All my work has not been in vain. Check out my 4 year old DD


New Member
I started taking care of her hair around the same time as mine. It's been about 2 years and some change. Well today to prep for her first day of school Yay! I washed her hair last night and deep condish it than let it air dry.
Today i used some heat protectant and flat ironed her hair (first time using direct heat by the way in about 2 years lol)

I'll say for her ages 1 and 2 i did'nt do her hair to good kept packing it with grease and all that nonsense (i have not greased her scalp in ages) i also used direct heat on her hair (ie blow dryer) anyway

I cut her hair december 06 I got tired of dealing with her bad tangle ends I have photes of how much I cut and everything she needs her on reguler updates in my fotki lol

here are some pics of past and present

^^babygirl under 1 years old

^^another shoot i don't think she was walking yet

^^her hair texture (this is how i used to waah her hair but it's to long now i wash it in the bathroom) this was taken last year

^^how much i cut last year it's so frizzy


^^today I never really knew her length since's it's never been straight on wash days it's shrink city
i think her hair types 4b with some other types in there
i don't think i'll ever relax her hair though maybe when she's 15,16,17 or 18 lol
Looks like you're doing a great job. I think it's sooo cute how some of you ladies love on your daughters hair and take pics of it!:p
Firstly she is such a cutie pie!!. That wet hair pic looks gorgeous. You've done a great job with her hair. Wish someone would have taught my momma.
wow: she has gorgeous hair: as she gets older and notice her hair length compared to her peers: she will gladly thank you: wanna do my lil sisters hair? lol
:eek: her hair looks great! You're doing an awesome job. I'm gonna click my heels that my future daughter's hair come out lovely like that.
Her hair is so pretty and you are doing such a great job. She will thank you so much for this when she's older. My 12 y.o daughter is starting school on Tue and I after stalking a bunch of naturals fotki's I bought her a new hair dryer and a maxiglide so she could be lookikng good on the first day. My daughter has THICK and I mean THICK hair . I did my henna today so I could devote doing her hair tomorrow.
Mom you are doing a great job! Your daughters hair is so healthy and beautiful looking! She will thank you greatly when she is older:yep:.
@ mocha i sent the pm. It's funny but if i buy a shampoo or con for my hair and it does not work it will work on her hair take dpr 11 for instance did'nt do a thing for me but works good for her nexxcus products also

@cat eyes your daughter looks just like you. She has some long pretty hair.

thanks again ladies

It was'nt easy at all but we came a long way
Luv it! Can't wait till I can post pics of my daughter when she is that age and hair down her back as well! :)
you did a really good job taking care of her hair. she'll thank you when she gets older and all the other girls and their moms are hating on her hair.
You are doing such a good job. Her hair is lovely. I have a little boy and seeing your baby's pics makes me want to try for a girl.
You are doing a GREAT job her hair is beautiful, I'm still trying to get a set regimen for my 3 yr old, we have come a long way from a year ago. I would look to know your dauhgter's regimen. Could you please PM it to me also? TIA! :grin:
Wow she has some beautiful hair, thanks to you. I applaud you for taking such good care of her hair. How old is she?
With a good example as you, she will be taking great care of her children's hair also, and so the trend will continue.