Air-drying process


New Member
hey ladies! i'm kinda new to this forum and i've been seeing a lot about air-drying... so I wanna get your opinions on what works for you so I can try it this weekend. i have type 4a/b hair just past my shoulders. I just got my Mizani touch-up two weeks ago. I wash my hair at LEAST twice a week and ususally put a Mizani protectant on my hair before I blow dry... I'm gonna wash it again tomorrow and wonder what i need to do to air-dry. I usually wear my hair flat-ironed but I wanna slowly get off of the flat-ironing and blow-drying for longer, healthy hair... please share your experiences with me!
Welcome to the forum! When air drying, I like to add pomade/shea butter on my hair while it is still wet. This helps to keep it moisturized. When I used to put it on after air drying, I didn't get good results. It would turn out frizzy. After air drying, I pin my hair up and put my bonnet on. I used to think that my hair would not turn out well without the blow dryer, but it actually comes out the same.
I take my hair out of the towel. I then spray with a detangling leave in and comb my hair with my comb. Then I add some oil to the length of my hair and that's it. But I think it's a big difference if you air dry to wear your hair down the next day or if you air dry it and then wear a protective style the next day. The choice of products is different I think.
I agree with what everyone else has said. One thing that always helps me air dry smooth is to:

1) do an ACV rinse
2) use a good serum when hair is wet (like the Got2B or John Frieda Texture Correcting serums).

After washing my hair I use WGO (wild growth oil) to my, then a pomade by Aura. I put my hair in a pony tail. I use a fine tooth comb to make sure all of my hair is as smooth as possible. If not it will come out fizzy. My hair comes out straight and mositurized.
I usually airdry my hair after rollersetting the hair. It tends to air dry quickly. I use mango butter, oil my scalp and use a leave in conditioner.
After I wash my hair, I towel dry it. I usually add a leave-in then put oil on my hair and scalp. I comb it and either braid it, put it in a bun or leave it loose.
After washing I will put in Giovanni Direct leave-in and let my hair dry a little (maybe ten minutes) before putting on a generous amount ORS Olive Oil lotion and Kemi Oyl. At this moment I am currently using the baggie method (you can do a search for this), so I follow the steps for this and I am done. I have also air dried using the ponytail method (you can use the search function for this also). To keep my ends smooth while drying this way, I simply apply more product while my hair is drying and smooth with a fine tooth comb.
I noticed If I want to keep my hair in protective style, I air-dry ponytail method. I put some razac, a little Lust, a little Giovanni, and and put my hair in a ponytail. when It's 20-30% dry, I put blue magic on the front, sides, back, and ends. I then tie a scarf just around the front and sides (the back is left exposed)my front dries nice and flat with beautiful little waves.

If I want to wear it out I'll roller set and airdry.

If and only if it's a special occasion, I dry under a hooded dryer for an extra smooth look.

as far as flat irons are concern, I don't know the definition of one since I've started this board.