AlfaParf Semi di Lino


New Member
Ladies, I just won an ebay auction for 15 sample packets of AlfaParf Semi di Lino...(I paid $7.00 (including shipping) for 5 packets of shampoo, 5 packets of conditioner & 5 packets of the Cristalli Liquid).

I will post a review in the near future. I've heard good things on this board about the Cristalli Liquid, but has anyone used the shampoo or conditioner?? How is it?? Thanks!
I'm not sure if it's Dominican or Italian, but it's a line of haircare products. I remember reading some rave reviews here and I've been wanting to try the Cristalli Liquid so I figured this was a good way to try it without paying the full price!! I think they carry the whole product line at

I was trying to do a search earlier but something must be wrong with the Search feature cuz it's giving me posts that have nothing to do with what I asked for!!!
its italian. i have the illuminating shine finish for fine hair. its great! although i dont like the smell much its not overpowering.
this has kept my rollerset silky through mist, rain, and wind. and my hair is still fluffy and bouncy after using it everyday with the shine that would come from a serum but not the weight. i really like this spray.
OK; I tried all my Semi di Lino products today and on the whole, I was pleased.

As for the shampoo, it left my hair feeling hard; after I rinsed it all out I looked at the ingredients and saw that it contains the dreaded SLS...

I also used the Illuminating Shine Mask with Karitex (whatever that is!!!) and it was OK. It didn't give me any slip though. I had to use my Aussie Slip Detangler, and that saved the day!!

I used the Cristalli Liquidi Serum on the ends of each section of hair as I roller set.

My hair came out nice; shiny & bouncy. I probably would not buy the shampoo or the conditioner, but the serum gets a

Oh, I should mention that all the products had the same distinct scent. Very perfumey, but very nice, I thought! To me it smelled like fresh laundry... or like laundry detergent... But my daughter thought it smelled like men's cologne!! I let her smell the serum packet and now she's in love with the smell (she says it smells like a boy she likes at school
)and she wants me to buy the full sized bottle...