All My Progress...Up in Flames (a long vent)

Hair Peace

New Member

So I started taking down my twists Tuesday night to get ready for the reveal for the HYH til April Fools Challenge. The first set of twists I took out came out pretty easily…not much build up or matting. I took my time detangling and combing out my hair from shedding. I really don’t know how much to expect from shedding because I’m post partum, so it all just kind of blends in.

I started taking more twists down last night and I noticed I had clumps of hair coming out before I was done taking the twist out. I went and looked in the mirror and was horrified! One piece of my hair from the twist was about 3 inches shorter than the other. I took down a few more and my hair is like that in other places too. I had pieces of hair that are anywhere between 3-5 inches shorter than the piece next to it. I couldn’t understand it at first, but then it dawned on me… my hair was burned off! They used a lighter to “clean up” the twists, but I didn’t realize they had gone that far up the length of the twist. I just broke out in tears. Everything that I’ve done to help my hair grow…up in flames…literally.

I talked to several of my friends who’ve had their hair twisted about getting mine done before I got them, but nobody told me not to let them clean it up with the lighter. I remember a post on this board saying not to do it, and I asked why, but after a couple of days of checking to see if someone responded I never checked back again. I just did a search last night and saw that someone did (thank you rootdeep), but it was too late for me because the damage was already done.

I don’t know what to do next (after I stop crying). I had just reached APL before getting them done. I’m lucky if I’m collar bone length now. I go for my touch up on the 5th. I don’t know if I’ll be able to hide the shorter pieces and trim until they catch up, or just cut it even and start over. I know that it’s “just hair” and that it will grow back…but I just need to grieve right now.

Hair Peace said:

So I started taking down my twists Tuesday night to get ready for the reveal for the HYH til April Fools Challenge. The first set of twists I took out came out pretty easily…not much build up or matting. I took my time detangling and combing out my hair from shedding. I really don’t know how much to expect from shedding because I’m post partum, so it all just kind of blends in.

I started taking more twists down last night and I noticed I had clumps of hair coming out before I was done taking the twist out. I went and looked in the mirror and was horrified! One piece of my hair from the twist was about 3 inches shorter than the other. I took down a few more and my hair is like that in other places too. I had pieces of hair that are anywhere between 3-5 inches shorter than the piece next to it. I couldn’t understand it at first, but then it dawned on me… my hair was burned off! They used a lighter to “clean up” the twists, but I didn’t realize they had gone that far up the length of the twist. I just broke out in tears. Everything that I’ve done to help my hair grow…up in flames…literally.

I talked to several of my friends who’ve had their hair twisted about getting mine done before I got them, but nobody told me not to let them clean it up with the lighter. I remember a post on this board saying not to do it, and I asked why, but after a couple of days of checking to see if someone responded I never checked back again. I just did a search last night and saw that someone did (thank you rootdeep), but it was too late for me because the damage was already done.

I don’t know what to do next (after I stop crying). I had just reached APL before getting them done. I’m lucky if I’m collar bone length now. I go for my touch up on the 5th. I don’t know if I’ll be able to hide the shorter pieces and trim until they catch up, or just cut it even and start over. I know that it’s “just hair” and that it will grow back…but I just need to grieve right now.

:mad: :mad: :mad: This INFURIATES ME!! Why a "stylist" can't see that burning hair is in no way, shape or form healthy is beyond me. I am sooo sorry this happened to you, and I too have had my hair tore up from getting braids, although they just either cut or ripped my hair out with a rattail comb and hairspray.

Hopefully you'll be able to hide some of the damaged areas with protective styles instead of having to chop it all off.

Sending you a great big ole' cyber HUG:p . Girl your hair can only grow DOWN from here.
oh sweetie!!!! i'm so sorry to hear that you had to learn this lesson the hard way... where's a good hugging smiley when you need one?

maybe you can get some layers cut into your hair instead of cutting it all short... i can't tell what your hair looks like online obviously. but at least then you won't have to cut all your length, and it will look nice as it grows out?

i wish you the best of luck hon... i want to cry for you... :(
Wait, wait.
Someone used a LIGHTER on your HAIR???? Not synthetic hair but yours???
I am sorry, I am not trying to come off rude, but are you saying you needed someone to tell you *why* you shouldn't use a lighter on your hair??????:confused:
Or did I miss something?
I feel your pain and I am sooooooo sorry to hear this happened to you. I don't really have any suggestions but it really is just hair and it will eventually grow back. You may not even be able to tell after you get your relaxer and you can always twist it back up (without the lighter of course) eventually until it catches up.
mermaid said:
Wait, wait.
Someone used a LIGHTER on your HAIR???? Not synthetic hair but yours???
I am sorry, I am not trying to come off rude, but are you saying you needed someone to tell you *why* you shouldn't use a lighter on your hair??????:confused:
Or did I miss something?

I'm thinking they were synthetic twists where you need to use heat to seal the ends. You should use hot water, but lighters are often used b/c they are quicker. If you go up the braid a little it takes care of the scraggly hairs that are popping out of the braid. Evidently, the braider didnt exercise caution in determining the human hair from the synthetic.
candy1214 said:
I'm thinking they were synthetic twists where you need to use heat to seal the ends. You should use hot water, but lighters are often used b/c they are quicker. If you go up the braid a little it takes care of the scraggly hairs that are popping out of the braid. Evidently, the braider didnt exercise caution in determining the human hair from the synthetic.
That's what I'm hoping, that it was synthetic.
Back when I used synthetic hair for single braids, I would use a lighter on the ends- not anywhere close to my own hair, then I went to human hair then quit braiding altogether (arthritis is a mother!!) and never looked back.
I hope hope hope HP never EVER evereverever goes back to that so called "stylist".
mermaid said:
Wait, wait.
Someone used a LIGHTER on your HAIR???? Not synthetic hair but yours???
I am sorry, I am not trying to come off rude, but are you saying you needed someone to tell you *why* you shouldn't use a lighter on your hair??????:confused:
Or did I miss something?

Yea, braiders use lighters on the hair all the time after it is done. They use it to make the braids neat. And its only supposed to burn off the synthetic hair, but sometimes it can burn your real hair too.

OP, I had the same thing happen to me last yr. After I took my braids out, I had long, and short patches all over and was like WTF?:eek: I didnt realize until much later that it must have been because they used a lighter on my hair. So when I get braids in the future, I will either get styles where they dont use the lighter (like with human hair, micros) or I will just plainly tell them Africans dont you dare bring no lighter to my head, or I'll cut you!

What I had to do to get back to recovery is give myself a good trim, and put in a weave til it grew out. (I didnt like how short it was after the trim). Dont worry, it'll get better, just baby your hair, and make sure next time, never let em use the lighter, or the scissors either for that matter!
I am so so sorry to hear this. :( Unbelievable that the (stupid!!!) stylist would do that to you :mad:
I am so so sorry to hear this. :( Unbelievable that the (stupid!!!) stylist would do that to you :mad:.
Sorry this happened to you. Like some have said, it sounds like negligence.

You could sue her a$$ to, you know?
Hair Peace said:
I couldn’t understand it at first, but then it dawned on me… my hair was burned off! They used a lighter to “clean up” the twists, but I didn’t realize they had gone that far up the length of the twist. I just broke out in tears.

:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

I am so sorry.
I'm sorry that this happened to you. Like a pp mentioned, maybe you'll be able to have a good stylist cut some layers for you so you don't have to start over "completely". Good luck to you. I'm sure it'll grow back to a lovely state in no time.
Who one-starred this thread???:perplexed Ignore that OP, we want to learn from your experience and help you too.
That had happened to me about 3 1/2 years ago. It's actually how I found this forum, I was looking for some help. She saw hellified rage in my eyes when she tried to put a lighter to my head so she used scissors. My hair was almost bra strap length when I got the braids done and when I finally took the braids out, some of the hair in the middle of my head were about 2 to 3 inches. I vowed to never get my hair braided again! Most of the time the women who do the braids only have a breath of hair themselves and wear nothing but braids and weaves so they really don't care what happens to your natural hair. When I was shopping around, I had one lady tell me that she charges a certain price for a certain length of braids (a little shorter than armpit) and told me that she was going to charge me almost $100 more to braid the length of my hair or she could CUT MY HAIR TO SATISFY HER PRICE/LENGTH...I almost went postal up in there! I just say no to braids. To me, they do more damage than good when your trying to grow your hair out.

AND, my hair still hasn't fully recovered it's pre-braid thickness from all of the shedding after 3 1/2 years!!!!
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I couldn't agree more, Deon...

When I wore braids, I had interlocks. No stress and no problems.

All this burning and what not. Oh lawd, hell NO!
OMG I am so sorry that happened. I almost started crying when I read this (must be about to start my period). I don't know what to suggest. I just really feel bad for you.
THAT IS HORRIBLE!!! :mad: :mad: :mad: I can't believe this!!! I used to wear braids and always winced when the braider takes that lighter and starts burning hair and I know I smelled burnt hair. I am so sorry that this happened. But you don't have to cut it off. Clip the ends, keep them moisturized, protective styles.

Take care of yourself!;)
Blossssom said:
I couldn't agree more, Deon...

When I wore braids, I had interlocks. No stress and no problems.

All this burning and what not. Oh lawd, hell NO!

These were the best, easiest, most healthy style. I was so sad when they went out of style, I was one of the last to give them up:lol:
deontaer said:
When I was shopping around, I had one lady tell me that she charges a certain price for a certain length of braids (a little shorter than armpit) and told me that she was going to charge me almost $100 more to braid the length of my hair...I almost went postal up in there!

i had the same experience when i was first transitioning. then when i told the lady i'd just come back after i'd cut my hair short, she looked at me like :eek: and asked, "why would you want to cut your hair?"


and ITA with Blossom - sue!:mad:
This is why that I don't let too many people do my braids. If my sister can't do it, I will do it myself. I have heard so many horror stories about braiding. That leads me to monitor braiders really careful.

My sister use to use a scisor to make them look neat. She would only use a lighter where there was no human hair.

I'm sorry this happen to you. thanks for telling your story. Hopefully someone will learn from it.
CAPlush said:
These were the best, easiest, most healthy style. I was so sad when they went out of style, I was one of the last to give them up:lol:

I think I was too, Plush... I was ready for a change after almost 3 years of wearing them.

They were definitely the healthiest braids unless you had thicker braids that could easily be removed.

The worst braids to date are SINGLES! This woman my mother used to work with had below the shoulder length hair. She made the "fatal" mistake of having some singles put in her head; she couldn't get them out and had to cut all her hair off! :mad:
Keen said:
This is why that I don't let too many people do my braids. If my sister can't do it, I will do it myself. I have heard so many horror stories about braiding. That leads me to monitor braiders really careful.

My sister use to use a scisor to make them look neat. She would only use a lighter where there was no human hair.

I'm sorry this happen to you. thanks for telling your story. Hopefully someone will learn from it.

I also think some people have a hard time determining the natural hair from the synthetic hair. When you look at it, sometimes it looks exactly the same!

I hope other ladies will learn something from this horrible experience.
I am so sorry this happened to you. Hopefully you can get some pretty layers. As far as the "it's only hair"...only shmonly! It takes effort to have healthy hair. If your "stylist" (and I use that term in the LOOSEST since possible) had half decent hair she would have been more cautious. I would be willing to bet she had a hairline like a hare krishna:mad:!


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OMG ???!!! The stylist used lighter on your hair ! WTF with all that so-called stylist who are trying to mess up black hair ???!!!!
This stylist shouldn't exercise his job :mad::mad::mad:
I'm so sorry HP. This woman needs to be sued :mad: . With a good trim and extra'll be back at APL in no time.