All About Protein


Well-Known Member
Hello Lovely Ladies,
I've been a member to LHCF since Dec 2008 and i'm still lost as to what products have protein in it and how i could tell if a product has protein (ingredients). Hopefully this can be a central thread newbies and semi-newbies like myself can go to.
Can you ladies list the following for me?

Light, Medium, Heavy Protein:
Benefits of Product:
What can (insert product) be mixed with to make it da bomb!:

TIA :grin:
trendsetta, I'm sorry but I guess I don't know what it is you are looking for. At first I thought you wanted to know how to get in more protein - (food) then I finished your post.

There are so many pieces of advice regarding protein usage throughout this board I am surprised you wouldn't simply start with a search.

1. I suppose you should start off asking why do you want to begin using protein -

2. What is your current reggie, if you have one, and do your current products contain protein -- (follow up) if they do, what types of proteins, i.e. wheat protein, hydrolyzed wheat protein, soy, oat, keratin, collagen, placenta, etc. -- (follow up) and how does your hair feel after they are used

3. What is your hair's elasticity like right now? Is it easily snapped, does it stretch, does it stretch and then snap? If a strand test shows it gives some (dry) and then snaps - you have good elasticity, a good balance.

4. What are your short term hair goals?

These questions need not be answered here, answer them for yourself and it will help you decide what you are looking for. By asking such a generic question on the board, you would not be helping yourself. In fact, you could create an environment of damage.

Please read through the this thread -
HELP! Do I Have Too Much Protein In My Regi??

Thank you for all of the replies. Let me be more specific of what I need to know...

#1. Am I using too much protein in my regimen?
#2. What scientific terms do I need to look out for on all product ingredients, to help me identify them as being a protein?

In various threads I read that since OCT and MT are heavy in proteins, it is important to terminate using other products (conditioners, moisturizers etc) that contain protein in them.

My Regimen

Monday, Wednesday, Friday: Apply MT/OCT/Castor and Coconut Oil Mix to scalp

Tuesday’s and Thursday’s: Apply MN/Castor Oil/Peppermint oil Mix then spray my moisture mix (Glycerin/Rosewater/Hot Six Hair Oil/Coconut Oil) as a moisturizer (if needed) or S-Curl if i dont want my hair to be weighed down with oils

Wash Day
*Disclaimer: This wash day regi isn't done every week because i use weaves as a PS. The only time i use this regi weekly is when i relax (every 16 - 20 weeks) and i give my hair a break from weaves (the break usually lasts for 4-6 weeks and then i install my weave in). Hope this makes sense :perplexed

Friday (night):
1. Pre-poo night before wash day on dry hair with Amla oil (applied to hair and scalp). I then place a plastic bag on my head along with a wool winter hat (black) and leave oils in my hair overnight

1. Rinse Amla Oil then wash with a Suave Daily Clarifying Shampoo and then follow up with a moisturizing shampoo
2. DC with (ORS Hair Mayo, EVOO and honey):
•I warm this up in the microwave for 30 secs
•Apply to hair (I make sure my hair is saturated with my DC mix)
•Place my “Thermal Spa Heat Conditioning Cap” over a plastic bag
•Leave in for 30-45 mins
3. Rinse with cold water then run hair under iced cold water for 20 seconds
4. Co wash with V05 Moisture Milks
5. Apply Mane n Tail Leave in conditioner and air dry
6. Apply spray moisturizer mix seal with coconut oil and style.

I also use Roux Porosity Control Corrector Conditioner (PC), and am hoping to incorporate Oyin Honey Hemp Conditioner into my DC.

NOW I know for sure that Oyin and ORS both have protein (not sure about PC yet). Since I also use OCT/MT 3xs a week, is the level of protein in these products considered too much or "protein overload" for my regi???
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