Air Drying


New Member
I am a 4a/4b relaxed (well underprocessed). I am wondering, when I actually do get my hair relaxed the way I want it (straight, but not bone straight) it should air dry not straight right? Well I'm quite positive that if I air dryed it would dry in a frizzy mess, but is there any way for me to put something on it to have it dry wavy? It should still have a little bit of curl and I was wondering if there is anyway to eliminate the frizz and keep the slight wave? In other words, is there any amount of STUFF
that I could put in my hair (without it being greasy) to lay down that frizz and allow me to air dry with no prob? I would love to air dry my hair more and not be forced to wet set or flat iron ALL the time. That would let me be able to wash it more often too because I know that it won't take as much time. I want shiny, silky, barely there waves without heat. Is that possible?
you should try braid outs. they give the hair a nice wave without the frizz. to keep the frizz from coming as the day goes on... that's where i've had my problems, but i've been experimenting with heavier products. i always thought they would weigh the hair down too much, but it has been working out. i started using the same products that i use on my hair when i wear the bun/phonytail.
With my being a 4a/4b, I also air dry my hair and I love it!! It's the best thing especially when it's summer time so I try to do it as often as I can. What I use after I wash and condition my hair is Profectiv Mega Growth (the yellow moisturizer). I apply it and comb it out with a wide tooth comb put it in a pony tail and go. It usually dry within 2 hours. But my hair feels soft and silky.
I always air dry my hair, but it looks best right after I get a perm. It doesn't dry frizzy but wavy. I actually took pictures of it after my last touch up. It does dry frizzy unless I've just gotten a perm. Here I just let it air dry. I didn't comb it or anything. I just put the clip in it. It stayed like that all day until I combed it. I have 4a hair, too.

I've been wondering about how my hair would look after air drying. I've experienced that wavy look after misting my hair (relaxed 3 days ago) with distilled water mixed with some essential oils. I have 4a type hair as well. I could only wonder how it'll look when I'm in need of a touch up though
lol. Thanks MissJ
go head, missj! your hair looks awesome! and it's so nice to put a face with the name!

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I second (or third) that!
I've had some luck with Sebastion Wet mixed with a little oil applied to my hair once it starts to dry but before it starts to frizz(I had to learn just when to apply it)...unless you hair dries thick(unlike mine) then you can apply it right away.