All Fotki owners concerned with privacy


Well-Known Member
I received an email saying that Fotki has changed the "Share Feature" in albums. This allows anyone to Bookmark & Share your photos.

To turn it off you have to individually go into your Account Settings

Go to - My Account - General - Show "Add This" Button - Turn Off
I want to delete my fotki as well, but I have SOOO many pics on there that I would have to resize in order to transfer them all over to fabhairproject. So I'm probably going to keep my fotki but keep pics on it to a minimum, and no more face shots on it.
Does this website disable the right click and copy picture feature? That would be beneficial.

I tested it out, and I don't think it disables the right click option. But you have the choice of making your pics private and only viewable to the people on the site, or making the photos public, which carries the risk of photos being taken.
To disable the right-click option, you have to go to My Account and then under Settings go to Albums and change the option Sharing photos allowed for: (also enables right-click saving)

I've had mine set that way for quite a while now.
The fabhairproject site is really good. I started a fotki but I'm moving over to this one too. Does anyone have the link to the thread where the LHCF member told everyone about it?
To disable the right-click option, you have to go to My Account and then under Settings go to Albums and change the option Sharing photos allowed for: (also enables right-click saving)

I've had mine set that way for quite a while now.

Just checked mine, and mine is set that way as well. The only thing is that it only disables right-click saving for the full sized images. You can still right click and save the thumbnails. I just tested it out.
Just checked mine, and mine is set that way as well. The only thing is that it only disables right-click saving for the full sized images. You can still right click and save the thumbnails. I just tested it out.

Girl, I wouldn't fret too much. There's always PrintScreen, if someone really wanted to make a copy of your pics even if there was a way to disable right-clicking thumbnails. So the only way to keep your photos "safe" is to make your album Private so it's not even visible to anyone but you. And then you'd also have to never post your photos anywhere. Regardless of what album site you use, PrintScreen will always be available for folks that want to steal your pics. *shrug*
Fotki is not perfect but they do have excellent customer service.
And compared to the many other photo sharing sites I have tried, Fotki is the best so I don't mind paying for a premium account.
But thanks for the heads up Dak!
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Thanks for sharing.

I've been thinking of closing fotki as well. They really did it with me when they made it so you couldn't lock your albums.