
New Member
Okay ladies
I tried bunning for about a month
It was a long month
But I dont think I am benefiting from it
My bun gets frizzly looking and at night it feels like its hurting
BUT when I take it out at night it doesnt stay as tight looking for the next day
And I dont want to manipulate

How do you ladies bun?
How long have you been bunning?
Do you sleep with it in or out?
And, how do you keep your hair moisturized inside?

(I feel like everytime I dig my finger in my bun its dry and brittle, and when I take out my scrunchie it stays in position.. is this just me?)
I want to join the hide your hair until Xmas Challenge

How do you ladies bun?
Well I use a sock bun, when I bun my hair.
I use 2 silk trouser socks for the inner layer, and 1 cotton sock for the outer layer.
My ends are protected by the inner layer, so my ends dont dry out or get brittle.
I secure my bun with bobby pins, I find that it does a better job than ouchless elastics.

How long have you been bunning?
Since 2004.

Do you sleep with it in or out?

And, how do you keep your hair moisturized inside?
I always redo my bun, and moisturize my ends each time.
