Air Drying or Hair Dryer



I've read the threads about air drying but which is truly the healthiest method of drying for relaxed hair?

When I airdry opposed to using a hooded dryer, my hair feels as though it has retained more moisture :yep:

Lately I've been doing rollersets by airdrying and to me it is much better than sitting under the dryer and the end result is still straight or curly (depending on the size of the rollers) hair. If I need my hair to dry quick then I'll sit under the dryer but I like airdrying much better.

Airdrying in a ponytail is a different story...I can't do that any more :nono: Just rollersets.
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Well, I'm the type of person who combs everyday, I just cant leave my hair in a bun for days and not comb. That's just me. So after airdrying in a ponytail the next morning I would try to comb and style and end up w/breakage on top of breakage. So I stopped doing that and it's really helped because rollersets give my hair a smoother finish which is easier to comb through. And it's styled. :yep:
I believe airdrying is always best. I've recently experienced airdrying under a hood dryer on a cool setting (no heat) to speed up the process. It's the same as airdrying.

Also, I airdry (with or without the cool dryer setting) using the ponytail rollerset method.
Hair dryer for me. When I get better at rollersetting, I'll try an airdried rollerset to see if it makes a difference.
Hello, all! To answer the question, it seems that my hair looks healthier and shiner after airdrying. I will sometimes sleep in my rollers, take them out and wrap my hair for a few minutes to relax a little of the curl. I love the results!
ChosenbyGod said:

When I airdry opposed to using a hooded dryer, my hair feels as though it has retained more moisture :yep:

Same here.

I started airdrying during my relaxed days... I continued it through my transition & even now, that I'm natural. I've airdried over 2 yrs... my hair has simply THRIVED ever since :D
I prefer airdrying over a hairdryer these days. The bonnet driers gives pretty good results but my hair feels softer and actually has a sheen for the first time in my life since I have started to air dry more. As for the blow dryer it is simply a no no for me at this point. I used the blowdryer when I was at 14 weeks to blow out my new growth and my hair got straight but it didn't feel soft and the sheen was missing. Also, I saw plenty of broken hairs in the comb afterwards. The silk scarf trick works best for me.
I say air drying. I actually only used heat on my hair 5 times last year. Three times, indirect heat and 2 times, direct heat. My hair is very healthy.
TonicaG said:
ChosenbyGod: What happen when you airdry in a ponytail?

When I airdry in a ponytail/bun I get straight hair.

Lately I have been airdrying as my hair is very dry at the moment after taking down braids a few weeks back. I usually use the hair dryer once or twice a week but lately I have been airdrying and wearing wet buns.
I always air dry my hair because like all the girls mentioned, your hair retains more moisture than damaging it with the heat. Plus it's better for your hair. After doing my CW (for those who are new, Conditioner Wash), I apply my oils and leave ins all throughout my dripping wet hair. I put it in a ponytail, take a plastic fold over sandwich bag and cover my ends to retain moisture, and to prevent split ends. Afterwards, I sleep in a silk scarf or my satin durag. My hair feels so soft and smooth as of the result.

I think I'm going to try and find a set of satin rollers and just basically air dry my roller set. 'Sides, I don't own a hooded dryer. LOL!
I definitively chose the hood dryer, air drying is taking a full day and even if I do not hesitate to go shopping in rollers, this is not very confortable to stay a full day with a big set. As for sleeping in rollers, I have always been reluctant to it - I never slept well - and today I will not inflict this to my hubby.
Also I do not feel the hood dryer -even on a hot setting as I use - does damage my hair, as opposed to the hand dryer.
I stopped rollersetting during 1 and half year at the end of my studies, but the hair suffered from the brushings. So when my husband told me that he loved the style created by a rollerset I did in the salon at that time for a party, I happily returned to the weekly or twice a week rollerset. withy my hair length, it is a constraint beacuse of the size of the set and the time under the dryer, but overall it is the best compromise I have found. And my hubby loves my hair.
It depends on what hairstyle you airdry your hair in...

The only way I like to airdry my hair is if it's in rollers. But now with almost five months of newgrowth, I can't rollerset my hair. A braided ponytail has been working for me lately though.

Right now, I've been thinking about going back to blowdrying every 2 weeks. I'm sorry but protective styles aren't cuttin' it for me. I look like a little girl wearing buns and ponytails. I'm just going to take my blowdrying tips from kitchen_tician and use a lot of oil/grease! ;)
Poohbear said:
It depends on what hairstyle you airdry your hair in...

The only way I like to airdry my hair is if it's in rollers. But now with almost five months of newgrowth, I can't rollerset my hair. A braided ponytail has been working for me lately though.

Right now, I've been thinking about going back to blowdrying every 2 weeks. I'm sorry but protective styles aren't cuttin' it for me. I look like a little girl wearing buns and ponytails. I'm just going to take my blowdrying tips from kitchen_tician and use a lot of oil/grease! ;)

Make sure you use the oil and grease after you blow dry to 95% using some sort of protectant and then add the oil.grease to your scalp and blow dry for about 5 min. at the most. You dont want to add too much grease/oil to your hair because blow drying or flat ironing will cook the grease and cause damage to your hair. I learned that the hard way! Its not pretty!

Good luck!
I think it depends on YOUR hair. Some people's hair takes off growing when they begin airdrying. For some, airdrying causes too much tangling and leads to excessive breakage.

The most useful lesson I've learned about hair since being on the boards is there is no such thing as a "formula". Only slow trial and error will reveal what's best for YOUR hair.

Tracy said:
I think it depends on YOUR hair. Some people's hair takes off growing when they begin airdrying. For some, airdrying causes too much tangling and leads to excessive breakage.

The most useful lesson I've learned about hair since being on the boards is there is no such thing as a "formula". Only slow trial and error will reveal what's best for YOUR hair.


This is true, besides your hair changes all the time. Well mine does. Some days it just won't respond to certain products, some days it will.:ohwell:
Air drying has made my hair a lot healthier (I've been air-drying for about a year now), although I use a hooded dryer for occasional deep conditioning. Overall, using no heat appliances on my hair has made the biggest difference (1 year, 3 mos and counting).
Definitely air drying. I got a bonnet dryer and i tried rollersetting and the results were'nt that good so i guess i use the dryer for deep conditioning now. I also cant airdry in a pony tail, in fact, my hair is at a stage where it cant dry straight. So i just air dry it in a pony tail and after it's dry, then i do bantu knots.
I prefer to airdry my hair. The hooded dryer is fine if I'm in a rush but if
I have time I airdry in rollers . My hair feels much softer that way.
airdrying for sure, but if u r pressed 4 time, just et it airdry for a while and then blowdry it...that way you don't have to use as much heat. u could also get one of those fancy steam flat irons.
Airdrying for me has made such a big difference to my hair. It is so much softer, silkier and holds more moisture. When I airdry I use the rollerset method if I want my hair to be straight and the pony tail if I am just gonna wear it up in a bun.

As for the blowdryer - NO! NO! NO! I just remember this every time I wish I could blowdry for a quick solution: Heat = dry hair / Dry hair = split ends /Split ends = more trims /More trims = shorter hair!

I know that the rollerset method is time consuming but if u plan it well its no so bad. By plan I mean this - I make washing my hair the FIRST thing I do!!

I was my hair twice per week Sundays and Wednesdays. On Sundays the first thing I do after breakfast is wash my hair, then I rollerset it and continue with my day - laundry,cooking ,cleaning the house etc, then I take them out and I am free to go outdoors in the afternoon or evening if I need to.

On Wednesday evenings when I come in from work, again the first thing I do is wash and rollerset my hair then while it is drying I cook, watch tv etc. It is dry by the time I am ready for bed so I take the rollers out and wrap it with my scarf and in the morning when I wake up - voila! Silky straight , soft hair.
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I used to airdry and my hair did much better than when I used a blow dryer. But I've been roller setting w/heat for the past seven months and my hair is doing even better. With airdrying I had to trim my ends every three months, with roller setting I am going on six months and still do not need to trim it.

Everyone is different. For me roller setting with heat works best.
air drying causes less breakage for me...when i use a hair dryer my hair ecomes dry and very fragile...and my hair seems to thrive when i dont use any heat at all :)
Jewell said:
Air drying has made my hair a lot healthier (I've been air-drying for about a year now), although I use a hooded dryer for occasional deep conditioning. Overall, using no heat appliances on my hair has made the biggest difference (1 year, 3 mos and counting).
When you say no heat does this include with deep conditioning? I deep condition under a heating cap for about an hour to 90 minutes (this is when I add up the time I spend on pre and post poo deep conditioners( twice a week. Is this too much heat? Aside from that I have been doing the no heat thing so far.