ALBUM UPDATE: I did some highlights this weekend...


hair bored
Her ladies :wave:

I've gotten bored with my curls and decided to do some highlights this weekend after sitting on the fence for many months. Highlights ruined my hair when it was relaxed, so I've been nervous to try them on my natural hair, but I was so bored on Saturday that I decided to go for it! I used one of the highlighting kits by Loreal that has the highlighting cap. The color is supposed to be a honey blond, but it actually came out lighter IMO. My hair was straight when I pulled it through the cap b/c it never would have wroked curly. I was afraid of how it would turn out, so I only did the front and crown. I like it alot, but I need to add more to the back so it can look more even. I may still go to Curve or somewhere like that in the Spring and let then do it over. Anyways, the folder in my album is called "Highlights" so feel free to take a look!
Beautiful color!!! It looks great with your hair texture. :yep: Just wait until the summer comes and you'll look super hot with your highlights!!! :grin:
Your highlights came out nicely I want some color also I get bored with hair quickly but right now I am in braids so that is good to hold me for a minute. ANYHOO your hair is nice and full and the color is hott
I love the color soooo much, it is very pretty. I also had hilites when I was relaxed from Loreal, and my hair broke off. I am thinking about doing it again myself, but I may still make an appointment at Curve.
Thanks for the support ladies! :grin:

Someone asked what I used - it was L'oreal frost and Design Dramtic Blond Highlights (see the box below). The color was Caramel, and it was made for medium to dark brown hair. The kit worked very well for a home kit, and my hair felt good after I finished, not at all dried out or weak. You can process it anywhere from 20 - 70 minutes depending on your hair. I processed it for 50 minutes. I really like the results, but I'll probably still go get professional highlights, like I said before. I just wanted to see what they would look like before I go pay someone to do it, you know?

Someone else asked what I use to style my hair - I've got a very simple regime now. I CO wash daily, and when I'm gonna wear it out, I get out of the shower with sopping wet hair, apply Let's Jam Extra Strength gel all over (bending over so my head is down and scrunching toward my head like an accordian), then I add some Ampro Clear Ice gel for hold. The Jam seems to soften and moisturize my hair and the Ampro defines the curls very well, so this combo works for me. The last thing I do is squeeze out the excess water with a towel and give my hair a couple good shakes - it really let the curls fall naturally and it dries in a nice style. ;)
