Aloe for hair growth and thickening...


New Member
You ladies probably know more about this topic then I do. I do not know if this alone can cause growth and thicker hair but, my moms friend had extremly thin hair and now her hair is thick with a bone straight relaxer. My mom's hair is beginning to thin out badly so her friend told her what she did.

She said that she got some aloe plants and scrapped the slimmy stuff out of it (so 100% pure aloe)

Then every night she would place it in her hair after rubbing it in nicely on her hands from root to tip.

After that she will wrap her hair up at night (a protective style)

And do this every night. She will wash and detangle on wash day and then repeat the above.

Just thought I will share.

Oh yea her sister claimed to do the same thing and she use to have short hair n now its long with some body I heard.
im not sure of all the benefits, but aloe is really good to wash your hair with. i mentioned this before that the dredheads in my fam wash their hair with straight aloe from the plant. it gets the hair clean without damaging it. i would imagine it would aid with growth and thickness cause ALL of their dread are huge and long.
I wouldn't be surprised. De ole time peepoles does use Aloe to heal cuts and every other sickness. Aloe actually has healing properties so maybe thats why it grows hair. Soothes and heals the dammaged skin on scalp and follicles.
Aloe vera is great for scalp and hair. I add it to my scalp concoction which consists of several oils plus msm and apple cider vinegar. I also add it to my conditioning mixes, especially my yogurt conditioner mix. It just greatly enhances it and I can tell the difference in the silkiness of my hair when I forget to add the aloe vera. However, when I put pure aloe vera without mixing it with something on my hair, it makes it hard.
Yeah, I'm from the country and we've used aloe in our family for as long as I can remember. Aloe plants were as common as grass in my family LOL. And while I don't know what it does for hair growth per se, I know for sure that it has healing properties, we use it for cuts, burns, rashes, acne it can even be taken internally, however be warned it is extremely bitter! My great grandmother used to soak it in a gallon of water and drink a glass everyday, it tastes awful but even in her 80's and 90's she had the most beautiful, smooth skin and baby soft hair. Who knows it's def worth a try. I'ts funny this thread came up b/c I've actually been thinking of adding aloe to my conditioners and mixing it with it with different things to use a moisturizer b/c I deal with so much dryness in my hair. Great thread, maybe somebody out there can shed a little more light on this.
Yea so I guess my mom is going to buy some aloe plants this week and try it on her hair. I think I might try it too if she buys enough. I'm going to do some more research on this later on. Its just so amazing because the ladies hair is so thick!
I don't know how it works for hair growth or thickening but I burned my hand and my hair (I posted about that a while back) and I used aloe to get rid of the scars and my skin healed perfectly. You would never even know I had burned myself. Hmmn......maybe I'll add it to my MN mix.
I was told this, especially by my DS dad. That's why I like the Fantasia line because it has aloe in it. I also use Aloe as a face "cream".
Where do you purchase the aloe plants?

They have them at the Wal-marts down here. Or maybe you should try local plant nurseries they should definately have them. Or if you know someone who has one, just break a piece off with the roots still attached, stick it in a small pot with a little moist potting soil and watch it grow. You don't even have to water this thing. Aloe plants are basically 90% water so they need very, very little help from us in that department. HTH:yep:
Thank you so much, nycutiepie and silkii_locks! :blowkiss:

I think I'll pick up some from the Korean store down the street...:yep:
I have noticed a difference in the way my hair feel and dry after using the Praital Aloevera rinse following deep condtioning.
I like it better than my beloved Praital Silkworm rinse.
Yes, Aloe vera is very good for the hair and it also helps to keep the hair black. No grays if you use it consistently - saw this elderly lady's hair as evidence. Her hair looked dark, healthy and strong and she influenced me to start using it overnight before I wash.
Yes, Aloe vera is very good for the hair and it also helps to keep the hair black. No grays if you use it consistently - saw this elderly lady's hair as evidence. Her hair looked dark, healthy and strong and she influenced me to start using it overnight before I wash.

::chasing after and jumping on the bandwagon::

Hmmp, I'm headed for the conductors seat.
The health food store around my way sells this. I'm going to try and get some soon. Everyone that ends up trying this, please report back about how it worked for you.
I used to mix it with oil about a year ago but didn't get positive results.
I'll give it a try again as a prepoo with sesame oil and rosemary HE.

I plan on buying an aloe vera plant but in the meantime I'm going to use a commercial product. As anybody tried the aubrey organics pure aloe vera gel? If so, what 's your review?
Do you put the aloe vera juice or the gel in your hair?

Thanks for your replies Ladies and thank you OP for starting this thread.
I'll do some experiments of my own and report back:grin:
I've tried using the plant twice and failed miserably. When you squeeze or cut open the leaf you have broken off to scoop out the aloe vera, it yields only a little bit at a time and it is very tacky. That has been my experience, but others may have had different experiences.

I have had much better results just using the aloe vera gel and drink purchased from either the Vitamin Shoppe, Whole Foods or Puritan's Pride -- either the store brand or Lily of the Desert. I sprayed some aloe vera and filtered water (and my shikakai spray) in damp hair Thursday night and Friday night and let it stay on a while before rinsing and my hair loved it -- scalp, too. I usually conditioner wash Monday through Friday and this will be my version of a conditioner wash at two of those days -- oil rinse one day, aloe vera rinse two days and just regular old conditoner wash two days. I think that will work out well.
I use aloe sometimes instead of water in spritzes, I find it more moisturizing. I may try to use it along with shikakai for its cleansing properties.

I have been using it and with my wash yesterday I noticed that my hair is thicker. It felt heavy when I was washing it. I found the following info and it maybe the reason Aloe i great for growth and thickening.

ALOE VERA seems to contain many of the products necessary and effective in fighting hair loss: Biotin, b-vitamins, zinc and inositil. It also contains anti-bacterial properties that keep the scalp healthy by controlling scalp infections that can prohibit hair growth.
I wouldn't be surprised. De ole time peepoles does use Aloe to heal cuts and every other sickness. Aloe actually has healing properties so maybe thats why it grows hair. Soothes and heals the dammaged skin on scalp and follicles.

Yep. I got some from the vitamin shoppe a few years ago. Haven't used it in ages... it's probably "spoiled." :/
I add Fruit of the Earth Aloe Vera gel to conditioners. I got it at WalMart.


I been looking for this ever since I seen it in one of those youtube videos. And I have 2 WalMarts close by and they don't even have it. None of the BSS has it neither, and Sally's don't either. Guess I'll just have to wait until another time and then maybe their shelves will be stocked with it.:sad:
I been looking for this ever since I seen it in one of those youtube videos. And I have 2 WalMarts close by and they don't even have it. None of the BSS has it neither, and Sally's don't either. Guess I'll just have to wait until another time and then maybe their shelves will be stocked with it.:sad:

Try Rite Aid, CVS or Walgreens. My local Walmarts only seem to carry this during the summer months here, where we were before I could get it all year round at Walmart. But I found some at Rite Aid.
I believe it. I have been using Fruit of the Earth since the summer to slick back edges while bunning and my temples have filled in nicely (finally). The hair in this area has been scarce for years.

I am also contemplating using AV gel as a pre-poo option.

ETA: It also makes a hellafied deep con when it's mixed with GPB.
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I recently started using Jason's Aloe Vera Gel on my face

that I purchased from The Vitamin Shoppe
I never thought to use it for hair, so I will try using it for my edges as well because I would like them to thicken up.

For those using it in a spritz bottle, does it dilute well? I am wondering if I can add it to my daily moisturizer without it clogging up the tube.