this week I noticed not as much shedding (still shedding) but not as much as before. It's been two months...I'm praying it's slowing down.

As for you: What are you eating? Fast food can bring you down fast. Increase the protein in your diet. Slim Fast has a protein drink that's like 15 grams per serving. I drink this. Also nuts (almonds, cashews, etc.)

You could just be in the shedding phase of your hair cycle. Try to count the's normal to do 50 to over 100 a day.

Minostat (sp). Someone said it cured their shedding.

Are you getting enought rest...just some things to think about. Do a search on I've learned a lot about shedding from this site.
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You guys are so nice for trying to help me out. I know my shedding is not normal. Its at its very worst on shampoo days and I tend to lose a lot when I bun as well. I have been shedding since May or June 06. I have lost anywhere from 50 to 300 strands at any given wash. I'm not on any medicine, I haven't had any children, I only take a prenatal multi-vitamin and liquid flaxseed oil. My doc has informed me that I'm not anemic and I had blood drawn yesterday to have my thyroid and cholesterol checked. I'll have those results on Thursday. After that, I'm heading to the dermatologist. I have cut my wash days down from twice a week to once a week so I can avoid the hair loss. I don't use any heat on my hair. I have tried Garlic hotoil treatments (using garlic essential oils), I've tried Queen Helene's Garlic Conditioner, I've tried major protein treatments - Aphogee and Nexxus Emergencee, I've tried Alter Ego Cren and now I'm waiting on my order of Essations Hair Mender. All of the things listed worked for someone on this board but none have worked for me. There have been times when the shedding has slowed from 150+ to 20 or 50 but then it goes right back to large numbers at the next wash.
Sorry for the long response but I wanted to let you guys know (in detail) what my hair is doing. PLUS, it has also started breaking which it never used to do when I was flat ironing once or twice a week. WEIRD
I'm praying for you because I know first hand how stressfull sheding can be. I wish I knew about this place when I was going through it. I'm glad to hear it's slowing down for you. And I'm glad that you are getting checked out with the doctor. Thanks for keeping us posted.
AtlantaJJ said:
I'm praying for you because I know first hand how stressfull sheding can be. I wish I knew about this place when I was going through it. I'm glad to hear it's slowing down for you. And I'm glad that you are getting checked out with the doctor. Thanks for keeping us posted.
Janet are so sweet. Girl, I know everything will be okay. I'm just trying to get it figured out so I can know what I need to do. The good news is that it is growing like crazy and thickening up thanks to henna.
Cayenne0622 said:
You guys are so nice for trying to help me out. I know my shedding is not normal. Its at its very worst on shampoo days and I tend to lose a lot when I bun as well. I have been shedding since May or June 06. I have lost anywhere from 50 to 300 strands at any given wash. I'm not on any medicine, I haven't had any children, I only take a prenatal multi-vitamin and liquid flaxseed oil. My doc has informed me that I'm not anemic and I had blood drawn yesterday to have my thyroid and cholesterol checked. I'll have those results on Thursday. After that, I'm heading to the dermatologist. I have cut my wash days down from twice a week to once a week so I can avoid the hair loss. I don't use any heat on my hair. I have tried Garlic hotoil treatments (using garlic essential oils), I've tried Queen Helene's Garlic Conditioner, I've tried major protein treatments - Aphogee and Nexxus Emergencee, I've tried Alter Ego Cren and now I'm waiting on my order of Essations Hair Mender. All of the things listed worked for someone on this board but none have worked for me. There have been times when the shedding has slowed from 150+ to 20 or 50 but then it goes right back to large numbers at the next wash.
Sorry for the long response but I wanted to let you guys know (in detail) what my hair is doing. PLUS, it has also started breaking which it never used to do when I was flat ironing once or twice a week. WEIRD

Any updates?