Album before my BC


New Member
Ok I added a few new pics to my album...none are new to the recent pics but i have pics up from before I ever thought about doing a BC. My hair was relaxed and WL (though none of the pics show the full length) I will be adding some more so be sure to check up on the album.

pw- longcurls
cafeaulait5 said:
Ok I added a few new pics to my album...none are new to the recent pics but i have pics up from before I ever thought about doing a BC. My hair was relaxed and WL (though none of the pics show the full length) I will be adding some more so be sure to check up on the album.​

pw- longcurls​

First off, you are very pretty!!!

Now, really did the BC!!!! Your hair looks good short, but I'm almost certain that your hair will grow very fast so I will be watching your progress.

I think your hair looked great before, and it looks amazing after. See, it's LHCFers like you that are making me think about making the BC. For now thoough, I'll keep trimming as my hair grows.:ohwell: But one of these's going to all be gone! :lol:

But your hair looks great! Happy growing!
OK, Cafeaulait, remind me again why you chopped off that glorious head of hair? I love your baby curls, you do look cute no matter what length. But (WWWWAAA) why???? Please tell me it was to donate to Locks of Love...or I won't understand. *mourns the loss of a beautiful mane*
It makes my heart glad to see when people make sacrifices to help others. That is so awesome.:) Your hair will grow back fast. Congrats on your BC.:clap:
Congratulations on your BC! :yay: You and your hair are BEAUTIFUL! Hope you have fun on your journey to long natural hair! I'm sure you'll have waist length hair again in no time! ;)