All my Texlax'd ladies - in here please


Active Member

I am ready for a change. I have decided. I love my natural hair, but in all honesty it is getting more difficult to maintain as it gets longer and with an energetic toddler running around after me (or vice versa) everyday I really don't have enough time to invest in looking after my natural hair (wash and go's etc do NOT work for me - I end up with a hot tangled mess). My last hope was kinky-curly products which worked wonders for my hair but now there is no longer international shipping :naughty: :spank: :whip: :angry2: :swearing: (I live in London) so that's the end of that....

So to get to the point, Texlax'd ladies - tell me how are you lovin' your hair?
My questions are

1) Is it the same as being texturised

2) Do you do it yourself or go to a salon

3) How does your hair look after texlaxing? Curly or straight?

4) How long have you had it texlax'd?

5) Any further info you might like to add that you think I should know about

Thank you so much.


Mich :D
michc said:

I am ready for a change. I have decided. I love my natural hair, but in all honesty it is getting more difficult to maintain as it gets longer and with an energetic toddler running around after me (or vice versa) everyday I really don't have enough time to invest in looking after my natural hair (wash and go's etc do NOT work for me - I end up with a hot tangled mess). My last hope was kinky-curly products which worked wonders for my hair but now there is no longer international shipping :naughty: :spank: :whip: :angry2: :swearing: (I live in London) so that's the end of that....

So to get to the point, Texlax'd ladies - tell me how are you lovin' your hair?
My questions are

1) Is it the same as being texturised

2) Do you do it yourself or go to a salon

3) How does your hair look after texlaxing? Curly or straight?

4) How long have you had it texlax'd?

5) Any further info you might like to add that you think I should know about

Thank you so much.


Mich :D


1. To me, mine looks underprocessed, like frizzy or slightly wavey when wet (and dry if I dont flat iron)

2. I do it myself, the Motions Lye underprocesses me, when I used no-lye it was bone straight.

3. It's wavy when wet, but not as wavy as say Isis, just a slight wave, and its frizzy when dry if I dont use the right products and flat iron after rollersetting.

4. Maybe since 2004.

5. If you want to wear straight styles all the time, for me it is almost impossible without heat, but if you dont mind it being difficult to straighten then it maybe for you. For me, its much harder to handle than bone straight hair but maybe much easier to straighten than natural 4b hair.
Don't mean to hijack the thread, but I'm natural and doing a wash n' go is not the only option for us naturals. I ended up with tangled hair too with wash n' gos.

How can you not have enough time to invest in looking after your natural hair? You'll have to invest time in looking after texturized hair. You don't even have to fool with your natural hair on a daily basis if that's what you're thinking. And you can take care of kids with natural hair. You can take care of kids with any kind of hair. Why don't you leave your natural hair in braids, twists, cornrows, a bun, etc etc etc???

Just trying to understand your reasoning behind your decision to texturize because I don't see how having natural hair is the problem...
lonei said:

1. To me, mine looks underprocessed, like frizzy or slightly wavey when wet (and dry if I dont flat iron)

3. It's wavy when wet, but not as wavy as say Isis, just a slight wave, and its frizzy when dry if I dont use the right products and flat iron after rollersetting.

5. If you want to wear straight styles all the time, for me it is almost impossible without heat, but if you dont mind it being difficult to straighten then it maybe for you. For me, its much harder to handle than bone straight hair but maybe much easier to straighten than natural 4b hair.

WOW! same here.
I get drama from stylists because of this. Makes me afraid to go to any. :ohwell: I just don't want to hear their comments about it.
i feel your pain. i've been completely natural for six years now, but i'm getting tired. i'm considering texlaxing with elucence, but i haven't made up my mind yet. i'm still hoping someone will invent a new relaxer that isn't harsh on the hair...

off topic, lonei your hair is BEAUTIFUL!!!
VinDieselsWifey said:
i feel your pain. i've been completely natural for six years now, but i'm getting tired. i'm considering texlaxing with elucence, but i haven't made up my mind yet. i'm still hoping someone will invent a new relaxer that isn't harsh on the hair...

off topic, lonei your hair is BEAUTIFUL!!!

Thank you vdw
1) Is it the same as being texturised

Yes, texlaxed is just a play on words. It's all the same thing.

2) Do you do it yourself or go to a salon

I did it myself, but next time I'm going to have a stylist apply my Phyto.

3) How does your hair look after texlaxing? Curly or straight?

Curly when I want it curly, straight when I want it straight. I usually wear it wet styled, but a rollerset straigtens it right out.

4) How long have you had it texlax'd?

It'll be 1 year in June.

5) Any further info you might like to add that you think I should know about

I texturized after being natural and it made styling SO much easier. It shaved off time and money. I spent less time manipulating my hair and less money on product. I had to drench my hair in product as a natural. After the texturizer I just wet it w/ a spray bottle (or cowashed), applied a little gel, and off I went. It also makes the demarcation line less of an issue because the textures aren't as different.
1) Is it the same as being texturised

If a texturizer is a weak relaxer, then sure.

2) Do you do it yourself or go to a salon

I do it myself (profectiv no-lye regular relaxer)

3) How does your hair look after texlaxing? Curly or straight?

When wet, my hair loosely curly, wavy and when it dries, it is a 3a/3b.

4) How long have you had it texlax'd?

It will be two years this summer.
1) Is it the same as being texturised
I'm not sure. I'm still so new to this. All I know is that I'm not natural or fully relaxed

2) Do you do it yourself or go to a salon

3) How does your hair look after texlaxing? Curly or straight?
Curly but it's so much easier to straighten now. It stays straight until I wash it too!

4) How long have you had it texlax'd?
About 2 weeks now.

5) Any further info you might like to add that you think I should know about

Do what you think is best for your hair. I contemplated for months whether to texturize/texlax. I made the right decision. I loved being natural but the day to day styling was just too much. My hair was constantly wet because water was the only thing that made my hair look decent. I got tired of the gels. Braids/twists were never an option b/c I don't have the patience to do them. Extensions/weaves were out. Texlaxed/texturized hair is so much simpler for me. Good luck!
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Poohbear said:
Don't mean to hijack the thread, but I'm natural and doing a wash n' go is not the only option for us naturals. I ended up with tangled hair too with wash n' gos.

How can you not have enough time to invest in looking after your natural hair? You'll have to invest time in looking after texturized hair. You don't even have to fool with your natural hair on a daily basis if that's what you're thinking. And you can take care of kids with natural hair. You can take care of kids with any kind of hair. Why don't you leave your natural hair in braids, twists, cornrows, a bun, etc etc etc???

Just trying to understand your reasoning behind your decision to texturize because I don't see how having natural hair is the problem...

Hi Poohbear

The thing is I don't even have the time to experiment, seriously. I'll try something new on my hair, it doesn't work, and then it's like another week before I can have another go at styling it :lol: ..and so it goes on. I end up wearing my hair in a bun day in day out and that's it.

You're right about the fact that I am still going to have to style my hair when it's texturised....

I dunno...I will probably cornrow my hair for a while and think it over. :ohwell: