All right, cousins! Y'all done got me confused!


New Member
I've seen the chart(s) with the lady and the various measurements, but as we all know hair measurement is VERY subjective!

I was just reading a thread where our cousins are telling how long it took them to go from SL ---> APL, APL ---> BSL, etc...

When I started my journey, I thought my hair was SL. But what do y'all think? The pic is in my avatar. I am asking because now I am beginning to think that I am hair anorexic.

TIA for helping me get through this disorder! I can always count on my cousins!!!

ETA to put a better pic:
Thanks, Ladies! That was my start pic back in March. I just wanted to get others opinion on the length.

Anyone else care to offer an opinion?
Girl, if you can't see that you're past SL, you definately have hair anorexia! You're a few inches past SL! :hammer: :lol: