Album Update - 1 yr


New Member
Alright ladies, I've finally updated my album. There is no big difference in my lengths though since the last update. Probably like an inch. But I still need to document it since it's officially a new year. The most growth I got this year was using Surge as is evidenced in my 2005 album. I had been using MTG but so inconsistently, you might as well say I didn't use it at all. I can't put it on everyday. It's too oily. So I'm going to try using Surge 2x daily again and maybe MTG 1-2x per week. I'm on the April stretch challeneg which will make it a 6 month stretch for me. I'm currently 8 weeks post.

I really having been paying alot of attention to my hair this year and don't plan on it this year. I've been washing about 2x per week and putting it into a bun. I airdy most of the time and rarely wear my hair down. I have been trimming my ends as needed, but not more than an 1 inch at a time. I didn't document my trims though. I hope to gain about 4 more inches my April (woohooooo). Hopefully Surge will help me get there. HHG to all in 2006 :)
i kept saying to myself, "when is this woman going to update her hair album." well, it was worth the wait.... your hair has nice length and nice thickness!!!!!very healthy looking.....
I see a continuation of your progress - longer, healthy and shiny hair! Beautiful too! :)
wow! your hair is long, thick and healthy! i hope to be where you are one day!

what type of surge do you use???
Very nice! You have made a lot of progress this past year. Waistlength here you come!!
Thanks for the encouragement ladies!! I hope I can get 6 inches this year.

@ Sherrylove - I've been waiting for you to update your album too :D

@ Sweetcaramel - I used the Surge Plus 14 spray

@ Honey_Jammz - guuuuuurrrrl, I would love to make it to waistlength this year. I'm keeping my fingers crossed.
wonderful progress and I see waist coming up in 2006! Thats nice start to the New Year though girl!!! Cheers!:alcoholic
Don't worry about keeping track of every inch -- your hair is definitely growing and that's all that matters. Your hair is so shiny and healthy in your Feb./Mar. comparison pics and you look marvelous....
Congrats on your progress!!!

Your hair is simply gorgeous!!!! Great job for you and your little one...
lala said:
Don't worry about keeping track of every inch -- your hair is definitely growing and that's all that matters. Your hair is so shiny and healthy in your Feb./Mar. comparison pics and you look marvelous....

Thank you! You are so on point with this. Shoot, I never thought I'd make it to brastrap. Anything from here will be icing on the cake. I really wouldn't care if I didn't make waistlength. If I could get mid back with a nice blunt cut, I'd be good to go.
LABETT said:
Your hair looks great,Are you still using Deep Brilliance and Kenra products.

I'm still using Kenra and Deep Brilliance. However, they're in rotation with my million other products :lol: I'm not washing my hair as much as I used to, so my products are lasting longer. My other favs are Aubrey Organics and Nacidit avocoado and olive oil conditoners. My goal this year is to use up all the products I have and stick to my favs. They're all qaulity products.
Your comparision shots are great! I missed your 'wash and go' update...I love it!