all this work we're doing is not in vain


Well-Known Member
i was just scrolling through some wedding pics my sister sent me of a year ago, and it just hit me. some people think you're crazy (or sad) for the amount of work you put into your hair, my house mate (a trinidadian) who has gorgeous indian waist length hair and cuts it every couple of weeks makes fun of the amount of time that goes into my hair. a year ago I had ear length hair, and my sister had gorgeous waist length hair. here's a pic. fast forward a year and i've got nearly APL and her hair after several cuts is Full APL but quite damaged. she keeps telling me she wants to cut it off because its so damaged. i'll try to get her to take a pic of her hair now, but here's one of how her hair less than a year ago

i dont know why its not coming up, must be doing something wrong
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